playlist thumnail

🇨🇦 Fuddle-Duddle Wacko 🧻

155 videos
Updated 14 days ago
⚠️ WARNING: Viewing this Playlist can cause serious stress to the minds of cognitive dissonant Wokies that are afflicted with the Woke Mind Virus. 👉 Bottom line ... facts don't care about feelings ... get a helmet (AKA:Critical Thinking Cap). 👉 The videos contained in this playlist are chosen to be nothing more than a reflection of the current Worldwide Discourse. 👉 The sources are from a variety of individual contributors, some of which, I'll admit, can be assholes at times. Many are just Proxy Channels that have no "identity" at all. 👉 I prefer to drop the identity politics and focus on the message content, rather than the messenger. 👉 Some things I agree with ... Some things I don't. 👉 Some things I condone ... Some things I don't. 👉 At the end of the day ... It's just what's being said. 👉 You be the Judge.
  1. 1
    Justin Trudeau just did the UNTHINKABLE and Canadians are FED UP | Redacted w Clayton Morris
  2. 2
    Down in Flames! Is This the END of the Liberal Government in Canada?
  3. 3
    If Stephen Colbert and Justin Trudeau Took Truth Serum.....
  4. 4
  5. 5
    Justin Trudeau is so unpopular he is even starting to lose the female vote
  6. 6
    Take the shot or face the consequences seems like force to me...
  7. 7
    Trudeau GRILLED Over Shocking Policy Consequences!
  8. 8
    Trudeau warns of danger 'disinformation' poses to democracies globally
  9. 9
    DRAMA: Trudeau alleged someone said he shares a bathtub with Tom Clark during QP. 😂
  10. 10