Introduction to Revelation: Book of Revelation Explained 1 with Allen Nolan
Cornerstone FellowshipBook of Revelation Explained 1 is a very helpful verse by verse introduction to Revelation. This is part 1 of 67 videos that go verse by verse through the book of Revelation with Allen Nolan. We'll study the Book of Revelation, explained in detail, and learn about every aspect of the Book of Revelation including the apocalypse, four horsemen, great tribulation, great white throne judgement, mark of the beast and so much more! Download the STUDY NOTES for this STUDY HERE: https://cornerstonefellowship.tv/revelationbiblestudy __________ *CHAPTERS* 0:00 The End of Time 1:30 Apocalyptic Means Prophetic 3:50 The Historicist Approach 6:13 The Preterist Approach 7:00 The Spiritual Approach 8:20 The Futurist Approach 12:08 Interpret Prophecy Literally 15:09 Acts 1:11 15:45 1 Thessalonians 1:10 15:57 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 19:45 Isaiah 46:9-10 22:25 John 14:3 25:25 Acts 1:6-7, 9-11 _________ SCRIPTURES used in this episode: Acts 1:6-7,9-11 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 4:16-17 Isaiah 46:9-10 John 14:3 Thank you for watching this video from Cornerstone Fellowship in Tahlequah OK! We hope this helped you grow in your walk with Jesus. If you would like to learn how to understand the Bible better, please visit us at www.cornerstonefellowship.tv. If you're new to Cornerstone, here are some helpful links to keep connected: Online Giving: https://www.cornerstonefellowship.tv/... Subscribe: https://goo.gl/5GdRkE Facebook: https://goo.gl/Qe6qgr Instagram: https://goo.gl/s2DXws Website: https://goo.gl/t9bsve Subscribe to the weekly sermon podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://goo.gl/htnqZj Google Play: https://goo.gl/gmVTkr Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/sZaS4C361 views