06-21-24 ||||| *BLIND* Chewing Bubble Gum ||||| Duke Nukem 3D World Tour (1996 / 2016)
OhHiMark1776HERE ON RUMBLE! Come chat and enjoy the gameplay. Doom-like Playlist: https://rumble.com/playlists/Vks6rIYUXu8 https://twitter.com/Oh_Hi_Mark_17 https://truthsocial.com/@Oh_Hi_Mark_17292 views 4 comments -
06-20-24 ||||| *BLIND* Ok I like this game now ||||| Selaco (2024)
OhHiMark1776HERE ON RUMBLE! Come chat and enjoy the gameplay. Doom-like Playlist: https://rumble.com/playlists/Vks6rIYUXu8 https://twitter.com/Oh_Hi_Mark_17 https://truthsocial.com/@Oh_Hi_Mark_17249 views 3 comments -
06-13-24 ||||| *BLIND* L for Lost ||||| Selaco (2024)
OhHiMark1776HERE ON RUMBLE! Come chat and enjoy the gameplay. https://twitter.com/Oh_Hi_Mark_17 https://truthsocial.com/@Oh_Hi_Mark_17238 views 2 comments -
06-06-24 ||||| *BLIND* Battle Babe Shooter ||||| Selaco (2024)
OhHiMark1776HERE ON RUMBLE! Come chat and enjoy the gameplay. https://twitter.com/Oh_Hi_Mark_17 https://truthsocial.com/@Oh_Hi_Mark_17382 views 2 comments -
*BLIND* ~ P O W ~ ||||| 02-03-24 ||||| ULTRAKILL (2020)
OhHiMark1776Ultimate fish-eye boom n' shoot. Come chat and enjoy the gameplay. https://twitter.com/Oh_Hi_Mark_17 https://truthsocial.com/@Oh_Hi_Mark_17234 views 4 comments -
*BLIND* Ultimate Slides ||||| 11-03-23 ||||| Severed Steel (2021) - CounterStrike2 (2023)
OhHiMark1776Come chat and enjoy the gameplay. HERE ON RUMBLE! Trying out Severed Steel and playing CounterStrike2 twitter.com/Oh_Hi_Mark_17 truthsocial.com/@Oh_Hi_Mark_17 The views and opinions expressed on this channel (including comments, chat, and voice chat) are those of each individual and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of OhHiMark1776.773 views 4 comments -
*BLIND* Cartoon DOOM-like ||||| 01-21-24 ||||| Forgive Me Father (2022)
OhHiMark1776Modern Doom-Like shooter. Not being tentacled.573 views 2 comments -
*BLIND* Build that Engine Ion Maiden... ||||| 09-08-23 ||||| Ion Fury (2019)
OhHiMark1776Modern DoomLike shooter. From 3D Realms and Voidpoint. Checking out this homage to an earlier time401 views 1 comment -
*BLIND* DOOM-like... *slurp slurp slurp ||||| 09-01-23 ||||| Blood: Fresh Supply (1997, 2019 Remaster))
OhHiMark1776Old School DoomLike shooter remastered. Pocket full of shotgun shells and a lighter with full fluid (you know... for the flame thrower)463 views 3 comments