Yes, Pfizer and Moderna can be sued for vaccine injuries — here's how
Rebel Newshttp://NoMoreShots.ca | Support our work and learn more Visit Rebel News for more on this story ► https://rebelne.ws/4ctYoI1 Despite popular belief, pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca can be sued, at least if the legal action is brought on by Canadians. During his speech at the Reclaiming Canada Conference, Umar Sheikh, a Victoria-based human rights lawyer, explained how despite being told the vaccine makers had liability immunity, his firm has taken on cases against the jab makers. ►https://www.RebelNews.com for more great Rebel content. Unlike almost all of our mainstream media competitors, Rebel News doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on our generous audience to help keep us reporting. Please consider supporting Rebel News by making a donation, purchasing a RebelNews+ subscription, shopping in our online store, or any of the other methods below: ►Support our independent journalism - https://rebelne.ws/donation ►We accept cryptocurrency! - http://rebelne.ws/crypto ►Rebel News Plus - Become a Premium Content subscriber - https://rebelne.ws/plus ►BUY Rebel News gear - https://rebelne.ws/store ►LISTEN to our FREE podcast - https://rebelne.ws/podcast Follow Rebel News Canada on social media: FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/jointherebel/ TWITTER - https://twitter.com/rebelnews_ca INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/rebelnews_ca/ ODYSEE - https://odysee.com/@RebelNewsCanada:3 MINDS - https://www.minds.com/rebelnews_ca/ Make sure to follow Rebel News' main channel on social media too! FACEBOOK - https://rebelne.ws/fbook TWITTER - https://rebelne.ws/twitter INSTAGRAM - https://rebelne.ws/Instagram PARLER - https://rebelne.ws/parler Follow all of our YouTube channels here: Rebel News - https://rebelne.ws/RebelNewsYT Rebel News Australia - https://rebelne.ws/RebelNewsYT-AUS Rebel News USA - https://rebelne.ws/RebelNewsYT-USA Rebel News Español - https://rebelne.ws/RebelNewsYT-Espanol Rebel News UK - https://rebelne.ws/RebelNewsYT-UK Rebel News Québec - https://rebelne.ws/RebelNewsYT-Quebec Ezra Levant - https://rebelne.ws/EzraLevantYT Avi Yemini - https://rebelne.ws/AviYeminiYT An original video production by Rebel News.38.3K views 66 comments