playlist thumnail

The Plot & The Plotters

10 videos
Updated 2 months ago
This playlist will consist of me reading a report by the Central Intelligence Agency from the Directorate of Operations. The report entitled "September 11: The Plot and the Plotters" was finalized on June 1, 2003 and later, approved for public release on April 25th 2012. This research paper was prepared by the DCI Counterterrorist Center's Office of Terrorism Analysis.
  1. 1
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 1) (The Evolution Of The Attacks Key Findings)
  2. 2
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 2) (Development Of The September 11 Attacks)
  3. 3
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 3)(Executioners Of The Plot)
  4. 4
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 4)(Exploitation Of Afghan Camps)
  5. 5
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 5)(Preparations For The Mission)
  6. 6
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 6) (2001: The Plot Gathers Steam)
  7. 7
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 7) (Final Preparations)
  8. 8
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 8)(Keys To Success)
  9. 9
    The Plot And The Plotters (Part 9)(Continuing Collection And Analytic Efforts)