1 video
Updated 9 months ago
good stuff
TThe Fifth DoctorThank you for your support: https://ko-fi.com/thefifthdoctor DESCRIPTION & LINKS: This is an interview I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. It’s lengthy and requires your attention, but its subject concerns the very nature (or rather UNnature-ness) of world-shaking events of the last several decades, which the last few years helped to expose even further…. It is well worth the watch! In addition to myself, Sam Dubé, M.D., Ph.D., this interview features as lead presenter Stephen Coughlin, and (at my behest) for additional commentary and insights, Vlad Tepes. Major (ret.) Stephen C. Coughlin, M.Sc., J.D., is the founder and president of Unconstrained Analytics, an American non-profit organization “dedicated to analysis of evidence unconstrained by preconceptions and biases”. He is an attorney, decorated intelligence officer and noted specialist on Islamic law, ideology and associated issues as they relate to terrorism and subversion. Major Coughlin’s assignments have included the Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Pentagon’s National Military Command Center, the National Military Joint Intelligence Center, the National Security Council’s Interagency Perception Management Threat Panel, as well as USCENTCOM where he served in both an intelligence and strategic communications/information operations role. He is recognized as the Pentagon’s leading expert on Islamic law as it relates to national security, and was in demand as a lecturer at the National Defense University, the Army and Navy War Colleges, Marine Corps HQ-Quantico, the Joint Forces Staff College, as well as at the FBI and associated agencies and private sector groups. Retired from the Reserves, Stephen Coughlin’s private sector career has focused on international law, competitive intelligence and the development and provision of open source, classified and proprietary commercial data and information products and programs at leading information publishing houses. He is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute. Major (ret.) Coughlin’s company site: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/ REPORT: Re-Remembering the Mis-Remembered Left: The Left’s Strategy and Tactics To Transform America: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/report-re-remembering-the-mis-remembered-left-the-lefts-strategy-and-tactics-to-transform-america/ BLOG: Discourse Theory, Part 1: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/part-1-discourse-theory-as-assessed-in-warning-on-racism/ BLOG: Discourse Theory, Part 2: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/part-2-discourse-theory-in-the-context-of-covid19-narratives/ BLOG: Discourse Theory, Part 3: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/part-3-did-vatican-ii-serve-as-the-discourse-theory-prototype/ BLOG: Discourse Theory, Conclusion: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/discourse-theory-conclusion/ Vlad Tepes has been a freedom fighter for about 18 years, and is currently a main writer for RAIR Foundation U.S.A. He also maintains a blog, accessed here: Vlad’s blog: https://vladtepesblog.com/ Vlad’s blog article which supplements the interview: https://vladtepesblog.com/2024/05/26/the-videos-on-the-frankfurt-school-and-its-influence-on-the-revolution-that-has-taken-the-west-which-stephen-coughlin-referred-to-in-his-presentation/ Vlad’s article and commentary for RAIR Foundation U.S.A. regarding the interview: https://rairfoundation.com/former-pentagon-analyst-maj-ret-stephen-coughlin-exposing/ CLIMATE the Movie: The Cold Truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOAUsvVhgsU&ab_channel=ClimateTheMovie An excellent and extremely important feature film on Stakeholder Capitalism, which is essentially Marxism, hence its title “Stakeholder Communism”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=A1m4zZvyCxg&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=YellowForum Petition to STOP the Online Harms Bill C-63: https://citizengo.org/en-ca/pt/12377-STOP-BILL-C-----The-DEATH-of-Free-Speech-?utm_medium=shared&utm_campaign=EN_CA-2024-02-29-Local-POL-GTO-12377-Online_Hate_Bill.05_AA_Relaunch_2&utm_source=em&_ref= [On the name of my podcast, “The Fifth Doctor”: Remember that historically, there was a phrase that was used to endorse often dubious, and sadly, harmful recommendations, the one beginning with “4 out of 5 doctors recommend ___”. Or, in the case of Camel cigarettes, it was “9 out of 10 physicians prefer Camels….” Myself, and everyone featured on my podcast, is thus dubbed “the fifth doctor”, or the one who did NOT consent, get paid off, or cave in to scientism. Remember also, that CONSENSUS IS NOT SCIENCE.] Stay tuned! More videos to come! Please “Follow”, and thanks again for your support!26.9K views 44 comments