War Against the Deep State with Col John Mills | Right Now with Ann Vandersteel
Freedom First Networkhttps://annvandersteel.com https://annvandersteel.substack.com https://RightNow.News HARD HITTING TRUTH AND PERSONAL IMPACT STORIES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE SPECIAL GUEST: COL JOHN MILLS (RET) https://gettr.com/user/ColonelRETJohn https://substack.com/@colonelretjohn https://www.amazon.com/Against-Deep-State-John-Mills/dp/B0CK3H51Y2/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1694490414&sr=8-1 SHOW DESCRIPTION: The war against the deep state is daily. From elections, to media, to health, military, surveillance, law, courts and Hollywood. The people continue to fight back, but against who? How do we win? Colonel Mills delivers significant experience in Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) cybersecurity, technology, and critical infrastructure programs. He has worked extensively in train and equip efforts using Foreign Military Sales (FMS), foreign military financing, ITAR, and international military education and training, and builds public-private defense and technology industrial base partnerships, including helping establish the DoD’s Development Innovation Unit (DIU) in Silicon Valley. Prior to joining The SPECTRUM Group (TSG), Colonel Mills served as the Director for Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. His work included creating and implementing the first DoD and intelligence community (IC) scorecarding initiative, boosting whole-of government cybersecurity and multidomain responses to threat actor and nation hostile actions. Colonel Mills’ 33-year U.S. Army and Army Reserves career culminated in his serving as a senior liaison between DHS and DoD for complex homeland security operations. Earlier, he helped establish and advise foreign national military and security forces in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Bosnia, South Korea, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His roles spanned joint and inter-agency operations, psychological operations (PSYOP), intelligence activities, special operations, strategic planning, and public affairs. In addition to his work at TSG, Colonel Mills serves as an adjunct assistant professor for the Cybersecurity Law and Policy program at the University of Maryland, Global Campus. KEY WORDS: ANN VANDERSTEEL, JOHN MILLS, DEEP STATE, INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, JOHN BRENNAN, JAMES CLAPPER, SUEZ CANAL, BEN GURION, GOLD, BRICS, CCP, RUSSIA, IRAN, COMMUNISM, NATO, UKRAINE, RUSSIA, BRICS, GOLD, VENEZUELA, TACTICAL CIVICS, INSURRECTION, STOLEN ELECTION, TRUMP, BIDEN. WE ARE BEING INVADED. WILL YOU STAND AND DEFEND OUR REPUBLIC? PLEASE SUPPORT GiveSendGo.com/BurningEdge OPERATION BURNING EDGE is a serious operation studying the negative impacts and downstream carnage caused by the Biden policies and illegal unconstitutional border migration forever changing the tapestry of America. Cartels are in control of the border running drugs, people and disease into America. Zoonotic disease are jumping from people to animals and back again leaving our cattle industry very vulnerable to slaughter as TB is making a comeback into humans and animals. The U.S. government is funding this invasion and aiding and abetting the trojan army being installed in America. You can support this work at GiveSendGo.com/BurningEdge. Stay tuned for daily updates weeknights on Brighteon TV at 8pm and Rumble and the rest at 9pm. Please consider supporting Operation Burning Edge: https://givesendgo.com/burningedge Famed war correspondent, Michael Yon, and I are organizing a Southern border Expedition in Texas and Panama for the months of August/September. We have the top of the line gear and security for this entire trip filled with migrant encounters, helicopters, fixed wing aircraft, Law Enforcement, Customs and Border Patrol, Congressman and more who all want to learn from the intel gathering we will be doing in the field. Live reporting daily from the field with the latest on the invasion and who is behind it along with who is REALLY TRYING to stop it. HELP US COVER THE INVASION: - Top of the line Military Grade Communications, Gear, and Accommodations - Military Grade Communications Gear for ground-to-ground, ground-to-air, and satellite comms. - Starlink for broadband communications and broadcasting - Various sensors, including $500,000 cooled thermal camera attached to an $80,000 fifty-foot mast. - Image intensifiers, handheld thermal scanners, high quality low-light optics including the most modern optics platforms. - IR spotlights & detectors - Helicopter coverage - Multiple aviation options including helicopters and various fixed wing aircraft allowing for video capture and real-time thermal imaging. - Advanced drone technology with FAA certified Drone pilots. - Advanced audio and video equipment for discreet and overt audio/video capture - Multiple vehicles, RVs, and staff with military trained security Follow Michael & Ann on Twitter https://twitter.com/Michael_Yon https://twitter.com/annvandersteel LIVE: BRIGHTEON.TV 8PM ET SPONSORED BY: MAKE HONEY GREAT AGAIN: https://MakeHoneyGreatAgain.com PROMO CODE: AV RICHARDSON NUTRITIONAL STORE – LAETRILLE / APRICOT SEEDS FOR HEALTH https://RNCStore.com PROMO CODE “AV” SATELLITE PHONE STORE https://sat123.com LIGHTS OUT BEEF https://LightsOutBeef.com C60 EVO -My health and beauty secret! https://www.c60evo.com/annvandersteel/ PROMO CODE “EVAV” 10% FOR RADIANT ENERGY & MENTAL FOCUS, INCREASED FLEXIBILITY, IMMUNITY & LONGEVITYàFOR PEOPLE & PETS ALIAS ID https://AliasID.com PROMO CODE “AV” MY PILLOW https://MyPillow.com PROMO CODE “AV” EMF DEFENSE https://www.ftwproject.com/ref/470/ STREAMING 8PM ET https://RightNow.News STREAMING 9PM ET CLOUTHUB https://clouthub.com/c/gyFG3mMS RUMBLE https://rumble.com/AnnVandersteel/live GETTR https://gettr.com/user/annvandersteel FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ann.vandersteel YOURNEWS https://yournews.com/area/videos/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/annvandersteel EMAIL RightNowAnn@protonmail.com SNAIL MAIL Ann Vandersteel ℅ P.O. 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