The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion | Bolshevik Manifesto
Agenda 21 | 2030 | 2050Without a doubt the most important book in the last 200 years. There is a force who has an insatiable thirst for global domination. Everything happening now that defies all logic, it's them and their construct that's in-play. The Satanic jews Plan to Take Over the World. They are the Synagogue of Satan. The NWO / jew World Order who have made Satan their king and worship him. They follow their master plan the Talmud book. They have been working for over 1500 years to produce these protocols to take over the world and enslave humanity. Ever wonder why the jews have been kicked out over 1000 times from different countries and States?113 views -
The Protocols Of Zion | The Jewish Global Power Mechanism Explained
Agenda 21 | 2030 | 2050By: Jeff Kutzler This video covers the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (a gang of ruthless terrorists who wish to enslave all goyim a.k.a. non-jews) and how they are being applied in real life. Books: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion https://mega.nz/#F!clYiGSyL!UJj-fSOCgz3p0spxOdSodQ there are a few different editions, varying no. of pages. (note i have not included the word ‘learned’ since as someone once said, the animals that follow these protocols are savages). The Polish people had a saying ‘The jew cries out in pain as he hits you.’ think about that the next time you hear a jew crying out in pain (ie holocaust, persecuted, anti-semite, etc), whilst simultaneously he is trying to control you. Word of the year: Sayanim – ‘Jews living outside Israel that volunteer to provide assistance to the Israeli Mossad. Includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of sayanim in the hundreds of thousands.’89 views