Message from Murad Saeed
2 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Former Federal Minister, Murad Saeed's life is in danger. He has been in hiding from state funded assassins. Regardless, Murad Saeed puts life on the line by relaying messages to the Pakistani public.
This series is dedicated to relaying messages from Murad Saeed.
Murad Saeed Threatened - Announcement to Nation | 2 May 2023
IInsafianOfImranKhanFormer Federal Minister of Pakistan, Murad Saeed, talks about the threat to his life. #PTI #PTIOfficialEnglish #SubtitledByPTI72 views -
Murad Saeed FULL Speech | 28 May 2023
IInsafianOfImranKhanPakistan’s former Federal Minister speaks about how “unknown individuals” came to PTI’s peaceful protests and tried to incite violence and on how an injured person taken to the hospital from the protest turned out to be a state official disguised in civilian clothes. Murad Saeed asks several questions of the imposed government: Why did the Interior Minister claim only 5,000 peaceful protesters came to the streets in response to former Prime Minister, Imran Khan’s violent abduction yet from that same event, double that amount were taken captive by the government? Murad Saeed reminds of how Pakistan’s coalition of dynastic political parties advocated for splitting the nation into several pieces and lobbied against Pakistan by working to weaken its army. #SubtitledByPTI #PakistanUnderFascism #PakistanUnderSiege77 views