Pokemon Scarlet and Violet content
24 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Any playthroughs, 7 star raids, DLC, etc.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet 7 Star Sceptile Raid Stream
YoboiAAronGamesNew 7 Star Raid is coming out tonight! Time to get to work everyone! Make sure to leave a like and follow the channel if you enjoyed!22 views -
Rillaboom 7 Star Raid Event: Skeledirge and Corviknight Build Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
YoboiAAronGamesAfter four hours of experimentation, content creation, SHEER CHAOS, I was able to crack the code with two different mons for the Rillaboom Raid this weekend: Corviknight: Tera Fighting; up in HP, Attack, and Defense; Taunt, Iron Defense, Screech, Body Press; use Taunt turn 1 unless shield goes up, Iron Defense at least twice or until stats reset, then Iron Defense three times, heal as needed, Body Press until shield breaks, Tera and proceed to Body Press! Skeledirge: Tera Fire; up in HP, Defense, and Special Attack; Torch Song, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Mud Slap; CHANGE ABILITY TO UNAWARE (didn't realize that was a thing until I randomly came across it on the Internet); Will-O-Wisp turn 1, lower accuracy with Mud Slap until shield goes up, use Flamethrower and pray for a burn until it happens, Torch Song until shield breaks, Tera and continue to use Torch Song or Flamethrower to restore burn if needed! Good luck to everyone! Hope someone found this helpful! Make sure to like and follow!7 views -
Delphox 7 Star Raid Event
YoboiAAronGamesMy experience of the Delphox 7 Star Raid Event...was ugly...to say the least...on top of just coming back from vacation, my life trying to fall apart all over again, and me having to deal with a lot of stress before even going back to work!!!4 views -
Mewtwo 7 Star Raid Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Mew Support Build
YoboiAAronGamesIt took a few tries, but I managed to find the formula necessary for me to get this Mewtwo and IT WAS NOT EASY! EVEN WITH THE RECOMMENDED FORMULA! Calm nature, max HP and Sp Def, Struggle Bug, Misty Terrain, Light Screen, Life Dew, held item Light Clay. Good luck everyone! Make sure to leave a like and follow!9 views -
Pokemon Violet 7 Star Eevee Raid with Annihilape Build
YoboiAAronGamesAgainst all my better judgment, I went ahead and did the 7 star Eevee raid for this weekend; highly disappointing, highly irritating, highly wanted to throw stuff at walls, but I managed to catch it! Used Annihilape; easy as long as its ability is Defiant! Make sure to have Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Tera Fighting, other moves optional, have a blast! As much of a blast as you can anyway.5 views -
Pokemon Violet 5 Star Dialga/Palkia Raids full video
YoboiAAronGamesI'm hyped for the Indigo Disk release next week and getting 5 star raids of Dialga and Palkia are awesome! Now I just have to get all this edited and uploaded before the massive storms coming to my area! Rumble viewers will be getting the full footage, so make sure to leave a like and follow the channel if you enjoyed! Both mons have their Telepathy abilities to help with the double battles upcoming in the DLC yet have all offensive moves? Weird! All the status moves were removed conveniently after the raids! Unbelievable!11 views -
Finishing the BB Elite Four! Pokemon Violet Indigo Disk DLC Stream!
YoboiAAronGamesToday's stream goal will be to finish the BB Elite Four, possible Champion fight, and whatever else will be gravy! Going to be a 2 hour stream because that's all the time I have today, so make sure to check in, leave a like if you enjoyed, and follow the channel for more content!38 views -
Area Zero Round 2 and Terapagos Fight! Pokemon Violet Indigo Disk DLC Stream!
YoboiAAronGamesI'm finishing up the Indigo Disk DLC tonight! Down to Area Zero once more and taking on the Terapagos! Hope y'all had a Merry Christmas and if not hopefully I can make it better for you, so make sure to tune in, leave a like and follow the channel!40 views -
Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Raids Round 2
YoboiAAronGamesTurns out I have one more stream in me for 2023 and mostly it's because I'm quite positive that this particular Pokemon Scarlet file was restarted after these raids were done, so I SHOULD have an opportunity to catch another set! Let's see if I remember how to actually do these raids!12 views -
Last Stream Before Vacation! Pokemon Violet Legendaries, Collecting BP, Chill
YoboiAAronGamesLast stream for me before going on vacation and I'm going to be playing some Pokemon Violet for an hour or two. I've been sick all week so if I sound terrible that is why. The following week I will be back with regular streams of the next gaming project and may even drop some updates on that project here in this stream as well!70 views 1 comment