Sanae Takaichi, 高市早苗 Japan’s First Woman to Lead the LDP.
AstrologyTVVIDEO TEXT: Sanae Takaichi 高市早苗 was born in Nara-shi or Nara City in Nara Prefecture, Japan on march 7 1961. Mrs Takaichi is a Japanese politician, Minister of State for Economic Security and is currently one leading candidate to take the presidency of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. The first round of voting to elect the president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan will take place on September 27, 2024, and the runoff round, if necessary, will be held between the top two finishers in a second round of voting. Whoever wins will replace Japan's current Prime Minister on October 1, 2025. The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan has ruled Japan for 65 years that is the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan has ruled Japan all but four years since 1955, keep in mind that the United States of America created the Liberal Democratic Party LDP in the 1950s through our dear very global friends at the CIA. The Liberal Democratic Party politicians elect their party president about every 4 years and since the LDP is in power or hold the majority in the Diet or the Japanese parliament, their upcoming new president will automatically become the Prime Minister of the Nation once the current one resigns next year. Japan is a monarchy, it has 47 prefectures, or 47 states, most of the prefectural or municipal elections happen locally, in those unique elections any Japanese citizen over 18 years of age can vote. Those elected prefectural leaders participate with a total of 47 votes representing the 124 million Japanese people in the general election. It is important to note that when people read "voters go to the polls in Japan," it means that the politicians go to the polls to elect themselves; in other words, all high-ranking Japanese politicians elect themselves, they are not elected by the ordinary Japanese citizen. Note that prefectural, municipal elections happen in completely different cycles in relation to the election of the politician who will become Prime Minister, some prefectures don’t even have eligible leaders to vote because the Prefectures do not reset elections after resignations or deaths meaning some prefectures do not get to vote. To put it simply the very global 3 letter entity arranged the system in the 1950’s to direct the elections of the most prominent Japanese politicians. Japanese elections are seriously rigged alike all elections in every country in the planet, and Japan is not an exception from start to finish Japanese elections are rigged and all Japanese people know it, but they ignore it because there is nothing, they can do about it. After clarifying how rigged Japanese elections are I venture to state that based on my analysis of the natal charts of the top three contenders candidates running for the presidency of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, the next president will be Sanae Takaichi making her the first woman in Japan to hold the office, that is for the moment the presidency of the LDP party, also for the moment Fumio Kishida will remain as Prime Minister until the ceremonial dissolution of the diet by the Japanese emperor happens next October 1, 2025. We humans must understand that when politicians use the word sustainability, it means to sustain them fat, in power, robbing and taking ownership of what do not belong to them and when they use the word carbon in the context of reducing carbon-levels it means reducing humans because we are the carbon they want to reduce. They all follow the same script, regardless of race, language or nationality they are all controlled by the very global powerful entity of 3 letters that speaks all languages. Thank you!31 views 2 comments -
Kamala Devi Harris's Destiny: Astrological Forecast for Her 2024 Presidential Victory.
AstrologyTVVIDEO TEXT: Kamala Devi Harris was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, United States. She is a lawyer, the Vice President of the United States, and is currently a presidential candidate for the presidency of the United States. People have asked me about the likelihood of Mrs. Harris being elected president next November. Now, I have a straightforward answer: She will be elected president of the United States this coming November 2024. To find my answer, I conducted a detailed examination of her natal chart. Mrs. Harris has one celestial body shaping her life and propelling her to achieve the highest levels of success. This success I predict will be long-lasting and enduring. Mrs Harris has the big and temperamental celestial planet Saturn in the 9th house. The Sun trines Saturn in her chart. The Sun represents one’s essence, ego, and self-expression, while Saturn symbolizes restriction, discipline, and order. The 9th house represents Travel, Ethics, Beliefs and Philosophy. Since Saturn is afflicted in her birth chart, she constantly seeks external validation of her own thoughts. The fact is she does not question what an authority figure says. This may sound negative, but if you are a controlling employer looking for a loyal employee, that is exactly what you would look for in a potential candidate who is loyal out of fear and at the same time an exceptionally dependant and hard worker. This position of Saturn is what makes her so valuable to people interested in her candidacy for election. Mrs. Harris not only fears authority figures, but by nature she fears foreign cultures, and with Saturn so close to the Midheaven, this general fear of authority figures and foreign cultures is intensified. She has a great fear of authority figures, there is no doubt about this. Her timing to aspire for the US presidency cannot be better because with Saturn afflicted, Saturn being the lord of delays, obstacles, challenges and difficulties, success comes to the person in the second part of their lives, delays have fuelled her upcoming long-lasting presidency and success. At this stage of her life, she will travel a lot more and come into contact with foreign countries, she will actively interact with foreign cultures, she will be the closest thing to the queen of the world, she will go everywhere. All these trips will be carried out in a very organized, carefully planned manner, there will be nothing spontaneous when it comes to the actions taken during her numerous future trips. Due to the delays imposed by Saturn on her life, she is ready to turn ideas into reality, but they will not be her ideas, they will be ideas given by the authority. Mrs Harris enjoys high levels of endurance, persistence and willingness to work hard, especially in matters related to science and higher education, there will be a complete overhaul in these noted fields during her long presidency. She not only has the stamina to follow orders down to the last detail, this could sound contradictory but she is resistant to change because she actually does in-depth research on the ideas she is given to execute, this research is not for the purpose of refuting but of executing to the full satisfaction of her employers. She has always been an organised researcher, structured thinker, who likes to approach problems systematically and as a whole, again this is something she does naturally mainly to develop a deep understanding of what she is doing, everything she does is completely conscious, especially if the ideas or orders have been given to her well in advance, the more in advance the more satisfactorily she executes them. Coming back to the fear factor in her, what she fears most is asking the wrong question and looking stupid and being ridiculed, which is why she needs to do structured research on what she is given to do. She is a slow thinker, she needs time to fully understand what she is to do, but not understanding does not stop her from carrying out orders, it is just that execution on short notice can be clumsy, and she knows this because she is strictly fair to herself. She is completely indifferent to what goes around her, she is a pessimist and gets irritated very easily. When she encounters unexpected situations, she can be portrayed as slow or idiotic, however she will work three times harder than anyone else to not be taken by surprise and to overcome the tests. She knows that this system works for her even if the odds and circumstances are against her. She is extremely persistent and self-disciplined; this self-discipline includes the use of tools such as being tolerant and being very open-minded. Again, she needs time to understand concepts as tangible things, she needs a lot of time to put new information into perspective, that is a problem in times of crisis, that is why she depends entirely on what her authority figures dictate to her, because we all have a limited amount of energy and for her the process of understanding takes up most of her energy, so she prefers to follow orders instead of thinking about them or questioning them, she either blindly executes orders or tries to understand them, she cannot do both. This doesn't mean she is not intelligent; it is just that her way of thinking is so structured that it makes her more wise than intelligent and more experienced than quick-thinking. She cannot give improvised answers to sudden and unforeseen questions, responding quickly is not something she's good at, but if you give her time, she'll understand the concept and the reason for the correct answer. Again, she is wise and experienced. She is an extremely fast executor, yet not a fast thinker, our world will change rapidly under her leadership, no doubt. She had always wanted to develop her own philosophy, but with Saturn afflicted she was not able to do so, she has understood the incredible power of Saturn and has deeply understood that it is better not to argue mainly for fear of ridicule. Using an analogy, she can be the best teacher who doesn't understand very deeply the subject she is teaching, that's why she is a great lawyer, she could have been an incredible preacher, which in a way that is what she is, she repeats the accepted without going deeper into the subject because the subject is so broad that it will be an almost impossible task to understand it. Her current life morals are in stark contrast to her early life morals, early in life she identified with very strict and conservative morals, but as she grew older, she realized that it was more useful to be tolerant and open-minded because it gave her better quantifiable results. She had two options in life: either she had her own views or she accepted a set of established rules; she accepted the established rules and this choice has brought her luxury and wealth. She enjoys luxury very much, after all we all have a price. Again, due to lack of time to understand, a premise that applies to all of us, she does not understand what she's doing but she is aware of her actions, she does it because in the end she knows she will succeed again and again against all odds. She traded depth for stability and routine, she needs to be told what to do. However, internally she resists change but always it accepts it willingly and genuinely only if the requested change comes from a figure she has recognized as an authority, she knows that authority figures will make her last. In conclusion, she is the personification of what we have come to call, the government which mainly brings limitations, delays, frustration with the cold and barren actions that only the government can execute on the subjects. Mrs. Harris' contradictory behaviour is inherent to her and is given to her by the Lord of the Rings or the Dark Lord as Saturn is also known, Saturn is also known as the Lord of misery and technicality and the leader of many. Thank you!114 views 1 comment -
Eva Braun: The Enigmatic Presence Behind Nazi Germany's Propaganda Machine.
AstrologyTVEva Ana Paula Braun Kronberger known as Eva Braun served as a private photographer, media propagandist, and filmmaker for Nazi Germany, the German Reich, the Third Reich, the Third Realm or simply the German Empire. To provide some context: the First Reich was an extension of the Holy Roman Empire, it began in year 800, spanning 1006 years from Charlemagne's coronation as Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III until year 1806. The Second Reich began in 1871 under Kaiser Wilhelm I and endured for 47 years until 19-18. Lastly, the Third Reich lasted for 12 years, from 1933 to 1945. Eva Braun, was the mistress of Herr Wolf, also known as Adolf Hitler who, was 40 years old, when he met Eva, who was 17 years old at the time. The couple was introduced by Eva's employer and long-time family friend of Herr Wolf, Heinrich Hoffmann. This video is about Eva not about Herr Wolf, yet it’s important to note 3 details about him. Firstly, Herr Wolf’s interest in Eva increased after his 21-year-old niece, the daughter of his half-sister Angela, who had lived with him since age 15 killed herself. Secondly, medical documents indicate that Herr Wolf was born with multiple congenital reproductive conditions. This is supported by statements that Herr Wolf refused to allow his private doctors to examine him without his garments. And thirdly that at the time, it was widely known that Herr Wolf held his niece hostage, in simple words, a prisoner, to an incestuous relationship from which, she could not escape and her only way out, was to commit suicide. Geli, the niece, died on September 18, 1931 at the age of 21, when Eva was 19 years old. Eva Braun was born in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, on February 6, 1912, she was also reported having a congenital reproductive condition that would have made her adult sexual intimacy extremely painful. For the purposes of this video, her birth date will be presented as unknown, given compelling evidence suggesting that Eva and Herr Wolf lived out their lives and died of old age in the Patagonian Alpine province of Black River in west Argentina. Eva was a beautiful young woman, a remarkable strong athlete. Her official profession as secretary was greatly esteemed in Germany during that time. Her first and only job after graduation from Marienhöhe Academy was as a shop and photographer assistant for Heinrich Hoffmann, the Nazi propaganda photo-journalist and close friend of Herr Wolf. In this position she earned a substantial income, well above average as per Herr Wolf's instructions to Hoffman. She was a hard worker, as most German women are, and this job allowed her to discover her passion for photography and filmmaking. However, there is a second account that describes Eva as a childlike, pleasure-seeker with depressive and strong suicidal tendencies, who enjoyed smoking, drinking alcohol, and the company of her two Scottish terriers. There is a third account that describes Eva as arrogant, tyrannical, tactless, showing selfish and cruel behaviour, particularly when Herr Wolf's fortunes on the battlefield began to falter. It is factual that she enjoyed privileges few women had during wartime: access to Luftwaffe planes for personal vacations, unrestricted accounts at prestigious jewellers in Germany, and a round-the-clock entourage attending her every need. Given Eva’s widely spread and contradictory personality descriptions I start, my examination of Eva Braun's natal chart. Eva's chart has a special prominently positioned celestial body: the Sun, located at the deepest point within the 3rd house , this deepest point in the heavens known as the Imum Coeli. The 3rd house signifies communication, knowledge, siblings, and logic. The Sun in the 3rd house of communication endows individuals with talkativeness, natural sociability, and a talent for hosting, effortlessly making friends and possessing a great sense of humor. The Sun at the deepest point in the heavens, at the Imum Coeli allowed her to have full control of the Berghof, Herr Wolf retreat in the Bavarian Alps, the Berghof became her home with her family members and close relatives as almost permanent guests. As we do this I would like to ask for your subscription if you haven’t subscribed yet, please do, it’s totally free doesn’t cost anything, it really does support the channel and I thank very much the 2,131 viewers along with the 45 likes received. Thank you. She, Eva possessed all that the Sun favoured in this 3rd house: close proximity to her siblings, ample knowledge and unrestricted access to celebrities and influential figures of her time, which she effectively leveraged through filmmaking and photography. Many accounts of her life suggest she was oblivious to Herr Wolf's war actions, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Her Sun placement unequivocally shows that she possessed deep knowledge of the events unfolding around her, she was fully aware. She kept herself well-informed about everything, effortlessly acquiring information while providing a gathering place for the most influential people of her time. This logically expanded her influence and deepened her understanding of the war situation in real time. Eva was a master communicator with a sharp mind. It's evident that she was articulate and intellectually sharp. Contrary to any portrayal as a bimbo, she strategically used communication as a major tool to succeed and maintain her success throughout her lifetime. The Sun as it sits at the highest point but in the background, made her highly aware and observant, seeing everything from an unrestricted behind-the-scenes perspective. While Herr Wolf was an insecure maniac, she stood in stark contrast as a logical and confident woman who was fully aware of her talents, yet she kept them, her talents, mostly for her use only. Do not be confused to describe her as a hypocrite, on the contrary the Sun gave her transparent people’s skills mainly based on her quick mind which allowed her to be genuinely spontaneous and open. In fact, just as everyone tends to love the Sun, the same was true for Eva, she was adored by her siblings, acquaintances, neighbours, and relatives. Her secretarial skills were heightened by the Sun in the third house, making her a great manager with outstanding organizational abilities. She executed these skills from the most behind-the-scenes perspective imaginable. In our current age, people often claim that every famous political celebrity has had a handler. Well, she was the perfect match as a handler for Herr Wolf because she had the skills to merge his horrific, assassin-like personality with that of a normal, family-oriented man. Without Eva, Herr Wolf would likely have emotionally collapsed soon after his army was defeated in Stalingrad, as early as February 1943. She kept Herr Wolf's morale alive and fuelled, thereby prolonging the war through her unwavering support of her maniacal companion. In conclusion, Eva Braun possessed all the essential skills to function effectively as a spy, leveraging her ability to gather information through gossip at the parties she hosted at her home or at the Berghof, this clever gossiping skill was a standout for her, some might consider it, her shadow or her dark side, but it was a potent tool in her toolkit. She wasn't a spy, of course but she had a keen sense of who she was dealing with at all times. This ability kept her ahead of the curve and well-informed about everything, often knowing more than Herr Wolf himself, and specifically understanding exactly when it was all over and when it was the right time for them to escape. Thank you!160 views 4 comments -
Thousands of Years of Deception: The Ancient Deep State Descendants Who are still Shaping Our World.
AstrologyTVBefore we start, like this video, subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss out on any fabulous content. For about 2000 years the main enemy of human development has been the Catholic Church. The stage was set about 5 years after Emperor Nero killed himself with the help of his secretary Epaphroditus. Around the year 72 Josephus published his propaganda works which came to be known as the gospels, Josephus wrote and edited the widely known 4 gospels. These propagandistic texts were paid to be written, paid to be printed and paid to be published by Emperor Vespasian who as Roman general captured the communist extremist wealthy rebel Izus-Manu, later to be called Jesus, and sent him to exile to Britain to Fortress Deva a super-prison exclusively built for him in Chester, England. The Catholic Church corporation has killed more great minds than any other institution in the last 2000 years, with the number estimated to be around 400,000 great minds assassinated. These assassinated individuals were seen as enemies either because they were translating the Bible into languages that allowed people to read and see the book's inconsistencies or because they were proving with tangible facts that there is much to be discovered in our vast universe. The end of the Catholic Church is set to occur at the beginning of the Aquarius age, which will start in about 150 years between year 2150 and year 2200. We are still in the age of Pisces. Do not believe the propaganda disseminated by the sociopaths who pretend to own the planet; their goal is to confuse you, as it has been since the beginning of recorded history, starting with the wanna be female androgynous Pharaoh Akhenaten. It is important to point out that the Catholic Church is not the church created by the communist rebel Izus-Manu later called Jesus and this has already been proven by the incredible super researcher Ralph Ellis. What the world knows as the Catholic-Christian Church is the religion crafted and put into action by the Roman Empire-deep-state-leaders mainly Emperor Vespasian right after they averted the collapse of the entire empire which had begun to fragment following the death of Emperor Nero around year 68 of our current age. General Vespasian defeated the pale skin-red hair Izus-Manu later called Jesus in the battle of Gamala or Gamla around year 70 of our time, the widely known Jesus character was in fact a communist wealthy guerrilla leader who came from his lands located in present-day Syria in between Parthia (also known as Persia) and, the Roman Empire. This guerrilla leader of red hair, was a freemason crossdresser, and had a legion of hired native assassins crossdressers called the Sicarii, whose job was to blend in the crowd to assassinate important members of the Roman Empire. The Jesus dynasty did not succeed in taking over the Roman Empire, the Jesus character was put in a cross for a while and then taken down alive and sent to exile as prisoner to Fortress Deva in England until he died of old age at 93, this punishment was the Roman customary punishment for any rebel who threatened the Pax Romana. Do not be confused by the fact that Catholic-Christian principles are not useful; they are useful mainly to accomplish what Rome and all leaders from that day to now have needed to secure: the obedience of the general population and the suppression of any rebel uprising. Since the days of Vespasian, the world has been in constant-conflict, on one side are descendants of Izus-Manu the communist wealthy guerrilla crossdresser rebel versus the Roman Empire-deep-state which after the year 1500 became the modern day Jewish-deep-state. Many of the current red hair European monarchs come from the Izus-Manu communist lineage. And many of the influential Jewish come from the East Roman Empire / Byzantine Empire deep state that completely crumbled about 500 years ago in the year 1453. Additionally, there is the Muslim faction, who in fact are direct descendants of the ultra-radical Jews expelled from Egypt about 3000 years ago and who are now based in what is known as the Middle East. The Western world is in constant friction because there are two deep state factions in constant skirmishes. One side represents the current w o k e movement who in fact descend from Izus-Manu, known as Jesus. The other deep state faction is run by the deep state Jews. The Muslims are not part of any deep state, the Muslins just finance both sides. In modern terms, the fight between the Izus-Manu faction, represented by the modern-day Democrats in the United States and their allies worldwide, and the Jewish faction, represented by the modern-day Republicans in the U.S and their allies worldwide, will not produce a winner because both sides are financially broke. Both will ultimately be losers, and the winner takes-all will be the Muslims. They are, in fact, the wealthiest faction now. Keep in mind that the current mess is bound to the West only; none of these factions neither the Izus-Manu nor the Jewish faction have any true power in, oil-mafia-controlled Russia, underworld-mafia-controlled Japan, or ancient-triad-controlled China. For the case of India, it has always been run by the Izus-Manu faction since at least 2000 years ago. The 3 factions noted here are planning the third world war, perhaps they want it to happen in six years at most. Hopefully it will never happen. In the first war, Great Britain had to fall. In the second war the objective was to officially split the western world into two winners, the U.S and the Soviet Union, abolishing Germany as a true power contender, Germany had to be split in two, it was the priority goal. The third war is set to cause the U.S. to fall, though it is not clear if that will be the result. Given its geographical position, the U.S. is the best piece of real estate in the world, so I venture to say that the outcome will likely be the division of the U.S. into three regions: north, south, and west. Thank you.114 views 2 comments -
Lady Margaret Beaufort: The Matriarch Who Shaped History and Built the Tudor Dynasty.
AstrologyTVVIDEO TEXT: Lady Margaret Beaufort matriarch of England’s powerful Tudor dynasty and mother of Henry VII. Margaret was born at Bletsoe Castle in Bedfordshire, England, on May 31, 1443 and passed away 66 years later on June 29, 1509, at Westminster Abbey in London. Margaret was the daughter of the wealthy John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, granddaughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and great-granddaughter of King Edward of Windsor. Known for her exceptional intelligence, strategic mind, and eloquence, Margaret was described by those around her as a delightful and persuasive conversationalist. Margaret married four times, with her first marriage occurring when she was just one year old. This unusual marriage was to John de la Pole, son of William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk. In this video I venture to state what has never been stated in any textbook: that Margaret's father was assassinated by influential figures of England to seize his vast wealth. King Henry VI’s appointment of William de la Pole as the will executor was a strategic move to control Margaret’s father immense wealth. Margaret's marriage to John de la Pole, son of the will executor despite John and Margaret being 1 year old babies, was part of the scheme to ensure Margaret’s father fortune remained under the control of the deep state. The Duke, a prominent figure, was appointed as the executor of Margaret’s father’s will, despite her father’s clear and specific written instructions to King Henry VI that the inheritance should go to Margaret’s mother. The king disregarded these instructions after Margaret’s father died. Margaret’s father died under very mysterious circumstances during an expedition ordered by the same Henry VI to France when Margaret was only a year old. It is also important to point out that Margaret’s mother was pregnant at the time of Margaret’s father’s death, but the child did not survive under similarly mysterious circumstances. With Margaret’s father, the unborn child both dead, and her mother left destitute, Margaret became the sole legal heir. One might wonder why they did not eliminate Margaret as well. This backdrop sets the stage for my examination of Margaret’s natal chart. Margaret's natal chart features Saturn the large and tough planet in the 5th house, which in my opinion almost entirely shaped her life. According to the official narrative, she married Edmund Tudor at the minor age of 12 and gave birth to their son Henry, at age 13. Edmund Tudor was 25 at the time of their marriage and died just months later. With Saturn positioned in the 5th house of Pleasure, Creativity, Fun, and Children suggests that Margaret’s approach to pleasure, fun and romance was to be grounded in mutual respect and structured shared interests. This influence and dynamic is evident in all her last 3 subsequent marriages. The second marriage produced Henry, who would become King of England after winning the War of the Roses for the Lancaster House the red rose over Richard III of the House York the white rose. The third marriage to Henry Stafford provided the necessary protection to Margaret following Edmund Tudor's death. The fourth marriage to Lord Thomas Stanley was crucial in securing the kingdom for her son at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. There can be no more structured approach to pleasure, fun, and creativity than her Saturn guided method of reclaiming her inheritance and attaining the ultimate power of the English throne by securing the best allies in the form of husbands. Saturn also governs Children, and Margaret’s relationship with her son was marked by challenges, obstacles, restrictions, delays, threats all hallmarks of Saturn’s influence. Since Henry was kept away from Margaret for long periods of time, unintentionally these difficulties served as valuable lessons in responsibility and discipline for Henry. Saturn was the main driving force in Margaret’s life and a very peculiar protector because she skilfully balanced Saturn’s key traits of structure versus fun and responsibility versus pleasure. By embracing the challenges as lessons rather than setbacks, she was able to transform her physical distance from her son into a deep and enduring invisible connection, against all odds, grave dangers, and ruthless enemies. Saturn’s influence helped Margaret become a remarkably resilient and strategic figure. Without Saturn’s tough mentorship, she might have perished shortly after Edmund Tudor’s death when she was 13 before securing protection with her third husband. If she had died at 13, the House of Tudor might never have existed, and our world as we know it could be entirely different. Margaret Beaufort is a testament to the fact that even the seemingly weakest link in the chain can become the most resilient. Through her extraordinary perseverance and strategic brilliance with Saturn as her mentor, she single-handedly shaped the course of history, creating the timeline we now recognize as our reality. Thank you.60 views 1 comment -
Deep Dive Decoding the Cosmos: Why Astrological Houses win over Zodiac Signs.
AstrologyTVBefore we start, like this video, subscribe to the channel so you won’t miss out any of our fabulous content. During my astro natal chart analysis consultations, I often get asked why I exclusively use the 12 astrological houses for natal chart analysis instead of the traditional zodiac sign wheel. While I normally give a brief and straightforward answer, I’ve decided to provide a detailed explanation in this video so you can understand the reasoning behind it. The 13 zodiac signs wheel, including Ophiuchus, shift backwards by approximately 30 degrees every 2,160 years. This movement is known to astronomers as the precession of the equinoxes. The precession of the equinoxes is part of a larger cycle known as the Great Year, which spans for approximately 25,920 solar earth years. The Great Year refers to the time it takes for the Earth's central point projected in space to complete a full orbit through the 13 constellations during the spring equinoxes. Keep in mind that a circle, regardless of size, is divided into 360 degrees. The signs are simply constellations. Be aware that all celestial bodies appear to have circular orbits, but this is an optical illusion of the two-dimensional plane. In reality, celestial bodies including earth travel in an S-shaped motion, similar to the DNA helix. When we move from a two-dimensional perspective to a three-dimensional space, this S-shaped motion becomes self-evident. I mentioned earlier that the wheel of zodiac signs shift backwards by approximately 30 degrees every 2,160 years. This backwards motion, known as the precession of the equinoxes, is caused by the gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon acting on the Earth's axis, resulting in a right-to-left motion of the Earth's axis. It's time to introduce 2 new concepts: the tropical year and the sidereal year. A solar or synodic year, also known as the tropical year, together with the tilt of the Earth, gives us the four seasons of the year and lasts 365 days.24219 of a solar day, which is the time it takes the Earth’s-equator-line to meet the Sun’s-direct-light at the annual spring equinox around march 21st. Keep in mind that an Earth solar day covers less than one degree per day in the 360-degree circle; specifically, one day, one solar day equals to 0.9856 of a degree. Therefore, the Earth needs an additional 5 days.24219 of a solar day to complete the illusory 360-degree orbital circle. Also, as a side note, the 365 days.24219 of a solar day tropical year causes the spring equinox-to-be-later-and-later-every-year-in-respect-to-the-sun, thus to keep the spring equinox around march 21st the so-called leap year was established. The second new term is the "sidereal," deriving from the Latin word star, sidereal refers to distant stars or constellations, not to the Sun or planets. A sidereal year lasts 365 days.2563 of a solar day or 366 days.242 of a sidereal day. This is the time Earth takes to complete its illusory orbital circle relative to the Sun and relative to the nearest, brightest star, with Polaris currently serving as the reference star. Each sidereal day is shorter by about 4 minutes than a solar day, and a sidereal year in sidereal days terms is about 1 day longer than a solar year in solar days terms. Popular media misleading statements want to confuse us, when they say that a sidereal year is about 20 minutes longer than a solar year, that refers to the difference between the solar year and the sidereal year but in solar day terms exclusively, otherwise the difference would be about a day, with this latter clarification included, the difference between the solar year and the sidereal year is in fact about 20 minutes and can be simpler to understand, this is the calculation you should do, to understand the popular media misleading statement Mainly the sidereal year helps us keep track of where we are really among the celestial mechanics, this is highly needed because some of our planetary brothers and sisters report sometimes pretty quirky motions. Be aware that the Earth does not actually rotate around the Sun 365days.24219 of a solar day times or 365.2563 of a solar day times around Polaris. Both Polaris and the Sun are too far away and they are too large; Polaris is 50 times larger than the Sun, and the Sun is 1.3 million times larger than the Earth. Instead, the Earth makes circular movements while looking at the Sun and while looking at Polaris. This motion takes 365days.24219 solar days for the solar year and 365days.2563 solar days terms for the sidereal year. This illusory circle is similar to what you do when you make circles with your head while looking at the Sun or any other star. You might say your head is going around the Sun, but that is inaccurate, it is just an optical illusion you are just moving your head making a circle while looking at the sun. Now, the difference between the solar year and the sidereal year in solar day terms is about 20 minutes per year less as earlier explained, when we accrued this yearly difference in the span of 2,160 earth solar years it will total about a 30-degree retracement. This is the calculation you should to do to understand the 30-degree reversal motion: 2,160 years by 20 minutes per year = 43,200 minutes / 60 minutes comprise in an hour = 720 hours / 24 hours a day = 30 days - about 30 degrees - or in easier terms about a month. Earth axis is what retraces, and astronomers calculate this reversal motion by extending the earth axis into space and placing an imaginary point in space to track how far or near the earth axis is in respect to one of the 4 brightest stars either Vega, Deneb, Thu-ban and Polaris. The full 30-degree retracement over 2,160 years shifts, in reversal motion, the alignment of the zodiac signs wheel and this motion is tracked by Earth's projected axis into Polaris yet the noted 30-degree retracement happens around the earth equatorial line to a point in space formed by a 90-degree angle between the projected equinox circle and the extended elliptical plane. When these two intersect at the equinox, the projected point shifts to the previous constellation after 2,160 years. This change is known as the precession of the equinoxes. Be also aware that the position of the zodiac signs wheel is outdated by over 4,000 years, as it hasn’t been updated since the dawn of the Age of Aries. No one knows precisely when the Age of Aries began in human years, and therefore, the exact start of the Age of Pisces is also unknown. Consequently, the current zodiac wheel is inaccurate for several reasons. Firstly, we lack precise knowledge of when any of the old ages began or ended. Secondly, not all constellations occupy 30 degrees of space. That 30-degree estimation, often spread in popular media, has a large margin of error because some constellations are simply larger than others. Therefore, it takes more time for the Earth's equatorial line to fully per-ambulate a large constellation compared to a smaller one. For example, Virgo is three times larger than Capricorn. As you can see, using the zodiac signs wheel to determine the influences of a constellation or zodiac sign on a particular birth date is fraught with inaccuracies. Consequently, any such examination will inevitably be inaccurate. Keep in mind that no one, not even astronomers, can state with certainty the exact year when each of the 13 constellations began to be perambulated by the Earth's equinox projected point in space. The main point here is that the zodiac signs wheel is altered by the precession of the equinoxes, and the dating of the precession of the equinoxes is highly imprecise. Therefore, any natal chart analysis based on the zodiac signs wheel will be inaccurate. On the other hand, using astrological houses to examine a birth date and birth data, as I do it, provides the most precise analysis possible. The influence of the houses is based on the position of the Sun during a normal 24-hour solar earth day and this method remains accurate regardless of the Earth's axial precession relative to outer space. This means each house has a two-hour period of influence on Earth, so a 24-hour day is divided among the 12 houses as dictated by the Sun and each house location is fixed. For example, the 12th house begins at 6 am and ends at 8 am every day. The celestial bodies located in that house at the time of a person's birth determine the influences that person receives, and that is final. The Sun acts as the cosmic dial for the astrological houses. With mathematical precision, we can determine the positions of planets and other celestial bodies relative to the Sun. As an astrologer, this allows me to produce a highly accurate 12-house natal chart analysis. From this precise mathematical calculation, the analysis begins, allowing for an examination between all elements in the celestial equation. By the end of the consultation, the results will be highly precise, revealing which houses the person should focus on to address and release traumas carried over from a past life. It's important to remember that traumas we inflict on ourselves in this lifetime impact not this life but the next. In conclusion, the 12 astrological houses are based solely on Earth's rotation, which defines the 24-hour day. At any given moment, we can pinpoint the Sun's position with 99.9% accuracy. Earth's 24-hour rotation is governed by the Sun and the Moon, while all other celestial bodies maintain their positions with mathematical precision relative to the Sun. Astrological house examinations of birth data are the analyses of gravitational forces being applied on our DNA at the time, date and location of our birth, and that influence is fixed until the day we die. Celestial bodies have their own personalities, the same applies to the houses and when celestial bodies and the houses meet this relationship has an outcome, and that is the influence exercised on the person’s life. Thank you.102 views 1 comment -
Embracing Clarity: September 2024 with The High Priestess
AstrologyTVThe card with the message for the upcoming month of September is The High Priestess This coming September year 2024 is a particularly-good-time for us humans to resolve all those internal problems that are worrying us. If we haven't started thinking about them yet, it's a good time to do so. We will be in a period in which we can easily find out what suits us and what doesn't, we now can easily decide between the good and the bad. Let’s keep our faces in the sunlight so we don't see the shadow. Good Luck!44 views -
Donald's Presidential Strategy: Allies, Challenges, and Astrological Path to Victory.
AstrologyTVVIDEO TEXT: I want to bring up an important issue and make a channel announcement. My one-month-old channel, is facing censorship on this platform. After I uploaded a video examining the life of Eva Braun, the channel's viewership plummeted from 293 views in a day to just 12 views three days later. I discovered on internet forums that what's happening to my channel is termed "burial". This occurs when a video, which doesn't distribute the platform's preferred propaganda or agenda, it gets buried. Essentially, the video stops being recommended or featured in the feeds of the platform's 2 billion subscribers worldwide. To find a “buried” video or channel, one must either subscribe directly to the channel or have a direct link either to the video or the channel or type more than 5 words of the specific video’s title. Buried videos won't appear in any feed, even after scrolling through 200+ subject related videos. It is an effective tactic to suppress opposing perspectives from growing organically. However, there's good news. I've recently set up a channel on Rumble, starting yesterday, the channel on its first day had 151 views and 6 people subscribed. I'll include the link to the Rumble channel in the description. I will appreciate very much you follow via Rumble. The fact is extreme censorship in on and it is factual. This platform hosts many interesting - intriguing videos, but unfortunately, many of them may be buried. Therefore, when you come across an inquisitive channel or a video presenting a divergent view from the generally accepted perspective on a specific matter, please share it with your friends and contacts. This way, we can all have the opportunity to discover the hidden gems you've found. Donald John Trump MacLeod was born on June 14, 1946, in New York City. He is a real estate mogul, TV celebrity, and currently a candidate for the presidency of the United States. For the effects of this video, I’ll refer to him as Mr. MacLeod. The problem with Mr. MacLeod is that almost all of his friends have betrayed him. If he focuses and brings into the campaign his family, smiles more, talks less, gets straight to the point, brings in the former 46th Governor of Arkansas attorney Asa Hutchinson, and brings in American Lawyer and current Mayor of Miami Francis Suarez to publicly endorse him in a presentation as official as the Tulsi’s endorsement was, Mr. MacLeod will beat the Democratic candidate by a wide margin that the deep state will not be able to stop from happening. Without Vivek, Tulsi, Vance, Hutchinson and Suarez official endorsements he is set for a bigger embarrassment than what he went thru in 2020. These five allies will make him win and make the victory lasting. I am not counting on Robert Kennedy based on his birth chart. Mr. Kennedy is not helping Mr. MacLeod at all, in fact he is harming MacLeod’s candidacy. Mr. Kennedy is a mole or a human bug, to use spy terms. Anything he says or thinks at his home about MacLeod will be leaked to the competition’s camp. Kennedy is an unwittingly very dangerous friend. As of today, Mr. MacLeod's alliances are not enough to get him to win and topple the deep state embellishment of the 25% that the results purport to present. With all my suggested alliances official, the coalition is the one that wins, not Mr. MacLeod. We are currently on a timeline where Mrs. Harris wins by a long shot, whether or not transparent, she is set to take the office. Mr. MacLeod needs these noted endorsements to compensate for his major flaws and to be able to win as a result of a coalition. This is his only and exclusive option to win. According to my analysis of Mr. MacLeod’s natal chart, he entered the competition for the money and for his health. I don't think he is competing to win. He is in the competition because he is a workaholic, he knows that his health stays top notch if he stays busy and showing service to others, without this busy-ness and showing service to others his dear goddess of health leaves him, and I am sure he knows it. A busy schedule gives him life, work and service to others are his addiction. He constantly says in interviews that he didn't need this, but he actually really needed it. I don't mean he needs to win, I mean he needs it, to be busy, he needs hectic busy-ness, that's where his health comes from. It is entirely up to him to make the phone calls and make the alliances public, he cannot win because the deep state has already factored-in-his every move, his allies will have to win for him. As he stands now, the competition’s camp will take the office. Thank you!67 views 1 comment -
The Myth of Pablo Escobar: The mythic figure of Superman by Nietzsche – Übermensch.
AstrologyTVThe Myth of Pablo Escobar: The mythic figure of Superman by Nietzsche – Übermensch. Explore the astrological journey of Pablo Escobar, referred to here as Paul, through a compelling analysis of his natal chart. Discover why his celestial alignments might have inspired comparisons to the mythic figure of Superman by Nietzsche, as we unravel the profound impact of the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune on his life. From his rise in the world of alkaloid exports to his influential network of friends and intuitive prowess, delve into how astrology sheds light on Paul's larger-than-life persona and enduring legacy Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, for the effects of this video, I have translated his name to English as Paul. Paul was born in Blackriver, Colombia, and died 44 years later in Medellin, Colombia, on December 2nd, 1993. Based on my analysis of his natal chart, the correct pseudonym he should've had was Superman or Overman or Übermensch, a term coined by Friedrich Nietzsche in his 1883 book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra." Nietzsche’s Superman is a mythological figure that overcomes all obstacles to achieve its goals. The reason I've chosen this specific pen name for Paul is rooted in the positioning of the Sun on his natal chart. The Sun positioned precisely at the Midheaven in the 10th house signifies his peak potential for personal development. This placement endows him with a powerful drive for success, the greatest potential for recognition, and the highest authority in his chosen career path. The 10th house addresses fame, authority, career, and social standing. This unique Sun placement indicates that Paul’s impact on the world was destined to be enduring, a prediction that has indeed proven true. Paul's primary career was as an alkaloid exporter, with the United States being his main market. No one knew the industry better than he did, and no rival could withstand him. The Sun's placement in the 10th house, positioned close to the Midheaven, signifies a persona of unparalleled strength and influence, akin to that of a Superman The second celestial body that significantly shaped Paul's life was Jupiter in the 11th house of friends and community. This placement of Jupiter is considered the most favorable in any natal chart because it provided Paul with constant and enduring boost to his plans. Individuals with Jupiter in this position often discover unknown resources, as Jupiter seems to effortlessly provide them with abundant opportunities. For these individuals, escaping abundance and expansion is nearly impossible. They thrive in teamwork more than in solitary endeavors, functioning best when surrounded by others. Over time, they realize that their connections can open doors they never knew existed. Paul had friends at the highest levels of society who profited greatly from his success, which he fully embraced due to Jupiter's gift of generosity. He firmly believed that true success comes from teamwork. With Jupiter in the 11th house, it was clear that Paul would be surrounded by well-educated, intelligent friends, speakers of foreign languages, his network of friends included the most influential people on the planet helping him advance in life. Due to this placement new connections constantly broadened his horizons, and he cherished this fact because he was constantly learning from everyone. The final celestial body that shaped Paul's extraordinary life was Neptune in the 8th house, governing sex, power, psychology, and death. This placement endowed him with another remarkable gift: exceptionally strong intuition, bordering on psychic abilities. However, some might view Neptune's position in the 8th house as a weakness because it made it difficult for Paul to confront the realities this house represents, particularly death. Since he did not take death seriously, which paradoxically became a strong source of inspiration for his followers and admirers rather than a weakness. The Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are large celestial bodies, and when the Sun is right on the Midheaven in the 10th house, success is virtually assured. For Paul, this success was doubly guaranteed with Jupiter the largest planet in our solar system positioned in the neighboring 11th house. In addition, Paul had a triple warranty from Neptune, heightening his intuitive powers to see beyond the obvious. With such a configuration, Paul's only adversary was himself, as his natal chart depicted him as the pinnacle of human potential on Earth. Thank you.80 views -
Napoleon Bonaparte's Celestial Fate: Mars, the Sun, and Neptune's Influence on His Rise and Fall.
AstrologyTVVIDEO TEXT: Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, Corsica, France, on August 15th, 1769, and died 51 years later on May 5th, 1821, in Longwood, on the British island of St. Helena. St. Helena, one of the most remote islands on Earth, is located 1,200 miles west of Angola and 1,800 miles east of Brazil. It served as a super-prison built by the British specifically for Napoleon. Based on my analysis of Napoleon Natal chart, his life and destiny were influenced by three key planets. The first key planet influencing Napoleon Bonaparte's destiny was Mars, located in the 11th house of friendship and community. Interestingly, the positioning of Mars in his chart mirrors that of Carl Jung, another prominent figure born under an almost identical celestial alignment. I'll include a link in the video description to where I analysed Carl Jung's natal chart. With Planet Mars positioned in the 11th house, it guaranteed Napoleon not only the backing of his influential friends, it also allowed him to exercise on his drive for conflict without restraint, planet Mars aggression and warlike fuelled Napoleon's rise to power. From a young age, Napoleon's life was marked by military ambition and achievement. At the tender age of 10, he was enrolled as a cadet at the military academy of - Brienne-le-Château. By the age of 16, he graduated from the academy and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the artillery. Planet Mars' influence was evident and beneficial throughout Napoleon's early career, culminating in his appointment as a general of France at the young age of 26. Planet Mars can easily shape a person's destiny, especially when its aggressive inherent traits align with the individual's vocation. The Sun and Neptune in his 10th house are the other two planets shaping Napoleon's destiny. The Sun is placed right in the center of the 10th house, and Neptune, is placed almost exiting the same 10th house, of Career Authority and Fame. The Sun granted Napoleon a strong sense of self-expression and charisma, while Neptune cast an illusory fog that ultimately contributed to his downfall. Napoleon's clarity of purpose and identity began to be clouded by Neptune's influence as he assumed the role of emperor in 1804 at the age of 35. This shift in his leadership from soldier to policy maker was deeply marked by periods of triumph and confusion. As emperor, he found himself increasingly constrained by the responsibilities of governance, leading to restlessness and strategic errors. His expansionist ambitions, which initially brought him great success, eventually contributed to the erosion of his empire. The transition from military leader to emperor highlighted his internal struggle between identity and ambition. Neptune urged him to become a shady politician, while Mars drove him to be blunt and aggressive, creating a major conflict within his psyche. Napoleon's downfall can be attributed to his unchecked drive for conquest, fuelled by planet Mars. The Sun shone brightly and undisturbed over Napoleon for 26 years until he became general of France by the end of the 18th century. As he took the role of emperor 8 years after in 1804, France was powerful, wealthy, and pretty much in control of all Europe, including Spain, Italy, the Austrians, the Danish and the Russian as an ally. Napoleon could have decided to enjoy life and become a shady cagey politician, but Mars did not allow him. Napoleon's Sun-given brightness was clouded by Neptune the moment he tried to identify himself as an emperor. He didn't like the routinary duties of an emperor, leading to confusion and restlessness. He struggled with the boundaries between being an emperor and being a born warrior making him susceptible to daydreaming and fantasy. Napoleon died in complete confusion. That's why the British sent him as far away as possible, to a place from which he could not escape literally in the middle of nowhere. His impulsiveness, dictated by Mars, remained with him until his last day, posing a perpetual threat to peace in Europe. His downfall and main error were not balancing his drive-to-kill energy. I venture to affirm that in astrological terms he was physically driven by Mars, divinely inspired by the Sun, and led to delusion by Neptune. Napoleon’s personal growth strategy failed when he repeatedly chose Mars’ influence over Neptune’s shady and cool influence, a tragic strategic error that lasted 17 years from 1804 until his death as a captive in exile in 1821. Thank you.61 views