12/12 - AI Chatter - Ryan Veli
natural intelligencehttps://alienevent.com/ ALIEN EVENT SPEAKER INTRO FOR: ALIEN EVENT, LOS ANGELES COSMIC FLEET GATHERING EVENT, Expo/ Conference APRIL 11-14, 2024, LAX SONESTA HOTEL Website: https://Alienevent.com ET DISCLOSURE, SECRET SPACE, AI REVOLUTION, UFOLOGY, ALIENTOLOGY & TECHNOLOGY Amazing 4-day Disclosure event with over 1000 attendees, over 69 speakers with 8 Ballrooms covers 4 events with one ticket over 100 lectures, workshops, panels plus 49 Exhibits in Health and wellness and Technology, 2 nights of dinner Banquets with dance and networking, one tickets covers all for Alien Event/ BIOMED Health Expo/ AIEXPOCON & Alchemy event. Sonesta Los Angeles Airport LAX, 5985 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045. ***TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/alien-event-los-angeles-tickets-722917705317272 views 2 comments -
'Where We Go One We Go All' by Mr Goode
Mr Goode MusicPlease support Mr Goode here - Paypal: https://paypal.me/mrgoodemusichttps://givesendgo.com/MrGoodeMusic?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=MrGoodeMusic All music written, performed & produced by Mr Goode - self-funded + your generous donations. [This music requires headphones or speakers with adequate bass - best played LOUD] Please download // share! 🔥 *** UPDATE: New edit of this song coming soon - remastered with 'divided we fall' lyric. DOWNLOAD HERE: [iTunes] https://music.apple.com/gb/album/where-we-go-one-we-go-all/1644783007?i=1644783011 [Amazon] https://amazon.co.uk/music/player/albums/B0BF44D69L?marketplaceId=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&musicTerritory=GB&ref=dm_sh_w1XCjR33aSNgXZt7lz3IlN00a&trackAsin=B0BF4G7PBF RUMBLE VERSION HERE: https://rumble.com/v1lk8pp-where-we-go-one-we-go-all-by-mr-goode-live-studio.html Follow channel for new releases & please leave a comment. Follow me on Telegram here: https://t.me/businessoftruth1.58K views 3 comments