The First Book of John, King James Version (KJV) Illustrated by AI (V3)
KJVStream3.27 chapters a day and you read The Bible in a year! Please help support our future work: https://square.link/u/ds0e4267 Red Hot Preaching & Correct Doctrine: * https://www.thepreaching.com * https://veritybaptist.com/sermons-1/ Pray for us! Official Christian Debate Zone: https://gab.com/groups/84298 Other bible versions and so much more: https://linktr.ee/KJVstream 00:00 1 John 1 01:31 1 John 2 05:45 1 John 3 09:11 1 John 4 12:16 1 John 5 Relevant People: Jesus, Cain, Eve Audio Bible, Read Bible online, Listen to the Bible, Full Bible reading, Free Bible audiobook, Bible reading by chapter, Bible reading with AI images, Bible for sleep, Christian audiobooks, Daily Bible readings, Bible study resources, Bible for beginners, Bible for prayer, Bible reading with images Other versions of varying quality include: ABPE, AKJV, AMP, AMPC, ASV, BBE, BRG, CEB, CEV, CJB, CPDV, CSB, DLNT, DRA, EASY, EHV, EMTV, ERV, ESV, ESVUK, EVD, EVDN, GNB, GNT, GW, HCSB, HNTC, HNV, ICB, ISV, JPS, JUB, KJ21, KJV, KJV21, LAMSA, LBLA, LEB, LITV, MEV, MKJV, MSG, NAB, NABRE, NASB, NASB20, NASB95, NCB, NCB-TNIV, NCV, NET, NET2, NHEB, NIRV, NIV, NIVO, NJB, NKJV, NLT, NLV, NRSV, NRSV-CE, NRSV-CI, NRSVA, NRSVA-CI, NRSVA-UK, NSB, OEB, OJB, PHILLIPS, REB, RNJB, RSV, RSVCE, TMB, TNIV, TPT, VOICE, WEB, WMB, WYC, YLT31 views -
Huge moray eel comes at scuba diver for a close inspection
WildCreaturesMoray eels are among the ocean's most misunderstood creatures. Up to 2m (6 feet) long, with large heads and fearsome jaws, these animals are widely feared. They are known to have a second jaw, located in the throat, referred to as a pharyngeal jaw. These jaws move forward to seize prey and pull it deep into the moray eel's throat. Moray eels are the only animals known to use pharyngeal jaws to actively capture and restrain prey. Despite their reputations as ferocious beasts, moray eels rarely bite humans, and in the rare cases where it has happened, the incidents have been related to irresponsible feeding and misunderstanding. Moray eels have poor eyesight and can mistake a hand for food if they are being fed by scuba divers. Hollywood movies that depict these animals as aggressive contribute to the misconceptions. Although the eels are capable of inflicting serious wounds with their large teeth, they demonstrate no desire to bite people. Eels are more intelligent than they are given credit for. They have been found to engage in cooperative hunting with groupers. Groupers will approach the eel and perform a head shaking behaviour, communicating to the eel that they are ready to hunt. The eels can work their heads into crevices where fish hide, flushing out the prey and giving the grouper the opportunity to catch them. For scuba divers who understand these beautiful creatures, they are a welcome sight. This eel was seen swimming in the open. It was as curious about the scuba divers as they were about it.7.28K views 5 comments