Trump Baffles Lib Media By Actually Answering Questions (Ep. 2396) - 01/08/2025
The Dan Bongino ShowFor show notes, visit https://bongino.com/ep-2396-trump-baffles-lib-media-by-actually-answering-questions Check out our Clips channel for video highlights https://rumble.com/BonginoClips Sign up to receive Dan's daily newsletter at https://bongino.com/newsletter/ Trump held a presser yesterday and answered a lot of the media's questionsabout the viral ideas he has come out with, and the reporters could not handle it. In this episode, I've got a follow up to the J6 bomber scandal as well as more information on all of Trump's promises for when he gets in office. The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy-to-read format to assist the public in getting accurate information. https://bonginoreport.com/ Find official Dan Bongino Show merch at store.bongino.com Please subscribe to the podcast at: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t... Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dan-bongino Join Dan on Twitter @dbongino Truth Social @dbongino Follow him at: Facebook @dan.bongino Instagram @dbongino Locals @dbongino Email us at info@bongino.com1.54M views 4.87K comments -
FLASHBACK: Adam Carolla Says LA Fire Department Made Him Wait 7 Years Due to Race and Gender
The Daily CallerComedian Adam Carolla shared this story during the “Challenges to Freedom of Speech on College Campuses” hearing back in 2017. Watch 'Cleaning Up Kamala' here: https://cleaningupkamala.dailycaller.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=cleaning_up_kamala Join our WhatsApp channel! https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaskY5l05MUZazYGbk1n Become a Daily Caller PATRIOT: https://dailycaller.com/subscribe/ Visit our website: https://www.dailycaller.com Check out our Twitter: https://goo.gl/fnYe4v And Facebook: https://goo.gl/W5junb Or follow on Instagram: https://goo.gl/mhVr1Y #wildfire #california #la #losangeles #palisade #palisades #fire #politics #conservative #woke #liberal #politicalnews #news #breakingnews3.78K views 2 comments -
WATCH: Netanyahu Gives Remarks on Arrest Warrant
The Daily CallerWatch the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu give his remarks on the arrest warrant. Watch 'Cleaning Up Kamala' here: https://cleaningupkamala.dailycaller.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=cleaning_up_kamala Join our WhatsApp channel! https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaskY5l05MUZazYGbk1n Become a Daily Caller PATRIOT: https://dailycaller.com/subscribe/ Visit our website: https://www.dailycaller.com Check out our Twitter: https://goo.gl/fnYe4v And Facebook: https://goo.gl/W5junb Or follow on Instagram: https://goo.gl/mhVr1Y #israel #israelhamaswar #gaza #breakingnews #election2024 #dailynews #viralvideos #palestine #politics #dailycaller #20248.62K views 85 comments -
Documentaire Nitrogen2000: het Nederlandse stikstofbeleid vanuit internationaal perspectief
BLCKBXNederland staat internationaal bekend om zijn efficiënte landbouw, maar het huidige stikstofbeleid zet deze sector onder druk. Nederlandse veeboeren beheren ongeveer 70% van het land, maar de overheid streeft ernaar om 50% van de boerderijen op te kopen. Dit beleid is gericht op de bescherming van Natura 2000-gebieden, waarvan er 162 in Nederland liggen. Maar hoe problematisch is stikstof echt? Stikstof vormt 68% van de lucht die we inademen en speelt een cruciale rol in plantengroei, zoals zichtbaar bij koeienmest. Toch hebben de Nederlandse en EU-regeringen stikstofuitstoot als schadelijk verklaard en een fonds van € 25 miljard opgericht om landbouwgrond aan te kopen – met belastinggeld. Kritiek op dit beleid wijst op de sterke invloed van NGO-lobby’s en het gebruik van computermodellen, die vaak onbetrouwbaar blijken. Is het stikstofbeleid werkelijk gericht op natuurbehoud, of speelt er meer? Sommigen vermoeden dat het gaat om landverwerving en sociale controle, verpakt in een milieuvriendelijk narratief. De vraag blijft: hoe verhouden de belangen van boeren, burgers en natuur zich tot elkaar in dit complexe dossier? En wat betekent dit voor de toekomst van de Nederlandse landbouw? Waardeer je deze video('s)? Like deze video, abonneer je op ons kanaal en steun de onafhankelijke journalistiek van blckbx met een donatie ➡ https://www.blckbx.tv/doneren Wil je op de hoogte blijven? Telegram - https://t.me/blckbxtv Twitter - https://twitter.com/blckbxnews Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/blckbx.tv Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/blckbx.tv LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blckbxnews/ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@blckbx.tv5.11K views 2 comments -
Insurance Companies CANCELED Policies Months Before LA Wildfires, They KNEW It Would Happen
TimcastIRLInsurance Companies CANCELED Policies Months Before LA Wildfires, They KNEW It Would Happen Watch the full episode here: https://youtube.com/live/D4b-FT5cMNE SUPPORT THE SHOW BUY CAST BREW COFFEE NOW - https://castbrew.com/ Sign Up For Exclusive Episodes At https://timcast.com/ Merch - https://timcast.creator-spring.com Hosts: Tim @Timcast (everywhere) Phil @PhilThatRemains (X) Ian @IanCrossland (everywhere) Serge @SergeDotCom (everywhere) Guest: Nick Shirley @nickshirleyy (X) Nick Shirley is a 22-year-old content creator and social media influencer known for his on-the-ground reporting and interviews, with a significant following across platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Podcast available on all podcast platforms!33.1K views 164 comments -
Viewers cancer experiences, Ivermectin and Fen ben
Dr. John CampbellViewers share their experiences of their approaches to cancer treatment. Ivermectin I am a stage IV metastatic prostate cancer survivor 5 1/2 years now. Menbendazole, ivermectin, atorvastatin, metformin....PSA went from 1900 to undetectable for past 4 years. Oncologist couldn't care less I am still alive. How can we get the word out faster? My friend's dad had terminal bladder cancer and had months to live. He started taking ivermectin and now he's cancer free within six months. we have the right to eat sugar, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, etc. BUT oh NO...don't take a drug we can't make into MONEY! I believe right to try should not apply to only terminal patients. But it's a start. My wife just died from cancer. The Drs refused to give her ivermectin. Whatever happened to "your body"? Not to be sarcastic, but I really mean that. I first became aware of Ivermectin in 1977 when I was working at a local feed mill, farmers would mix in Ivermectin, which came in 50 lb. bags, in their cattle feed to keep the cows from getting worms! My dad had TB and the docs were arguing cos it hadnt been trialled. He said ill try it I'm desd anyway and signed for He was the first test case for streptomyacin and survived another 60 years. Exactly - why the heck should anyone lord it over desperate people Of course, you are correct. Can you imagine the mindset of someone who does not agree with this? Pure tyranny. Government should not interfere with being born or dying. These experiences are right out of the hand of God. Fenbendazole (Fen ben) Fenbendazole gave a friend 5 more years, she’d been directed to hospice, 30 days later 100% cancer free with fenbendazole. I have high grade DCIS (Ductal carcinoma in situ), I’ve been using fenben and ivermectin for 6 months and have shrunk my tumour by over a cm My husband is taking febendazole. He has glioblastoma, stage 4 brain tumor....He was having terrible seizures until he started taking this. Hasn't had one in 16 months. Also now at 3 years with this terminal condition and outlived his 12 months prognosis massively. And he remains well. The tumour simply isn't growing Fenbendazole cured my dog of "terminal" squamous cell carcinoma. FANTASTIC stuff!!!!! My dog had 2 months to live, I gave her fenben and 2.5 years later she's FINE!!!! My Mum was given 6 months to live in March, with pancreatic cancer. Refused all treatments and took 222 mg of Fenbendazole 6 days per week. 8 months later is still healthy and tumour has not increased in size. Doctors not interested to know how this happened because she didn’t want their treatments. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I had bladder cancer. I had surgery to remove the tumor. Did six BCG treatments. Never had chemo or radiation. And I started taking fen. Ben. When I went back for my 18-month checkup they thought it came back. They found something in my bladder. They did biopsies. The biopsies all came back negative. Surgeon had them retested because he was convinced that what he saw were cancer cells. Biopsies came back negative. I know that Fen Ben has kept me cancer free now for 2 and 1/2 years. Thank you for sharing this information. I share it with people that are diagnosed with cancer … I had a friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer, had chemo, had radiation and he started taking this. His last checkup. He was told things are in remission and he is singing again. There is an easy way to handle this. My beloved dog was diagnosed 2 years ago with terminal cancer that had spread widely. She was given at best 6 months, yet she is still with me and happy and healthy. I put her on FenBen right after the diagnosis and I give full credit to the FenBen for her still being here enjoying a good quality of life. No real side effects that I've noticed, perhaps some watery stools on occasion. Last year, I was diagnosed with a small grade 1 uterine cancer, this was done via biopsy. They gave me quite a bit of time between the diagnosis and my surgery for hysterectomy. They didn't seem to have a big sense of urgency. So I decided to see what I could do on my own to help this. So I started some natural therapies and also added the Panacur (Fen Ben). About 2 and half months later I had my surgery. They test whilst on the table and also test lymph nodes to make sure all is clear. My pathology report was all clear, no cancer at all! I was the luckiest girl at the cancer center that day. They surmised that the biopsy removed the cancer. That could be true but what are the chances? It could be the initial biopsy was wrong, or the Panacur worked. But who knows? Thank you Dr. Campbell for spreading the word. My cat has lymphoma and my vet said (almost 5 years ago now) that he should be put down because he only had weeks to live. Took him home and researched and found out about fen ben and he’s doing good! I continue supplements and fen ben38.2K views 228 comments -
The War on Ivermectin | A Conversation with Dr. Pierre Kory
Kim IversenThe Kim Iversen Show LIVE | June 30, 2023 Dr. Pierre Kory, M.D. - President and Chief Medical Officer of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance https://flccc.net Dr. Kory's new book detailing The War On Ivermectin https://www.amazon.com/War-Ivermectin-Medicine-Millions-Pandemic/dp/151077386X/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1688155338&sr=8-1 Begin investing in gold today through **Birch Gold!** Get your free info kit on how to start investing in gold and securing your future by visiting [https://www.BirchGold.com/Kim](https://www.BirchGold.com/Kim) Meet your daily fruits and veggies goal! Get 15% off your first order of any **Field of Greens** products by using the promo code “KIM” at [https://www.fieldofgreens.com](https://www.fieldofgreens.com) Become a member of my LOCALS community where you will gain access to exclusive content, behind-the-scenes videos, valuable information, and even connect with me personally and others as well. It's a great way to support my independent media channel while receiving more content. Click the button to join! You can become a FREE member or a paid subscriber. Sign up for my FREE email newsletter here to get notifications of livestreams and segments: [http://KimIversenemailsignup.com](http://kimiversenemailsignup.com/) (I will never spam you or sell your info)138K views 579 comments -
Blckbx Classic #1 "Overheid offert 520.000 levensjaren!” blijkt uit WOO verzoek van ex CBS directeur
BLCKBX3,5 jaar geleden al weer interviewde Flavio Pasquino ex CBS directeur Jan van der Zanden toen bleek dat de overheid begin 2020 al kennis had dat de lockdown meer schade zou opleveren dan dat het levens zou redden. Een onvergefelijke daad die tot op de dag van vandaag nog geen gevolg heeft gehad en je doet afvragen of gerechtigheid nog wel bestaat. Hoe zat het ook alweer? Oud CBS directeur ad interim Ir. Jan van der Zanden diende in september 2020 een WOB verzoek in bij het Ministerie van Economische Zaken & Klimaat om inzicht te krijgen in de kosten/baten analyse van de overheid t.a.v. de Lockdown in maart van dat jaar. 8 juni 2021 ontving hij de stukken en de data waren ronduit schokkend want daaruit bleek dat de ambtenaren een Lockdown ontraadden aangezien er per saldo 520.000 gezonde levensjaren (qaly’s) verloren zouden gaan. Minister Eric Wiebes Toenmalige minister van EZK Eric Wiebes heeft de documenten gezien - blijkt uit de interne stukken - en heeft dus kennis gehad van de pijnlijke feiten en dan rijst natuurlijk de vraag wat er met deze kennis is gedaan? Heeft Wiebes deze informatie overgebracht aan het kabinet? Wist Mark Rutte ervan? En waarom is de koers niet bijgesteld nadat deze informatie voorhanden was? Ir. Jan van der Zanden Ingenieur Jan van der Zanden heeft als ad interim directeur leiding gegeven aan een grote tak binnen het CBS maar ook bij de Kamers van Koophandel was hij actief op directie niveau. De statisticus en cijferman benadert de zaken graag rationeel en denkt daarom voornamelijk in qaly’s. “Dat lijkt misschien kil maar er is niets zo humaan als deze utilitaristische benadering van een kosten/baten afweging. Qaly’s zijn namelijk niet discriminerend, niet subjectief en daarmee de meest egalitaire manier van beleidmaken die voor handen is. En daarom wordt deze rekenmethode ook al sinds de jaren 80 gehanteerd door overheden” legt de bevlogen rekenmeester uit aan programmamaker Flavio Pasquino. “Er wordt in deze crisis vanaf het begin gewerkt volgens het beginsel van de “Rule of Rescue” en dat is heel even te begrijpen maar daarna moet de ratio terugkeren en utilitarisme weer gaan domineren ten einde de juiste keuzes te maken voor de gehele volksgezondheid en niet enkel de Covid-19 patiënten”, aldus Van der Zanden. Qaly Qaly’s zijn dan ook de meest objectieve rekeneenheid om termen als “nevenschade” en “disproportionaliteit” enige waarde, context en inhoud te geven omdat ze anders sentimentele woorden blijven die niets meetbaars uitdrukken waarmee een zinnige afweging kan worden gemaakt qua kosten en baten. Prof. Dr. Damiaan Denys In de uitzending tonen we ook een fragment van de EO (NPO) waarin psychiater en filosoof Damiaan Denys de term “sentimenteel individualisme” uitlegt aan oa. SP fractievoorzitter Lillian Marijnissen die dichtbij de Brabantse Corona brandhaard in Uden woont en vanuit emotie de crisis benaderde in dit programma. “Exemplarisch voor Rule of Rescue-gedrag waarbij vrijwel iedereen aan de tafel geen oog leek te hebben voor het grotere geheel”, legt Pasquino uit die een verwijzing maakt naar onderstaande link om de integrale clip te bekijken. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Pv__4RzRxJA Bronnen: WOB verzoek aanvraag, EZ stukken en achtergrondartikel over o.a. “Rule of Rescue”, alternatieve beleidsopties van EZ en uit de literatuur. Tevens links naar de gebruikte wetenschappelijke literatuur in de video vind je hier: https://janvdzanden-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/jan_janvdzanden_onmicrosoft_com/EiYK7Q4Za8ZJiB-a5JxJMncBzNlTCwlyfvkqVuLcydOi6A?e=mFcvNU Paper “Shepley Orr & Jonathan Wolff”: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11238-014-9434-3 RIVM Rapport 2020 Nevenschade: https://www.rivm.nl/documenten/rapport-2020-0183 Artikel Parool over WOB verzoek Ir. Jan van der Zanden: https://we.tl/t-6pZu84d1ZI https://www.parool.nl/nederland/ministerie-van-economische-zaken-verzette-zich-tegen-intelligente-lockdown~b8f9bffb Video “De Vodgasten” over reanimatie klein meisje: https://youtu.be/a5SVtIfJrYo Rapport Gupta Group: https://gupta-strategists.nl/storage/files/200514-Uit-de-wurggreep-van-corona.pdf Rapport Algemene Rekenmaker 8 april: https://we.tl/t-28tTZcdcoA Jij kan helpen met een donatie maar ook door deze video te delen op social media en/of via Whatsapp, telegram, signal, messenger, what ever...als de video maar zoveel mogelijk mensen bereikt. Doneren kan via https://blckbx.tv/doneren Waardeer je deze video('s)? Like deze video, abonneer je op ons kanaal en steun de onafhankelijke journalistiek van blckbx met een donatie ➡ https://www.blckbx.tv/doneren Wil je op de hoogte blijven? Telegram - https://t.me/blckbxtv Twitter - https://twitter.com/blckbxnews Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/blckbx.tv Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/blckbx.tv LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blckbxnews/ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@blckbx.tv4.76K views 3 comments -
"Liars, Cheats, and Crooks" by Five Times August (Official Lyric Video) 2024
FiveTimesAugust"Liars, Cheats, and Crooks" is out now on all digital music providers! Get it: https://songwhip.com/fivetimesaugust/liars-cheats-and-crooks -- Featuring Pete Parada on drums (The Defiant/Offspring), Mark White on bass (The Spin Doctors), and producer Greg Camp (The Defiant/Smash Mouth). Follow Five Times August online: http://fivetimesaugust.com https://x.com/fivetimesaugust http://facebook.com/fivetimesaugust http://instagram.com/fivetimesaugustt Lyrics: You want me scared, You want me weak You want me brain dead and asleep You want us trapped while you all laugh behind the scenes You want us sick You think we’re dumb You want us blind and you want us drugged You want us poor while you get more of everything But you don’t get to tell me what to think and what to do No, you don’t get to tell me what is true ‘Cause you’re just liars, cheats, and crooks You change the rules and you burn the books And so I don’t believe a single word you say You’re all liars, fakes, and cons We want you out and we want you gone So don’t believe this time you’ll get away You want us tricked You want us numb You want us scared and you want us stung You want us shot and you want us bought in every way You want our minds You want our time You want us framed up in your crimes I hope you know that it’s time to go and we’re taking names ‘Cause you don’t get to tell us what to think and what to do No, you don’t get to tell us what is true ‘Cause you’re just liars, cheats, and crooks You change the rules and you burn the books And so we don’t believe a single word you say You’re all liars, fakes, and cons We want you out and we want you gone So don’t believe this time you’ll get away ‘Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies La la la la la all your lies You don’t get to tell us what to think and what to do You don’t get to tell us what to think and what to do You don’t get to tell us what to think and what to do ‘Cause you’re just liars, cheats, and crooks You change the rules and you burn the books And so we don’t believe a single word you say You’re all liars, fakes, and cons And we want you out and we want you gone So don’t believe this time you’ll get away ‘Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies We see la la la la la all your lies we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies We see la la la la la all your lies You’re just liars, cheats, and crooks You change the rules and you burn the books And so we don’t believe a single word you say You’re all liars, fakes, and cons We want you out and we want you gone So don’t believe this time you’ll get away ‘Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies La la la la la all your lies ‘Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies La la la la la all your lies ‘Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies La la la la la all your lies ‘Cause we see la la la la la la la la la all your lies La la la la la all your lies #FiveTimesAugust #LiarsCheatsAndCrooks #newmusic4.67K views 15 comments -
SHOCKING PROOF: How Google Manipulates 92% of Elections Worldwide w/ Dr. Robert Epstein
Man in AmericaSTARTS AT 10PM ET: Join me live for an important discussion with Dr. Robert Epstein. America's Digital Shield: https://americasdigitalshield.com/ Win 5 oz of free silver: https://maninamerica.com/win/ To learn more about investing in gold visit - http://goldwithseth.com, or call 720-605-3900 For high quality storable foods and seeds, visit http://heavensharvest.com and use promo code SETH to save 15% on your order. Save up to 66% at https://MyPillow.com using Promo Code - MAN LISTEN VIA PODCAST: Apple: https://apple.co/3bEdO1S Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3u9k8Vd Podbean: https://bit.ly/3A4Jasy iHeart: https://bit.ly/3npOBea FOLLOW AND WATCH: Website: https://maninamerica.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/maninamerica Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@maninamerica Banned.Video: https://banned.video/channel/man-in-america Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/ManInAmerica YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/maninamerica Gab: https://gab.com/ManInAmerica Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManInAmerica Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/maninamerica Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManInAmericaUS Parler: https://parler.com/user/ManInAmerica SafeChat: https://safechat.com/channel/2776713240786468864 Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maninamerica2 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maninamericaus107K views 193 comments