Lost History of Tartaria
RRickBruceOur history is a lie. See the fascinating evidence of the advanced empire of Tartaria which was erased from human knowledge. Please keep this channel on the air, go to: (slap me a fiver!) http://freeourworld.org/DONATE-PAGE.html or: Richard Bruce P.O. Box 8671 Calabasas, CA 91372 USA Alternate Video Sites: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/e9oV7zTdtx26/ https://www.brighteon.com/channels/richardbruce https://rumble.com/user/RickBruce https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY71q12u4OIUJGOg5MAlttQ/videos 975. Lost History of Tartaria (2-19-24) Christian, reptilian, paranormal, shapeshifter, beasts, gang stalking, targeting, devil, demon, alien abduction, black ops, secret society, bible, David Icke, demonic distortion, eternal, MK Ultra, mind control, technology, time travel, Drako, timeline, CERN, deep state, gang stalking, targeted individual, raptor, church, doctrine, scripture, bible, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, prophesy438 views 3 comments -
Electro Gravitic Propulsion Dark Energy
MMikyMike77Electro Gravitic Propulsion Dark Energy SORRY ABOUT THE FAST FORWARD PART!!! - I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD BE SO "JARRING" AND I WAS TRYING TO HIGHLIGHT THOSE POINTS - WILL NOT DO THAT AGAIN Chapter 17: The Right Side of Dark Energy - a Universal Construct March 15th 2015 The Microwave and the Field Frequency Array The Microwave is a creation that was ahead of its time to say the least The Microwave is what will allow us to travel in earth atmosphere faster than the speed of light! How can this be possible! Simple! The Microwave! Once we learn the frequency of the Dark Energy Field Effect, we will be able to build a vehicle that we can surface with microwaves! There will have to be a shielding for human passengers inside, but in its simplest designs it could literally be a large cargo container In this simple design, you can surface the vehicle in microwaves and apply desired frequency ranges to the different sides of the container If you want it to go up, you modulate the top to open the Dark Energy Field, and the container will elevate, you can balance this and make it levitate If you want to move the container slowly forward while it is levitated, you open the "Dark Energy Field in front of it at the rate you want it to move forward If you want it to move fast, you open the front of the field even more Now - how would you be able to make this container move faster than the speed of light in earth's atmosphere? SIMPLE! You apply a full "Field Frequency Array" on the entire container, this in turn will reduce the weight of the container and place the majority of the mass of the container in the Dark Energy Field, while at the same time, you open the side you want the container to move to more than the other sides This "Field Frequency Array" can convert the entire container into the Dark Energy Field and the container will not be visible at all, it will flash in a imploding ball of light and vanish. It's here on the other side of Dark Energy that with enough power you will hit a new "Speed Limit" and it will be about 95 times faster than the known speed of light. As the universe is 95% Dark Energy and 5% matter When a vehicle is not 100% converted to the Dark Energy Field, say its overall Field Frequency Array is reducing the total mass of the vehicle to 75% - then the vehicle will only have 25% of its gravity effect and in turn interaction with the mass it is in or passing through, so there will be 75% less wind to deal with and 75% less light emitting from the vehicle, and the vehicle can travel very fast even in earth atmosphere - and when it is in space, it will be even more nimble As the Field Frequency Array gets closer to 100%, say 95%, the vehicle will have very little interaction with the known universe and it will not produce much visible light at all. If the vehicle wants to cloak, because say it is sitting over a city and it doesn't want to be seen, it can get its "Field Frequency Array" to be at 99% or even just below full 100% and it will still be able to "see" but will almost be completely impossible to be seen. This will require a lot of engineering but can be applied to amazing results We could be across the solar system in a matter of minutes, and as mass is not a factor, you could move a huge cargo ship to Pluto and colonize the outer limits of the solar system very fast! And these can all be powered by Fusion Batteries - I'll get into those later Now, what will happen if this vehicle is moving really fast and it hits something- while say configured at 99% Field Frequency Array" but not fully converted or flipped? The vehicle will rip right through most matter like a bullet through an apple, or more like a tank round through an apple Why does the Government want lasers (Really powerful lasers)? Because it will take lasers to immobilize these crafts - if you shoot bullets at one of these things they will only have 5% force if the craft is at 95% Field Frequency Array output. Plus they will move too fast to be shot down by most projectiles There is something I would like to say; the Manhattan project already tested the "Field Frequency Array" on a large steal ship - and it went bad. But, the Dark Energy Field Effect frequency range is already a known commodity and has been for over 3 decades! Question is, what did the brass really mean when they said those lights in the sky, those were "us"? March 15th, 2015259 views 1 comment -
Documentary: Europa 'The Last Battle' Part One
The Michelle Moore ShowEuropa 'The Last Battle' is a 10 part Docu-series produced by Tobias B. and focuses on internal sabotage at the end of World War 1 that has devastated Germany, and exposing its new Weimar government riddled with corrupt men plundering what is left, all while overseeing the destruction of German culture and its social order. After it all collapses, one man manages to turn it all around in just a few short years. When Germany's people begin to prosper and start to live happily, the enemy declares war and seeks to destroy the German people once and for all. The true events surrounding World War 2 that you were never taught in history class, read about in your school's history books, saw on your television, or ever stumbled upon in a social media feed. And yet, it all happened. Scrubbed from the historical record and lost... until now. For more information on this film: https://europathelastbattle.net/ The Michelle Moore Show (Weekdays) 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. CST 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. EST Michelle’s Links: WAVWatch: https://buy.wavwatch.com/?ref=MICHELLE100 Enter CODE: MICHELLE100 at checkout to save $100 on your order! 1st National Reserve (Gold & Silver): https://www.1stnationalreserve.com/ 1-800-321-8700 *Mention 'The Michelle Moore Show' when you call! Dr. Michelle's Tooth Powder & Dental Products: https://livingwellwithdrmichelle.com/shop/?sld=michellem (Use the Code: MICHELLEM @ Checkout to save 10% on your purchase!) Safe Sleeve: https://www.safesleevecases.com/?afmc=20i&utm_campaign=20i&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate USE CODE: FIRST10 for 10% off your first purchase! WEBSITE: http://MichelleMooreShow.com or https://linktr.ee/gomichellemoore WHERE TO WATCH: TRUTH TALK AMERICA NETWORK: https://TruthTalkAmerica.com RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TheMichelleMooreShow RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TruthTalkAmerica ODYSEE: https://www.odysee.com/@TheMichelleMooreShow BITCHUTE: https://BitChute.com/TheMichelleMooreShow (REPLAY ONLY) TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/leadershippower TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@gomichellemoore TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gomichellemoore/ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gomichellemoore Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this broadcast are of those of the content of this broadcast and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities related to and of Truth Talk America Network. You are encouraged to do your own research.258K views 245 comments -
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Bundy vs. Deep State - An Original America Happens Documentary
America HappensPlease visit www.AmericaHappens.com and insert your email address to stay subscribed to The America Happens Network. Please visit the following link for information on how you can restore your health, improve your wellbeing and live a long and healthy life. https://iwantmyhealthback.com/?infid=17 Worried about the grid going down? Visit www.Sat123.com to buy your Satellite phone for if and when the cell signals go down.54.7K views 163 comments