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Updated 6 months ago
Why are they spraying our skies?
Why in the World are They Spraying? 2 GeoEngineering Chemtrails Documentary
Awakening World - Truth & Secrets RevealedWhy in the World are They Spraying? 2 GeoEngineering Chemtrails Documentary Please Like, Share and Subscribe! It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up! 👉 WATCH Climate Change, Geoengineering, Chemtrails Secrets Here: http://skieswatch.com 👉 BREAKING Awakening Secrets You Need To Know ASAP! Click Here: https://greatawakening.io 👉 Real Great Awakening Daily News! Join Our Telegram Here: https://t.me/greatawakeningworld 👉 Stay Safe, Secure & Anonymous Online. Get Your FREE VPN Here: https://greatawakening.world/vpn geoengineering , chemtrails , haarp , global warming , weather modification , agenda , earth , nwo , weather manipulation, cloud seeding , lookup , truth seeker , truth , new world order , research , wedonotconsent , weather warfare , geoengineered sky , chemtrail spraying , lies , geoengineering watch , nasa , depopulation , project bluebeam , sky , climate change , awake qanon, wwg, trump, wga, maga, thegreatawakening, q, kag, pizzagate, draintheswamp, darktolight, obamagate, covid, donaldtrump, deepstate, conservative, savethechildren, pedogate, fakenews, qarmy, truth, usa, makeamericagreatagain, redpill, adrenochrome, pedowood, republican, wakeup, epstein, america23.2K views 24 comments -
What in the World Are They Spraying? GeoEngineering Chemtrails Documentary
Awakening World - Truth & Secrets RevealedWhat in the World Are They Spraying? GeoEngineering Chemtrails Documentary Please Like, Share and Subscribe! It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up! 👉 WATCH Climate Change, Geoengineering, Chemtrails Secrets Here: http://skieswatch.com 👉 BREAKING Awakening Secrets You Need To Know ASAP! Click Here: https://greatawakening.io 👉 Real Great Awakening Daily News! Join Our Telegram Here: https://t.me/greatawakeningworld 👉 Stay Safe, Secure & Anonymous Online. Get Your FREE VPN Here: https://greatawakening.world/vpn geoengineering , chemtrails , haarp , global warming , weather modification , agenda , earth , nwo , weather manipulation, cloud seeding , lookup , truth seeker , truth , new world order , research , wedonotconsent , weather warfare , geoengineered sky , chemtrail spraying , lies , geoengineering watch , nasa , depopulation , project bluebeam , sky , climate change , awake qanon, wwg, trump, wga, maga, thegreatawakening, q, kag, pizzagate, draintheswamp, darktolight, obamagate, covid, donaldtrump, deepstate, conservative, savethechildren, pedogate, fakenews, qarmy, truth, usa, makeamericagreatagain, redpill, adrenochrome, pedowood, republican, wakeup, epstein, america25.3K views 44 comments -
GeoEngineering Chemtrails Truth EXPOSED! Weather Modification is Real!
Awakening World - Truth & Secrets RevealedGeoEngineering Chemtrails Truth EXPOSED! Weather Modification is Real! Please Like, Share and Subscribe! It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up! 👉 WATCH Climate Change, Geoengineering, Chemtrails Secrets Here: http://skieswatch.com 👉 BREAKING Awakening Secrets You Need To Know ASAP! Click Here: https://greatawakening.io 👉 Join the Wisdom Academy and Get the Book & Course of Wisdom Here: https://awakeningsecret.com 👉 Join Our Telegram for Great Awakening Daily News: https://t.me/greatawakeningworld 👉 WATCH MORE Plandemic Documentaries Here: 🍿 https://greatawakening.world/plandemic1 👉 WATCH Vaccines Truths and Secrets Here: http://waccines.com 👉 Stay Safe, Secure & Anonymous Online. Get Your FREE VPN Here: https://greatawakening.world/vpn geoengineering , chemtrails , haarp , global warming , weather modification , agenda , earth , nwo , weather manipulation, cloud seeding , lookup , truth seeker , truth , new world order , research , wedonotconsent , weather warfare , geoengineered sky , chemtrail spraying , lies , geoengineering watch , nasa , depopulation , project bluebeam , sky , climate change , awake qanon, wwg, trump, wga, maga, thegreatawakening, q, kag, pizzagate, draintheswamp, darktolight, obamagate, covid, donaldtrump, deepstate, conservative, savethechildren, pedogate, fakenews, qarmy, truth, usa, makeamericagreatagain, redpill, adrenochrome, pedowood, republican, wakeup, epstein, america NASA, fake moon landing, qanon, wwg, trump, wga, maga, thegreatawakening, q, kag, pizzagate, draintheswamp, darktolight, obamagate, covid, donaldtrump, deepstate, conservative, savethechildren, pedogate, fakenews, qarmy, truth, usa, makeamericagreatagain, redpill, adrenochrome, pedowood, republican, wakeup, epstein, america21.1K views 19 comments -
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Vows To Stop Chemtrail 'Crimes'
Sunfellow On COVID-19RFK Jr. Vows to STOP Chemtrail “CRIMES” - Media Blackout The Vigilant Fox September 1, 2024 https://vigilantfox.news/p/rfk-jr-vows-to-stop-chemtrail-crimes Chemtrails have been repeatedly attacked as a crazy “conspiracy theory,” but anyone who has been paying attention knows that our skies have not looked the same for years. Beautiful blue skies that we enjoyed so much in our childhood have often become hazy, littered with these long white stripes that seem to stay put, then evolve into a monstrous cloud cover that blankets the sky. This phenomenon has a name. It has many, actually, but the most common tagline given to it is chemtrails, which is short for chemical trails. Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington has been fighting to expose the “poisoning of our skies” for decades. He insists, “What we’re seeing in our skies are not condensation trails… they are sprayed particulate trails.” Watch our exclusive interview to learn the disturbing truth. See also: Geoengineering Watch https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ The Dimming https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/ Climate Change Playlist https://rumble.com/playlists/aOHjbvgWLO8 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos on this Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/playlists/HJb11HpZcKw Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President https://www.kennedy24.com/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On X https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Rumble https://rumble.com/c/RFKjr Children's Health Defense Website https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ Children's Health Defense On X https://twitter.com/ChildrensHD Children's Health Defense On Rumble https://rumble.com/user/childrenshealthdefense The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book) https://amzn.to/3uqbOR0 The Wuhan Cover-Up: And The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Book) https://amzn.to/494KmtZ Vax-Unvax: Let The Science Speak (Book) https://amzn.to/4bRUWqF8.14K views 38 comments -
USAF Veteran Blows Whistle: Chemtrails Op Has Target Kill Rate of 86%
The People's VoiceReceive up to $10,000 in free silver: https://colonialmetalsgroup.com/tpv or call 888-351-2043 - Save 15% off Liver Medic's Leaky Gut Repair using code 'peoplesvoice' - visit: https://livermedic.com/step/leakygutspecial/ - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet Kristen Meghan was an environmental specialist nine years into her career with the US Air Force when she decided to debunk the chemtrail conspiracy theory. She thought the idea was insane. Why would we use hazardous chemicals in our atmosphere, poisoning the earth and humanity? But instead of debunking or disproving the conspiracy theory, her research from within the Air Force revealed that chemtrails were a conspiracy fact – and her own office was playing a key role in the secret operations. After a lot of sampling and investigating, Kristen blew the whistle and got out, emerging with a wealth of invaluable information about chemtrails, weather modification, the role of HAARP, and the evil agenda of the elite.223K views 156 comments -
Chemtrails Here is your PROOF 100 Real MUST WATCH
Public video collectionDr. Roslyn Peterson discusses the consequences of geoengineering on our planet at a United Nations meeting.106 views 1 comment -
Why in The World Are They Spraying?
FreedomMovementThis documentary is an investigation into all aspects of the phenomenon of chemtrails. Over the past decade and more, long white trails emanating from jet planes have been seen lingering in the skies all over the planet, often expanding and merging to form vast swathes of artificial cloud cover. Our instincts tell us that these are not mere condensation trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the question--why are they doing this? ... One answer is that Bill Gates has been spending tremendous amounts of money to implement sun dimming projects around the world. His "Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment" or SCOPEX for short, is a partnership with Harvard scientists to strategically injection particles into the atmosphere to block the sun's rays. Sunlight is essential for human health, and vitamin D deficiency is one of the main reasons why so many people are suffering from infectious disease. ... Plants also depend on sunlight and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. By reducing sunlight and carbon dioxide levels globally, SCOPEX would severely alter or decimate plant-based (all) food webs, agriculture, food security and ecosystems. These are just a few of the reasons why Bill Gates' sun dimming project was halted by the Swedish Space Agency in 2021. ... More Information on SCOPEX... https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-02-03-scientists-trying-to-stop-bill-gates-sun-dimming-experiment.html ... SEMPER LIBERTAS https://FreedomMovement.info377 views 1 comment