Dr. Kia Pruitt: We Were All Treated Like Slaves! We Need Our Money! Savings Bonds Never Expire via Executive Order.
Dr. Kia PruittCash App: $MamaKia13 #breakingnews #gesara #gold Let's look into the executive order signed under 45. It states that bonds never expire. Does this include our Birth Certificate Paper Bonds? Executive Order 13968 https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-13968-promoting-redemption-savings-bonds Our Bonds are very valuable. (How to Calculate Your Bond) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezx85aPrj3c&t=32s To add precious metals (silver and gold) to your portfolio, contact Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin by email info@milesfranklin.com and ask for a list of inventory and prices. He or his broker will take your order. Let him know that Dr. Kia Pruitt referred you. Also ask for any specials they have this week.141 views -
I.T.S.N. presents: '[CERN:] Demons Returning Through Dark Matter.' June 8
In The Storm NewsI.T.S.N. presents: 🔥'[CERN:] Demons Returning Through Dark Matter.' 🔥 June 8. Please read below and hit the 'Like Button,' Stormies. Thank you! 😍🫶 👉🏻 What is Dark Matter? "Dark matter is the mysterious stuff that makes up over 80% of all matter in the universe, but scientists have never seen it. We only assume it exists because, without it, the behavior of stars, planets and galaxies simply wouldn't make sense. Dark matter is completely invisible. It emits no light or energy and thus cannot be detected by conventional sensors and detectors. The key to its elusive nature must lie in its composition, scientists think. There is also such a thing as antimatter, which is not the same as dark matter. Antimatter consists of particles that are essentially the same as visible matter particles but with opposite electrical charges. These particles are called antiprotons and positrons (or antielectrons). When antiparticles meet particles, an explosion ensues that leads to the two types of matter canceling each other out. Because we live in a universe made of matter, it is obvious that there is not that much antimatter around, otherwise, there would be nothing left. Unlike dark matter, physicists can actually manufacture anti-matter in their laboratories." Source: https://www.space.com/20930-dark-matter.html. If you are new to 'In The Storm News', we welcome you. Please enter with an open mind. God is in control of everything, and He has already won! You are about to be exposed to some very controversial topics; ones that the Deep State Cabal, have made us believe were all 'conspiracy theories'. Surprise, they lied, about everything you have ever been taught! The sooner you can wrap your head around the fact that these, 'pedo-repto-child trafficking-mass murdering-satanic-cannibals' are the 'fallen angels.' They are Satan's army, the better off you will be!! To simplify, they are Pedo-Puppets with Obama the grand puppet master, behind 'ole sleepy Joe.' 👉🏻X/TWITTER: @inthestormnews 👉🏻Truth Social: @inthestormnews 👉🏻TELEGRAM: @INTHESTORMNEWS1 👉🏻TELEGRAM: @INTHESTORMNEWSCHAT 👉🏻TELEGRAM: @AFTERTHESTORMNEWS In conjunction with: 👉🏻TELEGRAM: @CHILDSEXTRAFFICKINGITSN Subscribe so you never miss another new show! ‘…AND THOUGH MY HEART IS TORN, I WILL PRAISE HIM IN THIS STORM'. 💔⭐️💫🌟 PRAISE GOD THE TRUTH IS BEING REVEALED!! ⭐️ Additional Sources: SPECIAL THANKS TO THE BELOW TELEGRAM CHANNELS, FOR PUTTING IN THE DAILY GRIND. THEY NEVER STOP CONTRIBUTING TO THE '#SAVETHECHILDREN' MOVEMENT! https://t.me/SpecialQForces, https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL, https://t.me/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND, https://t.me/GitmoTV, https://t.me/DDK, https://t.me/QHOSTINTHEMACHINE. C O N S P I R A C Y N O M O R E !!!8.22K views 20 comments