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Nuremberg Two Is The Mission.

3 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Interest in Justice in Costa Rica has been litigating against the Costa Rican Health Minister a W.E.F. Young Global Leaders School Graduate for three years. Their Mission is to hold a International Tribunal to prosecute Global Leaders, the F.D.A., The United States DOD, The Davos Click in Germany rigged the PCR test and many more.
  1. Florida Surgeon General Ladipo demands Covid Vax Halted- changes DNA Tucker Carlson Inverview
  2. Costa Rica Is One Country That CAN Host Nuremberg Type Trial Against the W.H.O. W.E.F U.N. and F.D.A, DOD. Imagine That!
  3. Nuremberg 2 Tribunal for Crimes Against Humanity Is Their Mission, Making Headway!