Meditation Mondays
14 videos
Updated 6 months ago
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Dr. Neelu Blue - 02/13/23
Children's Health Defense ArizonaTopic: Boundaries & Detaching With Love Dr. Neelu Blue is known by her clients as a “Psychologist’s Psychologist,” “Master of Manifestation,” and “Healer of dysregulated emotions.” She is a Spiritual Psychologist (PsyD), poetess, entrepreneur, heir herbalist (Avicenna/Ayurveda), certified Yogini, and certified in both hypnotherapy and Reiki Master healing. She attributes a part of her spiritual journey to having had two near death, and/or transitioning experiences, as well as witnessing the transitioning of her father in early childhood. An advocate for freedom, self-compassion, empowerment and wellness, she is the founder of Radical Resonance Equilibrium. Her upcoming book, Radical Resonance Equilibrium will be available later this year. She is also the founder of Blue Buddha Botanical. Dr. Neelu is passionate about being of service, and as such, she volunteers for both the Arizona chapter as well as the California chapter of Children’s Health Defense. Her current interests include delving into evidence suggesting Jesus’ lost years were spent studying and learning from sages in India. Contact: drneelu@radicalresonanceequilibrium.com https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ https://bluebuddhabotanical.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/bluebuddhabotanical/ Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/127 views -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Dr. Christiane Northrup - 01/02/23
Children's Health Defense ArizonaChristiane Northrup, M.D., is visionary pioneer in women’s health, a board-certified OB/GYN, and New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age as well as the host of 8 highly successful public-television specials. Her work has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, Rachel Ray, Good Morning America, 20/20, and The Dr. Oz Show, among many others. Dr. Northrup was named one of the “100 Most Trusted People in America” by Reader’s Digest (2013), and one of Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul 100”, a group of leaders who are using their voices and talent to awaken humanity (2016). Dr. Northrup has also been named one of the “Watkins Spiritual 100”, a list of living people that make a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale (2020, 2021, 2022). She continues to inspire and awaken humanity through live events, her website: https://www.drnorthrup.com/ social media presence: https://www.facebook.com/DrChristianeNorthrup https://twitter.com/DrChrisNorthrup https://t.me/RealDrChristianeNorthrup https://truenorthdr.substack.com/ and through her line of health and personal care products, https://amatalife.com/ Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next Meditation Mondays & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/2.26K views 2 comments -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Dr. Henry Ealy - 02/06/23
Children's Health Defense ArizonaDr. Henry Ealy (Dr. H) is the Founder of, & Executive Community Director for, the Energetic Health Institute. He led us in a beautiful meditation which incorporated the following questions we should all often ask ourselves: 1. WHO’S IN CONTROL OF HOW I FEEL ABOUT ME? 2. WHO’S IN CONTROL OF HOW I FEEL ABOUT WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE WORLD? 3. WHO’S IN CONTROL OF HOW I FEEL ABOUT MY LIFE, INCLUDING THE POWER TO IMPROVE IT AS I SEE FIT? 4. WHAT’S GOOD? 5. WHAT CAN GO RIGHT? 6. WHO’S IN CONTROL OF DECIDING IF & WHEN I CHOOSE TO FORGIVE SOMEONE WHO HAS CAUSED ME PAIN? 7. VICTIMHOOD IS A PRISON THAT I REFUSE TO LIVE IN. WHO HAS THE POWER TO TRANSFORM ANY PAIN I MAY FEEL INTO SOURCES OF LIMITLESS STRENGTH? 8. CAN I RIGHT THE WRONGS I’VE DONE & FORGIVE MYSELF TOO? 9. CAN I ACCEPT THAT EVERYTHING IS PERFECT EVEN WHEN IT DOESN’T FEEL GOOD? 10. WHAT DO I WISH HAD NEVER HAPPENED TO ME? 11. WHERE, IF ANYWHERE, AM I GOING AGAINST THE FLOW OF ENERGY & TRYING TO FORCE SOMETHING TO HAPPEN? 12. WHERE, IF ANYWHERE, IS THERE ENERGY WAITING FOR ME THAT I AM NOT ACKNOWLEDGING? 13. IN LIFE THERE WILL BE PAIN… BUT WILL I CHOOSE TO TRANSFORM PAIN INTO WEAKNESS OR STRENGTH? WILL I CHOOSE TO BE DEFINED BY HURT OR LOVE? WILL HURT OR LOVE LEAD MY DECISIONS? 14. AM I OPEN? AM I AWARE? AM I ACCOUNTABLE? 15. AM I A GOOD PERSON, WILLING TO DO THE WORK WITH MY HEART IN THE RIGHT PLACE? 16. WHAT DID I DO YESTERDAY THAT WAS KIND? 17. WHAT CODES (YAMAS) DO I LIVE BY EACH DAY? 18. WHAT BELIEFS (NIYAMAS) DO I PRACTICE EACH DAY? 19. WHAT WILL I ACCOMPLISH TODAY? 20. DO I BELIEVE IN ME? Also, Dr. Ealy holds a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from SCNM, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA, is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition by the NANP and a proud Jackie Robinson Scholarship Alumnus. He has over 20 years of teaching & clinical experience helping people care for their amazing body by unlocking the healing potential of Natural Medicines. Dr. H hosts a weekly nationwide program, Energetic Health Radio, and is a regular writer on the America Out Loud network detailing the latest empirical evidence and research regarding the COVID crisis. You can listen to and read his volunteer effort on his America Out Loud team page. He is the lead author for the COVID Research Team that has published 5 manuscripts including the peer-reviewed and highly acclaimed COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective and the 444 page peer-reviewed position statement on willful misconduct COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Public Health Crisis. His team’s work has been covered by Dr. Mercola, Green Med Info, USA Today, Stand for Health Freedom, the Organic Consumer’s Association and many highly respected news outlets. His team is the first to submit Formal Grand Jury Petitions exposing the rampant acts of alleged willful misconduct and call for a Congressional Investigation into the CDC’s violations of multiple federal laws. As an Ordained Minister for all denominations, Dr. H has been additionally certified as a Yoga Teacher, Clinical Massage Therapist, Human Anatomy & Physiology Teacher, as well as American Kenpo Teacher. Having taught at the university graduate and undergraduate levels, he has a strong background in and deep passion for Data Verification & Analysis, Teaching & Personal Development, Curricula Design, American History, Herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga & Ayurvedic Medicine, Meditation, Clinical Massage Therapy, Lab Testing & Assessment, The Basic Human Sciences, Environmental Medicine, Climate Science, Holistic Nutrition & Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Ealy is the author of Energetic Health – Interesting Insights Into Advanced Natural Medicine and also holds educational copyrights on over 200 published works regarding Natural Medicine, Vaccine Education, Medical Cannabis, Cellular Cleansing & Detoxification, Release Point Therapy Clinical Massage & Holistic Nutrition. To Contact Dr. H, please visit: Energetic Health Institute – www.EnergeticHealthInstitute.org Energetic Health Radio – https://www.americaoutloud.com/energetic-health/ Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next Meditation Mondays & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/852 views -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Jim Gale
Children's Health Defense ArizonaJim Gale, founder & "Chief Storyteller" of Food Forest Abundance. If you are looking for "feel good inspiration", be sure to click view & take part as Jim leads a beautiful meditation: "HOW DOES IT FEEL TO FEEL INSPIRED" To learn more about Jim & his amazing work, please visit: https://foodforestabundance.com/ Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ If you enjoyed this meditation, please give us a +rumble thumbs up, share this video far and wide, & let us know how it made you feel in the comments! Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next live Meditation Monday & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/363 views 1 comment -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Ora Nadrich
Children's Health Defense ArizonaOra Nadrich is a well known Mindfulness author. Her book, Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity, was named one of the 100 Best Mindfulness Books of All time and was also chosen as one of the top 5 books on authenticity in Positive Psychology. Ora considers her new book, Time To Awaken: Changing The World With Conscious Awareness, as her most important book to date. https://www.amazon.com/Time-Awaken-Changing-Conscious-Awareness/dp/B0BMSZ36G6 Ora Nadrich is Founder & President of https://www.theiftt.org/ https://www.instagram.com/OraNadrich/ https://www.instagram.com/theIFTT/ https://www.oranadrich.com/ Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ If you enjoyed this meditation, please give us a +rumble thumbs up, share this video far and wide, & let us know how it made you feel in the comments! Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next live Meditation Monday & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/212 views -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Ursula Conway
Children's Health Defense ArizonaGorgeous through and through, Ursula Conway has earned her reputation as the brilliant, fearless and relentless president of Children’s Health Defense – Arizona chapter (CHD-AZ). When she isn’t volunteering a minimum of 40 hours per week for CHD-AZ, she spends time rebalancing in nature with her horses as well as volunteering for search and rescue with her dogs. Ursula began her meditation and yoga practice more than 30 years ago, and feels called to honor her first teacher, Swami June Bains, with a meditation this evening. Her meditation is sure to provide you peace and beauty this holiday season. Contact: az.ursula.conway@childrenshealthdefense.org Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next Meditation Mondays & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/78 views -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Diana Frank
Children's Health Defense ArizonaWith over 30 years of experience meditating, Diana Frank invites us to come as we are, & turn to body awareness & breath to create coherence within. To learn more about Diana, please visit: https://dilifrank.wixsite.com/my-site-1 Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next Meditation Mondays & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/22 views 1 comment -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Amy Huntington
Children's Health Defense ArizonaAmy Huntington has been practicing various forms of meditation for approximately 24 years, and generously shares her experience, process, wisdom and knowledge with various groups. Her gentle and kind heart radiates through her presence and words, and her guided meditations leave participants in a state of blissful peace and calm. She offers her current favorite focus of operating from the heart center, and spreading love from a higher plane of being. Amy’s contact information: amyatwk@gmail.com Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next Meditation Mondays & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/49 views -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Diana Frank
Children's Health Defense ArizonaDiana Frank has been meditating for over 30 years and invites us to come as we are and turn to body awareness and breath to create coherence within. To learn more about Diana, please visit: https://dilifrank.wixsite.com/my-site-1 Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next Meditation Mondays & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/21 views -
CHDAZ Meditation Mondays with Aurea Lara
Children's Health Defense ArizonaAurea Lara is a Reiki Master, Sound & Energy Healer & a Magdalene Priestess who facilitates sound & energy healing sessions both in person & online. The purpose of her work is to clear blockages from our physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies in order to support us in aligning with our Soul’s purpose, wisdom, joy, sovereignty and freedom. This serves to deepen our connection to the Earth & to the Cosmos and ultimately to perceive our Oneness with all life. She is available for one-on-one sessions, as well as group events. Website - https://ausetkaalchemy.com/ IG - @aurealara & @ausetkaalchemy Meditation Mondays are hosted by Dr. Neelu Blue of https://radicalresonanceequilibrium.com/ Please be sure to sign up to our free newsletter for updates & reminders for the next Meditation Mondays & so much more! https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/26 views