Kurohyou 1
73 videos
Updated 1 year ago
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Kurohyou: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinshou
GekokujoWarGaming(K1 Part 1) Black Jaguar/Black Panther: Like A Dragon's New Chapter. For my tastes and proclivities, this is one of the best games ever made. With that being said, Japan is a very different place to America (where I"m from) and I'll try to keep all the English speakers on the same page here, but some things will go over a Westerner's head. Don't feel left out, it's just a different culture altogether. So for now, high school is one of the most important parts of a Japanese person's life and even bringing it up in conversation means business. Tatsuya, Yusuke, and Tenma went to high school together are are plannnig something big.30 views -
Dragon Heat
GekokujoWarGaming(K1 Part 2) Wow, Tatsuya has really done it now. His friends aren't there to help him out here either because he ran them off. For those unfamiliar, the Yakuza are similar to the mafia but not really. The Yakuza as a group join for more of a sociatal, or status ladder thing in Japan, more so than to be known as bad guys, though they are that too. Not all Yakuza are evil, but bad guys certainly. Most of the time, if you leave them alone they will leave you alone.13 views -
GekokujoWarGaming(K1 Part 3) I hate that godless heathen Saki, Taizan is ok I guess, and I am well aware Tatsuya is a tough sell as a main focus of the story but trust me, this is a very interesting story. Tatsuya just has to stretch his legs a bit at the beginning here, so to speak. {Editors' Note: Mr. DJ Announcer-san is the main character of the story. Fight me.}10 views -
The Great Escape
GekokujoWarGaming(K1 Part 4) Tatsuya is a fucking legend for even having this idea at all. It's so good, y'all. {Editors' Note: A quick note about something that will come up later, Christianity is not accepted culturally in Japan. It is heavily implied throughout the story and the diolague that Patriarch Kuki, Tatsuya, Mr. DJ Announcer-san and a few other characters are Christians which leaves them open to legal discrimination in Japan. Because there isn't freedom of religion there, Christians can legally be denied apartment leases, entrance to entertainment venues, and being allowed to eat at restaurants. Someone wearing a cross or talking about big G God in pleasent conversation there is a huge deal, and it's kinda nice to see part the congregation that far East.}11 views -
Hanging Out With Mr. DJ Announcer-san
GekokujoWarGaming(K1 Part 6) Yurika is another godless heathen that gets on my nerves anytime she is in scene, and I'll get to Hyuga Sho later on. I swear I love women, that's just how things are panning out here. Also, Taizan, that Tomoki bloke did teach me something, I never want to lose again, and thanks for teaching me how to box. {Editors' Note: There is some talk here about how Tatsuya is on probation and was in juvie (Juvenile Detention). To explain that a little, in Japan you aren't considered an adult until age 20. I believe Tatsuya is between age 17 and 19 based on context clues in the story because it is never stated outright. If he faliled a grade in school or was held back 1 year he can easilty be 19, I choose to belive he is 19 years old here to make some of the feats of sheer toughness and strength believable.}11 views -
NIght On The Town
GekokujoWarGaming(K1 Part 7) This style of boxing (my favorite of all martial arts) is really working quite well against the common hoods around here. {Editors' Note: Kamurocho (some people will call it Kamuro, it's the same place) is the setting of this title. It's based on a real place in downtown Tokyo that is a red light district and entertainment area of town that even locals don't really go to or through because of how rough it is in that part of town. I've heard Tokyo is sort of like New York City in America, if that helps any.}18 views -
Sho Time
GekokujoWarGaming(K1 Part 8) Hyuga Sho is an asshole that only cares about doing his own thing, getting laid, and talking trash. He is indeed a Judo practitioner. All Tatsuya has to do is trust in his boxing skills and he will prevail. [Editors' Note: These Japanese women don't like anything, damn.}15 views -
GekokujoWarGaming(K1 Part 10) Mr. Yuya is a brawler from the main Yakuza series that is making a special guest appearance here. He's super cool and an O G. {Editors' Note: Baseball is huge in Japan, like yuge. The Japanese love baseball almost as much as Americans.}10 views