Adam Charles Hovey-Too much not too loud enough
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicOne of my new old songs! According to Bandcamp, it was released on September 3, 2016. I'm not the least bit sorry for how loud it is! If y'all are curious about the meaning, ask. Don't forget to share! There is percussion, but not the easiest to hear. I chose the name because it is VERY loud. Share with your friends! Better yet, share with your enemy! And, if you want to know how you can help me out, check this out; givesendgo.com/adamsmedicalbills And this; https://catholicismnewsandwhatever.locals.com Mixed using audacity before it became a total pain to use! Yes, I quoted the Bible, if you're curious what version; https://ignatius.com/ignatius-bible-rsv-2nd-edition-ib2h/ It's the one in closest proximity to me at the time the song was made (I think) Equipment used, https://www.long-mcquade.com/129496/Guitars/Electric-Guitars/Fender-Musical-Instruments/Classic-Vibe-70s-Telecaster-Thinline-Maple-Fingerboard-Natural.htm https://line6.com/spider-v-mkii/ Whatever FL Studios we were using in 2016!77 views 2 comments -
Adam Charles Hovey-Grief feels like fear
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicAccording to my bandcamp account; released December 14, 2020. This was extremely difficult to write. I was quite literally in tears with the vocals. This was one of the hardest songs I've ever had to make, and it's deeply personal. It was about someone who took his own life. Someone whom I had great respect for. If you are feeling that way, please get help. In the US and Canada, call 988. There is help for you. The title came from C.S. Lewis, "'No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear". And it so does.241 views -
Organ Noodling
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicSongs; 1. Organ Noodling 2. More Organ Noodling 3. Organ Noodling 3 (about So, I have a tabletop organ from 1971. It's Halloween. I wanted something to upload for Halloween. I keep trying to play it like a piano. It's older than I am, but, it still works, so, that's cool. Tell me what y'all think! If someone can do timestamps for me, that'd be great.75 views 5 comments -
Adam Charles Hovey-We've nothing
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicI made this song in my 20s. I wanted more of a Hardcore punk song, but it ended up being something closer to noise rock. The picture is from Ocracoke, North Carolina, towards the sunset (yes, that means it's looking west). Because I was on an island. If you want to know what I say at the beginning, too bad. Also, I don't know. This song does have a message, I don't just put words that rhyme together for no reason. I almost always have something to say. And yeah, my amp really did crap out when I was recording this! That's why the second part of the song isn't as loud. Fix that, play this in your car, and put the volume all the way up! And if you, or your very annoyed neighbo (u)rs want to an mp3 of this song, just ask, and I'll give you information on how to download it.57 views -
Adam Charles Hovey-They know it
AAdam Charles Hovey Music*Urgent* If you are Ukrainian, and have seen a Russian war crime, please report it, here; https://warcrimes.gov.ua The last song I did (which I wish I'd recorded a little better), was a sweet piano song about someone I could never be with, due to circumstances neither of us have control over (that song's about a real person, by the way). This song is an aggressive song about my annoyance of internet "experts" who don't know the first thing about the country they're talking about. They don't know its history, its people, its religion, or its culture. They ASSUME they do. For those of us that do know it, we tell the truth. If you would like an mp3 of the song, just ask me, and I'll tell you how to get one. The picture is of a skink (a type of lizard) I'd found under a board. I thought it was an apt picture for the people I'm talking about. Cold blooded, and hiding from the truth. My vocals in this are a bit different, but closer to how I sing when I do straight up Punk Rock (I like to mix different genres and subgenres of Rock Music, especially Industrial Rock, Heavy Metal, and Punk Rock). My natural singing voice would be more at home in Blues (which I love, but I'm a rocker).266 views 1 comment -
Adam Charles Hovey-Starcrossed
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicIt's piano, but, I had to label it "Rock music" because I didn't even see a category for piano. Sorry about the clicks, but it was recorded in one take. I tried to record the audio separately, but it kept sounding echoy. So, I figured I'd release a love song I wrote for SAINT Valentine's day (seriously, we don't call SAINT Patrick's day, Patrick's day, I think people remove "saint" to justify their sin). I actually wrote it about a girl I was dating some time ago (we're no longer together). I just now finally decided to put music to it and record it. I hope y'all like it. I'm not gonna lie, I was kind of influenced by the song "I'll catch you", by the Getup kids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwaY-wqeKGQ And for the record, the term "starcrossed" originated in a Shakespeare play, not in a Taylor Swift song (It's from Romeo & Juiliet) Like many of my lyrics, it's not as straight forward as it seems.48 views -
Adam Charles Hovey music-Invisible slumlord
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicThis is not my first acoustic song I have uploaded to Rumble (that would be this: https://rumble.com/vqs6vr-why-are-you-always-sick-i-hope-you-feel-better.html, even the same crappy guitar), but, it's what I had available at the moment. Anyway, I don't shy away from my religion or politics in my music. I won't say this is a political song, it's more about a crappy landlord not even doing the bare minimum and who never shows up for court. The song is not strictly a literal interpretation of events, and you may be asking "Charlie, why do you care so much about what happened in Davenport, Iowa, you live in South Carolina"? If the last name "Hovey" hasn't clued you in, I was born in Davenport, Iowa, as I talk about on my podcast: https://rumble.com/v2rqzo8-reflections-on-the-davenport-iowa-apartment-building-collapse-from-a-davenp.html74 views -
Adam Charles Hovey-Song for Mom
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicIf you enjoy this, like it. Even if you don't, like it! It supports independent musicians. Note: Audio starts at about 10 seconds Okay, so! This was made a while ago, and is of my more aggressive style I've been doing. BUT, it was released on Mother's Day (in the United States) of 2023, and is dedicated to my wonderful mother, whom I love dearly, and has suffered greatly. My mom is a legitimately good mother, and I wanted to tell her in the best way I know how: through song. A little about the song itself, I wanted to just use a basic chord progression, and then remembered, I can't not be more complex than a few chords. This was intentionally crunchier than a lot what I have done. I have done some pretty crunchy stuff, but, I actually had the conscious decision to make this a bit heavier, given the subject matter. Not sure what happened with the mixing at the beginning. I won't give last names without permission, but, my mother's name is Dana (she has a different last name), keep her in your prayers. Anyway, more about me, go, here: https://rumble.com/user/AdamCSC Find me on MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/adamcharleshovey Gettr:https://gettr.com/user/adamchovey129 views 1 comment -
Digital Insurrection (Adam Charles Hovey-Music)
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicIt was actually Jack Posobiec that came up with the title, before he went full on delusional vatnik (then again, he's probably not being entirely honest about other things, too) But, I guess he did not, because, according to putting the phrase in a search engine, it was another name for the digital revolution. Which, given the type of music I play, is oddly appropriate. I did not make the song explicitly political, but, you may or may not be able to figure that out yourself. By the way, since this was released on Christmas day, it is now Christmas music.69 views -
Adam Charles Hovey-Right of centre (music)
AAdam Charles Hovey MusicHit that + button, (I guess now it's like) if you'd be so kind. The title is influenced by the Suzanne Vega song, "left of center", but it's a very different song. I have a preference for British spelling (my grandma was engaged to Englishman at one point, I blame her). Anyway, the music is, well, not like anything you've heard. Part of being influenced by various types of rock music AND electronic music, is you end up with stuff that's both but neither. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy it, and since I have been saying for a LONG time that Rumble needs music, I'm glad to contribute. Please share, as it's the only way independent artists get noticed. All instruments, mixing, production, singing, writing-Adam Charles Hovey113 views