Faggot Music
24 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Songs written by a Faggot.
Heavenly Music Crowned
CoomernistFaggotA bluesy Love song I wrote, thoughtful and decent, although lyrics may seem somewhat simple, songs like this take roughly 1-1.5 hours to write. Music itself is A.I. Generated using Suno. Please Like/Share/Drink water and critique my writing skills.10 views 1 comment -
Craft A Star Gate
CoomernistFaggotA song I wrote related to "Mine Craft" I believe music needs more gaming themes, being that it's very popular and enjoyable to play them. The music itself is A.I. generated using Suno. Please Like/Share/Drink water.29 views -
Mein Kraft
CoomernistFaggotA song I wrote about "Mine Craft" cause 'Gaming' is great, there is no limit to the style/genre people can make. The music itself is A.I. Generated using Suno. The modern music industry has another thing cooming, please enjoy.33 views 1 comment -
Golf With Frens
CoomernistFaggotA song I wrote about "Golf With Friends" being slightly silly, the chorus alone had taken roughly 35 minutes to come up with. The music itself is A.I. Generated using Suno, writing lyrics is fun, you're welcome to judge my skills, please enjoy.19 views 1 comment -
Cyber Punk Warrior
CoomernistFaggotA "Dystopian" song I wrote, blending modernity and Heavenly themes about the society I am currently living through, as are you. The music itself, is generated using Suno. Please enjoy, and rate my lyrical skills.17 views -
Censorship Is Evil
CoomernistFaggotA song I wrote about the "DEI" retards. Censorship is the tool of weak ideological tyrants. "Culture Jam Music" is the future, in my autistic Aboriginal opinion. Please like, share, and critique my writing skills/style.19 views -
Free Souls All That Remains
CoomernistFaggotA song I wrote, blending different themes, "Culture Jamming", Not entirely sure I'm doing it correctly, critique my style. The music itself is A.I. generated using Suno. Please enjoy.12 views -
Can This Be Proved?
CoomernistFaggotA "Love" song I wrote, I've gotten flexible with my Lyrics eh?. The music itself is A.I. generated using Suno. Please enjoy, Criticism is welcome, Thank you.10 views -
Lesbian Space Witches
CoomernistFaggotA song I wrote, music is A.I. generated on Suno. Culture Jamming the Woke-Stream-Media, they/theys can't withstand mockery, Please Like/Share/Drink water.28 views -
Back To The Start
CoomernistFaggotA neatly written song of mine, using my Awesomely Autistic Aboriginal Lyrical Skills. The music itself is A.I. generated, using "Suno". Free People can make music to fight back against the fake, gay, and retarded system.22 views