Nuremberg Two Is The Mission.
3 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Interest in Justice in Costa Rica has been litigating against the Costa Rican Health Minister a W.E.F. Young Global Leaders School Graduate for three years. Their Mission is to hold a International Tribunal to prosecute Global Leaders, the F.D.A., The United States DOD, The Davos Click in Germany rigged the PCR test and many more.
Florida Surgeon General Ladipo demands Covid Vax Halted- changes DNA Tucker Carlson Inverview
Videos that MatterTucker Carlson interview with Dr. Ladipo the Florida Surgeon General. He explains how the Covid injections DO change DNA in a bad way and can be a horrible propblem for generations. "Its not a complicated issue" he states. Our genetic blueprint, our gift from God. The MnRa vaccine This DNA is not like other DNA, this DNA hangs on with MnRa and comes into the cell hitchhiking being delived into the cell with the lipid nano particles. Hundreds of billions of fragments of contaminated DNA being delivered into human DNA. There are specific tests to see if this is happening and those tests were not done. He is calling for the shots to be halted. So why isn't the Governor of Florida taking that to heart and outlawing them in Florida? The Governor who is under the control of the evil government ( not the people) of Israel. Is that why he is not ? In case you may want to donate for my research time to post here is my Bitcoin address, and thank you much! bc1q059rem7c2zsja7ucc5twsu44gel7x2kelhplad453 views 1 comment -
Costa Rica Is One Country That CAN Host Nuremberg Type Trial Against the W.H.O. W.E.F U.N. and F.D.A, DOD. Imagine That!
Videos that MatterDONATE FOR THIS PLEASE TO SAVE HUMANITY, THEY NEED $15,000 TO PAY THE LAWYERS TO GO FORWARD. AND AT LEAST A $100,000.00 TOTAL WHICH IS NOT THAT MUCH TO SAVE HUMANITY. PLEASE GIVE. They are The Interest of Justice Team. Thank God for them. A few people can make a difference, so can you and I. Let's fight and get the criminals and put them on trial and prosecute them to the fullest extent of law!! Costa Rica Health Minister lied to their people as EVERY Health Dept in the world has lied to their people. Costa Rica's government will have to answer for their crimes, which will force All governents to do the same~!! Costa Rica is a co-signer to an International Agreement called "SIRACUSA" It has long been observed by the American Association for the International Commission of Jurists (AAICJ) that one of the main instruments employed by govern ments to repress and deny the fundamental rights and freedoms of peoples has been the illegal and unwarranted Declaration of Martial Law or a State of Emergency. Very often these measures are taken under the pretext of the existence of a “public emergency which threatens the life of the nation” or “threats to its national security.” The abuse of applicable provisions allowing govern ments to limit and derogate from certain rights contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has resulted in the need for a closer examination of the conditions and grounds for permissable limitations and derogations in order to achieve an effective imple mentation of the rule of law. The United Nations General Assembly has frequently emphasized the impor tance of a uniform interpretation of limitations on rights enunciated in the Covenant. With this in mind, the AAICJ initiated a colloquium composed of 31 distinguished experts in international law, held at Siracusa, Italy, in the Spring of 1984. This meeting, the first of its kind, was co-sponsored by the International Commission of Jurists, the Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights, and the International Insti tute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences."" Costa Rica has the autorization to hold a World Court Tribunal. The U.S. is not a cosigner to this agreement. They are asking for in two cases. Prosecute the Health minister for lying. To have the jabs be pulled, stopped. The Genome is the Heritage of Humanty and must be protected- Florida Surgeon General has called for the jabs to be pulled as it changed the human genome- ouir DNA, oiur God Force that makes us human. Episode 11 Truth, Science and Spirit: Global Covid Justice - Conversation With IOJ Costa Rica Dr Ana Mihalcea interviews the Interest of Justice Team – to explain the series of lawsuits of international importance that are occurring now in Costa Rica and how you can get involved and help. You have an opportunity to help ensure the global mission of covid justice, transparency and accountability. Interest of Justice (IOJ) is on a mission to finally arm humanity with a series of formidable lawsuits against covid tyranny and WHO breaches of duty. IOJ intends to prove the WHO & States declared a fraudulent emergency, censored truthful whistleblowers and coerced humanity to take an experimental risky gene therapy misbranded as a safe vaccine, which violates international law. IOJ is proudly supporting top experts that will be testifying, which include Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay, Norman Fenton, Dr. Boyle and Dr. Peter Breggin. The small organization IOJ has spent many thousands of hours over the past 3 years building a very viable case against WHO, Big Pharma and the global vaccine regulators, even winning 4 cases against the Costa Rican Health Minister and convincing the Costa Rican Comptroller and Attorney General to open investigations along the way. IOJ is a stakeholder in WHO, FDA and HHS who speaks in the global public hearings to protest covid and climate scams on behalf of humanities interests. Visit IOJ's current donation drive where you will find all of their information and links to IOJ's series of cases it will take to actually sue the WHO, stop the shots, censorship, persecution of groups and then prosecute the global covid criminals under Costa Rica Penal Code 386 Crimes Against Humanity, in Universal Jurisdiction. Subscribe and read IOJ's legal saga posts at Justice is slow but inevitable if we stay the course and insist on rule of law and truth. The only way to lose is to let them get away with it and do nothing. Be bold. Take meaningful action with IOJ and file strategic court cases with teeth. Why be the resistance, when you can be the PERSISTENCE? This is the Great Reset of Rule of Law! Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician with a PhD in Pathology and over 20 years of clinical experience. She is the President of AM Medical LLC, an anti-aging clinic dedicated to the reversal of all diseases. She is the Award-winning Author of the book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity” ( She is also the founder of Tru Blu Medical, developer of Blue Light Wellness wraps ( ). You can reach her website for research updates and treatments at Dr. Mihalcea writes Humanity United Now Substack Newsletter – discussing topics like dangers of C19 injectables, Long Covid, vax injury reversal, self-assembly nanotechnology and more Her research field is C19 vaccine shedding, therapeutic approaches including metal detoxification and disabling self-assembly nanotechnology. She serves on the Board of Directors for the National American Renaissance Movement She is also an Advisor for PRAY FOR COSTA RICA TO HOLD A WORLD TRIBUNAL , VISION IT FOLKS! IF WE ALL DO AND WE ALL GIVE A FEW DOLLARS WE WILL OVERCOME THE EVIL. GOD BLESS TRUTH WARRIORS. In case you may want to donate a cup of tea, to this grandmother fighting for the kids and us all for my research time to post here is my Bitcoin address, and thank you much! bc1q059rem7c2zsja7ucc5twsu44gel7x2kelhplad964 views 4 comments -
Nuremberg 2 Tribunal for Crimes Against Humanity Is Their Mission, Making Headway!
Videos that MatterThis is a really good update on the wonderful Interest of Justice Team in Costa Rica actually making headway holding those accountable for Covid Crimes Against Humanity- To get the Covid 19 injections STOPPED To hold all the psychopaths and world leaders ALL responsible in a court of law. Please donate as you are really donating to yourself for this one folks. Please share widely. Lets get some wealthy folks onboard and knock this out. "Our mission is to ensure that no one’s human rights are overlooked when they’re needed most. We’re gearing up for a critical battle, and we need your help to raise $50,000. This isn’t just any fundraiser; it’s the key to unlocking justice. The funds will secure the downpayment a top-notch legal team and cover the downpayment to a law firm that specializes in human rights cases." Please click here on this link to go to their very cool website. And imagine the world watching on TV a Nuremberg Two Costa Rican International Tribunal with Fauci on the stand, then Gates, then Klaus Schaub and his sidekick Hurarri, and Biden and Trump and J. Trudeau , Macron, & all other world leaders. Imagine them being found guilty of crimes against humanity for pushing and madating a bioweapon that is murdering millions and changing human DNA. Imagine them being handcuffed and taken to prison, or capitol punishment. Doctors were hung by the neck until dead in Nuremberg for doing what all the doctors who gave a jab did. Think about that.670 views 5 comments