Where the hell ride began evidence videos April 2019
3 videos
Updated 3 months ago
These are from calls to Vital Statistics Canada in B.C where Annette Marie was going to when she went missing and the subsequent events while seeking help for her led me to the mother at the Calgary indigenous hub who's daughter was murdered! She likely now is dead as well as she was being threatened by the Calgary Police Service cop there that cleared out the building when he saw us talking! Realise i was in the radio contest when Annette Marie went missing so CJay 92.1Fm (owned by BELL MEDIA) received many calls and texts from me including that day when i called the DJ known as "reaper" seeking help to no avail!
Alpha Omega 1412Pissing in the wind i've been 13 years for sure this i now know! As long as you "godly" "higher" ups are content finishing me off for "god" and the creatures is all that fkn matters yup! Enjoy the originals included below as we all know y'all love watching me being destroyed for trying to help you all with fk all help yup! 4 YEARS A HELL RIDE, JACKMUSK 2.O, FORMERLY 141 UK BUNKCHUTE RAYMOND CUT! https://www.bitchute.com/video/cyY7tQRJ7fDo/ OH MY FATHER SKY WHY! SEEKING A WOODEN SPEAR HEAD & WHO CARES ABOUT FULL TRUTH ANYWAYS! https://rumble.com/v1lihx7-oh-my-father-sky-why-seeking-a-wooden-spear-head-and-who-cares-about-full-t.html thanx a bunch for coming out! you all rock no doubts!73 views 1 comment -
Alpha Omega 1412Formerly 141 [uk bunkchute] sure doesn't like that one eh [soros/gates] view hindering, comment stealing bunk rumble eh? No surprise there I suppose! This is just a mash of Reaper at Cjay 92.1 where I was trying to win the radio contest before Annette Marie found me and later was "disappeared" Going to vital statistics in British Columbia and later screen caps of the City of Calgary and twitter removing posts in regards to the other mother at the indigenous hub who's daughter was murdered that I met after Annette Marie was taken! That mother is likely dead as well as it was the cop that cleared out the hub after he saw me talking to the mother as she was explaining to me what happened to her daughter and that the black cop threatened to kill her if she didn't shut up about her daughters murder! So why would twitter be protecting the City of Calgary I wonder? And why does Reaper at Cjay 92 sound like he's full of shit? Because he is and he got called that day so he knows damn straight! See more on my blog linked below_ https://truthfor7generations.wordpress.com/2021/11/26/annette-marie-audio-evidence-short-for-officials-repost-due-to-the-satanic-nazi-youtube-platforms-cancelling-of-4-of-my-channels-and-9-years-of-work-with-thousands-of-videos/ See the full length evidence caps mash on my telegram linked below_ https://t.me/hewhostandsalone_141/4 And aye, I have all the originals and much much more I need to bring back after [youtube] cancelled all 4 of my channels and 9 years of work fighting for you all! As for the go fund me thing I am looking into that as soon as I get these other edits done thanx to the help from the other elders that helped me get the car fixed but for now if anyone else can help to keep me warm here as it's minus 29 here last night please donate by clicking the link below_ https://paypal.me/nativesunontherun4fr?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_US See the one [bunkchute] here clearly doesn't want any of you to see linked below! https://www.bitchute.com/video/oeqIdsHeyxzg/ And check out the playlist below all things they sure waste a lot of time, resources and expense on a so called "crazy" nobody all those big tech giants don't they linked below_ https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/erPXL9MwR9Wt/ He who stands alone... JCN 33/3///141...66 views -
Annette Marie Evidence
Alpha Omega 1412Let it be noted [youtube] has canceled all 4 of my channels, 9 years of work and thousands of videos so the below links from [youtube] are no longer there! I am placing this link below the canceled video link on my blog! To do onto others is to do onto yourself doesn't mean just watch your fellow man be slaughtered, experimented on, or being used for ritualistic fk toys either! And now as they come for all of your children hopefully more take Annette Marie's story and the millions of others globally in the same positions more seriously! To the officials I am sharing this with this is just a short of the audio of the last calls to vital statistics in British Columbia where I was the last to see her alive likely after bringing her there from Calgary Alberta after her dealing with serious government corruption issues out of Brandon Manitoba... It also includes a cap of me trying to reach r.c.m.p there to no avail and now after the fact they have tried to make it seem as though she is the wanted fugitive for crimes I don't believe she ever would have done! Why would a determined woman such as Annette Marie go to a government location she was warned not to go to after being previously told by another government agency she needed to go there do any of this if she had out standing warrants? It would seem clear to me with the timing of her so called most wanted declarations that happened after April of 2018 that they are trying to cover their tracks in Brandon at the r.c.m.p! See the link below of a vid I did taunting PC 155 Potter linked below! https://youtu.be/wm1aoDgtJ7o See link below on rumble of the vid they banned on my other channel and better descriptions in the link below... https://rumble.com/vfxcvt-annette-evidence-2.html Thanx for following them chimera rules just a little bit though demon spawn! https://youtu.be/9azCgEbxWqY Witch laws [susan]? -230??? -https://theaiorganization.com/ ??? -https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidenti... ??? -https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidenti... ??? -Complicit are you as well in the ongoing genocide against our woman and children as well aiding and abetting 23rd "JUSTIN PIERRE JAMES TRUDEAU" (satanic agent of england and rome) in crimes against humanity! https://justiceforcanada.ca/ -Complicit are you as well in the ongoing secret [cia] mk ultra experiments that include millions of unknowing victims in all the directions of the 141 womb mother, 23 terra earth fallen of 13th rock! Also complicit are you in conjunction and partnership with [alphabets cia] for attempted murder on the October 24th 2018 full moon attack where you now hold possession of evidence in the form of archives for the live stream recorded that night as well many related details in regards to your involvement and complicity! There are merely some of the earthly court options [23 & me susan] aka ceo ["SUSAN WOJCICKI"] of [alphabets] [youtube llc]... I suggest you return my Journey to awakening network archives too you demon spawn! You know where to find me you witch! The humans haven't a clue what they are even witnessing here do they I know but that's ok... Take as many with you as you can I know! As above, so below I know I know! Shadow ban away now you done demon witch! "ban"able content for uncorrupted law enforcement, government and real humans should there be any out there over on telegram https://t.me/hewhostandsalone_141/4 Watch me be a spazz and taunt global intelligence agencies while planted seeds to bubbled well indoctrinated ones over on my 4th twitter! It links to the 3rd one [jack arse] has me locked out of now but like I say it's a stalemate and I ain't clickin' his shit! Because I can, he can deal with it and I have the bloody back bone to use it so! @alberts60star If you can help with gas please donate at the link below https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/my/pr... He who stands alone... JCN 33/3///141...217 views 1 comment