The UN's [Death] Pact for the [Globalist] Future
The Official Corbett Report Rumble ChannelSHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: https://corbettreport.com/un-death-pact/ Next week, a gaggle of globalists will descend on the UN to rubber stamp the Pact for the Future, a new kleptocrat wishlist laying out their goals for global government and universal neofeudal enslavement. What, you didn't think the UN was an innocent organization devoted to world peace, did you? Well, you certainly won't after this weeks edition of The Corbett Report podcast. United Nations delenda est. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SHOW NOTES WITH LINKS TO ALL OF THE ARTICLES, VIDEOS AND WEBSITES MENTIONED? HOW ABOUT COMMENTS? THEY’RE AT THE CORBETT REPORT WEBSITE! JUST FOLLOW THE “SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS” LINK ABOVE TO GO THERE DIRECTLY. CSID: 243aa75954e4d48c Content Managed by ContentSafe.co22.5K views 120 comments