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SMALL GROUP (CWC) | Series 6: Disappointment

6 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Hello! We're Nathan & Lacey Steel, your small group relational discipleship coaches. Whether your small group consists of couples, individuals, or just you, we want to help you develop healthy communication and build meaningful connection with the people in your life. ABOUT THE CURRICULUM Each Coaching with Cultivate (CWC) video comes with discussion questions that will take you deeper into the concepts presented — giving you clear, practical steps to implement into your relationships or circumstances. We highly recommend going through these series in a small group setting (with 6-8 other people). However, individuals have also seen the benefit of simply sitting down and going through these videos and discussion questions themselves. So whether your small group is located in Homer, Alaska; Westport, Ireland; or somewhere in between, this curriculum can benefit you. ABOUT THIS PLAYLIST In this playlist series, you will learn how to grieve loss, resolve disappointment, and release anxiety. You will also discover that God's desire for you is to live an abundant life with a mind that is at peace.
  1. CWC | Dealing With Feeling Powerless | Cultivate Relationships
  2. CWC | Perception Is Reality | Cultivate Relationships
  3. CWC | How To Cope With (And Prevent) Anxiety | Cultivate Relationships
  4. CWC | Messing Up God’s Plan For You | Cultivate Relationships
  5. CWC | Resolving Disappointment | Cultivate Relationships
  6. CWC | Resolving Loss & Grief | Cultivate Relationships