Transcendental Meditation: Preparing the Way for the Antichrist
FGCJuly 22nd, 2018 Pastor Dean reveals how so many people have opened the doorway to demon possession and deception. Satanic, eastern meditation practices have become accepted as normal, but they are preparing the way for the masses to accept the Antichrist and the New World Order. This is why we see Katy Perry invited to the Vatican to teach Transcendental Meditation along with other New Age gurus. It's time to wake up. -
Hollywood, TM Meditation, & Bible Prophecy
FGCJuly 29th, 2018 This is part two of Pastor Dean's teaching on Hindu/Buddhist meditation techniques that are being pushed by the Hollywood elite, governments, and the United Nations. Don't be deceived by their lies. The mantras they use in Transcendental Meditation are connected to the demon gods of Hinduism. And the depictions of Hindu gods clearly reveal connections to Satan aka the Old Serpent called the Devil and Lucifer. They are pushing these meditation practices as "science," but it is religion and it is opening millions up to demon possession and Satan's end-time one-world religion. They even admit that it is "serpent power" that they are tapping into and the ONLY power able to set people free from the Serpent is the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible.