Arcade Mame CO-OP Playthroughs / Walkthroughs HD
7 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Classic arcade games, played through by the male and female duo Pugman and Chippants, with lighthearted, laidback, chilled commentary
Vigilante. Arcade. Complete Playthrough. Commentary. Lets Play. HD - PugmanPlays
PugmanPlaysThe Skinheads and Giant Devil "Egg" have kidnapped Madonna! Normally this would not be a cause for concern... but Pugman will not stand for any rascals causing trouble on the streets of New York in this 1988 Arcade treasure by Irem, Vigilante. It's time once again for them to kick and punch their way through crowds of unruly ne'er-do-wells to bring peace to the restless city. Let's play! Lighthearted banter. Website ► http://www.pugmanplays.com Rumble ► https://rumble.com/c/PugmanPlays Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pugmanplays Your Support is appreciated. #vigilante #mame #arcade #pugmanplays Vigilante is a 1988 beat 'em up arcade by Irem, and published in North America by Data East. It is a spiritual sequel to Irem's Kung-Fu Master. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. All videos fall under the fair use policy of copyright.12 views 1 comment -
Battlezone (1980). Arcade. Lets Play. Commentary. HD - PugmanPlays
PugmanPlaysAre you ready for another state of the art high tech gambit from Atari? Then strap on your goggles and helmet and step into the green outlined world of Battlezone the arcade released in 1980. Chippants will be driving Pugman (mad) and the mind blown peoples through this fantastic piece of nostalgia that feels like it engineered by Lockheed Martin and still used today to train combat soldiers to victory. Let's roll! Website ► https://pugmanplays.com Rumble ► https://rumble.com/c/PugmanPlays Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pugmanplays Your Support is appreciated. Battlezone is a first-person shooter tank combat game released for arcades in 1980 by Atari, Inc. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. All videos fall under the fair use policy of copyright.19 views -
Night Slashers. Arcade. CO-OP Complete Playthrough Commentary. Lets Play. HD - PugmanPlays
PugmanPlaysTime to get slashy and kicky in the middle of the night! Pugman puts on his Sunday best pair of underwear and Chippants comes armed with her knowledge and love of horror movies in this 1993 terrifying arcade by Data East, Night Slashers. Mummies, Zombies and Pinocchio himself make an all-star appearance in this spooky side scrolling beat 'em up. Pugman gives Death a good slap in the face and says "NOT TODAY". Get your hands warmed up because we are all going to take a little page from Pugman's book. Let's play! Lighthearted Commentary. #letsplay #arcade #mame #retro #pugmanplays #chippants #gaming #nightslashers Website ► http://www.pugmanplays.com Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/pugmanplays Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pugmanplays Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/pugman.plays Your Support is appreciated. Night Slashers (ナイトスラッシャーズ) is a 1993 beat'em up arcade game by Data East. Also released on the Nintendo Switch. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. All videos fall under the fair use policy of copyright.7 views -
NARC. Arcade. CO-OP Complete Playthrough Commentary. Lets Play. HD - PugmanPlays
PugmanPlaysHave you ever wondered what the best thug busting outfit should be? How about a sleeve-less puffer jacket with motor bike helmet? Pugman and Chippants slip on their gear and prepare to bust some narc labs guarded by slave doggies and ran by Dog the Bounty Hunter himself in this 1988 run and gun arcade classic by Williams Electronics, NARC! Mr. Big and his disgusting floppy tongues will be no match for Max Force and Hitman! Let's bust some dealers! Lighthearted Commentary. #letsplay #arcade #mame #retro #pugmanplays #chippants #gaming #NARC Website ► http://www.pugmanplays.com Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/pugmanplays Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pugmanplays Rumble ►https://rumble.com/c/c-1245704 Your Support is appreciated. Narc is a 1988 scrolling shoot-em up arcade game designed by Eugene Jarvis for Williams Electronics. Narc was ported to the Commodore 64, Atari ST, Amiga, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, and NES. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. All videos fall under the fair use policy of copyright.44 views -
Vendetta. [Crime Fighters 2]. Arcade. CO-OP Complete Playthrough Commentary. Lets Play. HD
PugmanPlaysThe Dead End Gang are about to get renamed to Deadie by Pugman and Chippants Gang! Kate Cutie gets into abit of bother and only the Cobras' can bring her home in this 1991 beat-em-up arcade by Komani, Vendetta. Blood, Hawk, Boomer (not pugman!) and Sledge will then have to decide if Katie Cutie gets to stay in the Cobras' because her name just isnt tough enough! Let's get cracking! Lighthearted Commentary. #letsplay #arcade #mame #retro #pugmanplays #chippants #gaming #vendetta Website ► http://www.pugmanplays.com Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/pugmanplays Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pugmanplays Rumble ►https://rumble.com/c/c-1245704 Your Support is appreciated. Vendetta, known in Japan as Crime Fighters 2 (クライムファイターズ2), is a 1991 side-scrolling beat-'em-up arcade game developed by Konami. It is the sequel to 1989 Konami's Crime Fighters, All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. All videos fall under the fair use policy of copyright.97 views -
U.N. Squadron. [Area 88] Arcade. CO-OP Complete Playthrough Commentary. Lets Play. HD - PugmanPlays
PugmanPlaysEveryone strap on their parachute and safety goggles because gambling, alcoholic Chippants don't gamble in the air with her life and neither does Pugman aka Micky Simon, the man with two first names in this 1989 side scrolling shooter Arcade by Capcom, U.N. Squadron. Quarters at the ready, people. It's time to light up the sky! Lighthearted Commentary. #letsplay #arcade #mame #retro #pugmanplays #chippants #gaming #unsquadron Website ► http://www.pugmanplays.com Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/pugmanplays Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pugmanplays Rumble ►https://rumble.com/c/c-1245704 Your Support is appreciated. U.N. Squadron is a 1989 side-scrolling shooting game released by Capcom for the arcade and for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was released in Japan as Area 88 All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. All videos fall under the fair use policy of copyright.8 views