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Stars are exactly what the Bible said they are, And they are NOT ALIENS!!!
RichieFromBostonRJCJR10@YAHOO.COM GET YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE BANK AND GET GOLD AND SILVER IN YOUR HANDS CLOCK IS TICKING. REAL GOLD NOT FIAT PAPER OR 1S AND 0S www.Richielikesgold.com IN2THINAIR https://www.youtube.com/@In2ThinAir CONFUSION IN CHRISTIANITY https://store.bookbaby.com/book/confusion-in-christianity RUSS DIZDAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hprYURTabYc&t=130s RFB FAN PAGE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y6Ha8qa4BY&t=169s ANTI GRAVITY https://patents.google.com/patent/CN110857151A/en UFO CHINESE https://patents.google.com/patent/CN101797980A/en US NAVY MAKING FAKE PLASMA OBJECTS(UFO) https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2020/05/11/us-navy-laser-creates-plasma-ufos/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/state/2025/01/03/fbi-spacex-threats-starship-rocket-boca-chica-texas-launch-site/77437123007/ https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-just-discovered-magic-at-the-large-hadron-collider/ doppler radar https://tempest.aos.wisc.edu/radar/us3comphtml5.html13K views 169 comments -
Brotherhood of the Snake - the oldest secret society on planet Earth
REPTOS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRIL, GRAYS - ALIEN DOMINION - Secret Space Program SSP27.02.2020 - Among most peoples, the serpent plays an extraordinarily important and extremely diverse role as a symbolic animal. The primary characteristics that gave the serpent its symbolic significance were the special place it occupies in the animal kingdom, its cold, slick and shiny exterior, its poisonous bite and its venom that can be used for medicinal purposes, as well as its periodic shedding of its skin. - It is frequently encountered as a chthonic being, as an adversary of man (but also as an apotropaic animal), as a protector of sacred precincts or of the underworld, as an animal having the soul of a human, as a sexual symbol (masculine because of its phallic shape, feminine because of its engulfing belly), and (because of its shedding) as a symbol of constant power of renewal. - But the symbolic significance of the serpent goes much further back than the Bible that Westerners know today. Suffice it say that of all the animals revered in ancient human societies, none were as prominent or as important as the snake. The snake was the logo of a group which had become very influential in early human societies of both Hemispheres. In fact, it is perhaps the oldest secret society on planet Earth spanning back 100’s of thousands of years. MUSIC: Epic & Dramatic Cinematic Trailer Pack Source http://tiny.cc/AncientAstronautArchive - 🔥 Did An Ancient Serpent Cult Dominate The Earth? The Brotherhood Of The Snake Explored --->>> https://rumble.com/v648qlv-did-an-ancient-serpent-cult-dominate-the-earth-the-brotherhood-of-the-snake.html - THE HIDDEN HISTORY and THE SNAKE / REPTO WORLD ORDER = THE NAZI WORLD ORDER -> NWO --->>> https://rumble.com/v273cgo-the-snake-repto-world-order-the-nazi-world-order-nwo.html - 🔥 The Entire History On 'The Jesuit Order' & The Plans Of World Domination Full Documentary ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v23hic8-the-entire-history-on-the-jesuit-order-and-the-plans-of-world-domination-fu.html - 🔥 The Forbidden Knowledge: The Truth about the Illuminati, Religion, and Global Governance ---->>> https://rumble.com/v28f19k-the-forbidden-knowledge-the-truth-about-the-illuminati-religion-and-global-.html8.26K views -
The Cosmic War between Soul-bearing Humans and AI-Conscious Dracos & Grays
SpaceForceGalacticFederation26.12.2024 Video Credit #MichaelSalla - Exopolitics.org - On April 12, 1991, Mack (a pseudonym) and his twin brother saw a saucer-shaped UFO hovering outside their apartment complex in Mumbai, India. He and his brother waved to the craft and an occupant could be seen waving back. After moving to Canada and later Australia, Mack did two hypnotic regression sessions where he remembered past lives in the Lyran star system and as a Reptilian from Alpha Draconis. - His life as a Draconian brought forward disturbing memories of feeding on humans and developing a soul in the process. He remembers how he was punished for developing a soul by having it removed by a group of Grays, another Draco, and a Mantid Insectoid who placed it in a glass box and terminated his life. - Mack has taken numerous photos of UFO craft and orbs and has had some of his life-changing experiences rendered by an artist. He discussed several orb photos that contained the consciousness of different ET beings whose outlines could be seen. Mack describes how black helicopters began appearing over his current home in Melbourne, Australia after he began practicing a meditation developed by Joe Dispensa. He next discussed several photos showing a triangle-shaped UFO craft in the vicinity of a black helicopter. - Mack has met a group of golden Owl-like beings (Avians) who say they are guardians of soul-bearing species that can embody fractal consciousness of universal source energy. The Owl-beings described how they are fighting a Cosmic war against the Grays and Draconians, who are infected by an AI Consciousness intent on controlling or destroying soul-bearing species. Video Credit Exopoltics http://tiny.cc/ExopoliticsToday - REPTOS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRIL, GRAYS - ALIEN DOMINION - Secret Space Program SSP --->>> https://rumble.com/c/ReptoTV - - 🔥🔥DEMONIC ALIENS POSSED "PEOPLE" / SHAPESHIFTERS 🔥🔥INVASION CONFIRMED BY THE PENTAGON --->>> https://rumble.com/v1y30i4-demonic-aliens-possed-people-shapeshifters-invasion-confirmed-by-the-pentag.html - WHISTLEBLOWER about PEDOGATE - CHILDSEX TRAFFICKING WITHIN THE BLACK HAT MILITARY DoD & Pentagon --->>> https://rumble.com/v4r4b30-pedogate-chikdsex-trafficking-within-the-black-hat-military-dod-and-pentago.html - LIZARD QUEEN, TIGER KING - the BLACK NOBILITY SATANIC NAZI WINDSORS - SHAPESHIFTING REPTILIANS --->>> https://rumble.com/v24zi28-lizard-queen-tiger-king-the-black-nobility-satanic-nazi-windsors.html4.61K views 1 comment -
THE SECRETS OF BUCEGI: The Secret Tunnels (Part 2)
DUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔22.09.2023 Video Credit #unXplainedEnigmas - #alien #aliens #documentary 👁️🗨️ In this video, we visit three tunnels from the ancient complex found in the Bucegi Mountains, and the Occult Chambers at the end of them, which contain ancient secrets and devices that could help humanity ascend! Video Credit http://tiny.cc/xEnigmas - PART 1 - ANNUNAKI BASE - THE SECRETS OF THE BUCEGI MOUNTAINS: Traces of a Lost Civilisation? --->>> https://rumble.com/v630m0t-annunaki-base-the-secrets-of-the-bucegi-mountains-traces-of-a-lost-civilisa.html - MORE DETAILS --->>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18714 - https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18724 - https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18734 - Discovered: the Stargate in Iraq - real Stargate portal, Iraq Stargate conspiracy, Zecharia Stitchin --->>> https://rumble.com/v60iohk-discovered-the-stargate-in-iraq-real-stargate-portal-iraq-stargate-conspira.html - IRAQ - THERE HAVE BEEN NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION BUT A STARGATE --->>> https://rumble.com/v1zytwq-iraq-there-have-been-no-weapons-of-mass-destruction-but-a-stsrgate.html - Ancient Origins: Mankinds Mysterious Past (2022) [Documentary] ⌱ Civilizations Before Mesopotamia --->>> https://rumble.com/v62zj35-ancient-origins-mankinds-mysterious-past-2022-documentary-civilizations-bef.html14.6K views 15 comments -
Ancient Anunnaki Laboratory in Romania & ET Disclosure - BUCEGI MOUNTAINS
REPTOS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRIL, GRAYS - ALIEN DOMINION - Secret Space Program SSP07.11.2024 Video Credit #MichaelSalla Exopolit7cs.org - In this interview featuring Elena Danaan and Dr. Michael Salla recorded on October 28 in Bucharest, Romania, they discuss her experiences, along with Corina Pataki, of what was discovered inside the Bucegi mountains of Romania. They cover what was detected concerning a plasma consciousness that surrounds an anomaly allegedly first discovered under the Bucegi mountains in 2003. Danaan recognized the facility as an ancient Anunnaki laboratory built tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago from her own past life memories. - Danaan and Dr. Salla also analyze the ancient story of Adapa and Enki or Ea, where EA was not the trickster god that is depicted in some Sumerian texts but in fact actually saved the life of Adapa who was about to be punished for killing a Ciakar (Draconian leader). - They also cover the rapid growth of the Artemis Accords and their relationship to the Jupiter Accords that were reached in 2021, and how China has made itself an outlier in the implication of the Accords. Danna and Dr. Salla also discuss how the accords pertain to Elon Musk’s plans for future Starship missions to Mars and creating colonies there. - Danaan and Dr. Salla also talk about Medbeds and JP's October 28 update where he discussed how he was put inside of one for treatment, and how these were being made available to military veterans who had participated in covert secret space program assignments. - They also discuss the US presidential elections, what to expect with the outcome, and a possible delay in UFO/ET disclosure as the Deep State attempts to interfere with the election results to delay rather than prevent the inevitable outcome of a Star Trek future. - We wish to thank Bruno Mihăilescu for allowing us to film the interview in the office of the Tracia Unita organization in Bucharest, Romania. https://www.traciaunita.ro/ Video Credit Exopoltics http://tiny.cc/ExopoliticsToday - MORE DETAILS --->>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18724 - https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18734 - THE SECRETS OF THE BUCEGI MOUNTAINS: Traces of a Lost Civilisation? --->>> https://rumble.com/v630m0t-annunaki-base-the-secrets-of-the-bucegi-mountains-traces-of-a-lost-civilisa.html - Bucegi Mountains and Worlds below Romania - TheGalacticTalk --->>> https://rumble.com/v2r4k5u-bucegi-mountains-and-worlds-below-romania-thegalactictalk.html5.03K views 9 comments -
DUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔15.09.2023 Video Credit #unXplainedEnigmas - #aliens #documentary #mystery 👁️🗨️ After a series of earthquakes in 2002, the entrance to a previously unknown tunnel in the Bucsecs Mountains was revealed, and what was found behind it could fundamentally change the fate of humanity and rewrite history if it were allowed to. After Romanian television reported the discovery, the programme's producers received death threats. It was at this point that the heads of people who had not taken it seriously started to roll. Video Credit http://tiny.cc/xEnigmas - THE SECRETS OF BUCEGI: The Secret Tunnels (Part 2) --->>> https://rumble.com/v630pnn-the-secrets-of-bucegi-the-secret-tunnels-part-2.html - MORE DETAILS --->>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18714 - https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18724 - https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18734 - Ancient Anunnaki Laboratory in Romania & ET Disclosure - BUCEGI MOUNTAINS --->>> https://rumble.com/v630jne-ancient-anunnaki-laboratory-in-romania-and-et-disclosure-bucegi-mountains.html - Bucegi Mountains and Worlds below Romania - TheGalacticTalk --->>> https://rumble.com/v2r4k5u-bucegi-mountains-and-worlds-below-romania-thegalactictalk.html14.3K views 15 comments -
Romanian General Emil Strainu Confirms Reptilian Extraterrestrials
REPTOS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRIL, GRAYS - ALIEN DOMINION - Secret Space Program SSPRomanian General (retired), expert in radiolocation (radar technology) and Doctor in geophysical war. Currently he occupies the following positions: "Advisor of the Romanian Parliament on unconventional issues and asymmetrical threats." “Director of The Special Situations and Research Center on UFOs and Psihotronics.” "Founder of the Association for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena." Author of dozens of esoteric books. - Bucegi Mountainsand Worlds below Romania THE ANNUNAKI MAIN BASE --->>> https://rumble.com/v2r4k5u-bucegi-mountains-and-worlds-below-romania-thegalactictalk.html - We have already reported Search in this channel for Romania 🇷🇴, Bucegi - More Deatils ----->>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18742 --->>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/18724 - 🐲 THE REPTILIAN MASTER 🐊🐍🐉 THE LEGEND of the SERPENT - The biggest RELIGIOUS COVER UP IN HISTORY --->>>> https://rumble.com/v28morm--the-reptilian-master-draconians-reptos-lizards-.html - SECRET UNDERGROUND WAR --->>> https://rumble.com/v2r4p6o-secret-underground-war-reaches-its-final-countdown-by-dr.-michael-salla-exo.html - 🔥 The Orion Group - THE ALPHA DRACONIANS >>> https://rumble.com/v2294os-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-reptilian-alien-race.html - 🔥 Alien Archons Are Ruling the Earth Since the Dawn of Time - They've been running this planet since the dawn of time - Dragons aren't some mythological being. The Draco Reptilians came from the Alpha Draconis star system out of the Draco Constellation -->> https://rumble.com/v1jn9x5-alien-archons-are-ruling-the-earth-since-the-dawn-of-time.html - 🔥 ARCHONS & GREYS ARE REAL -->> https://rumble.com/v1nfqr0-archons-and-greys-are-real.html - 🔥 BEST KEPT SECRET (CHAPTER 6) ARCHONS -->> https://rumble.com/v1nd9bu--best-kept-secret-chapter-6-archons.html ———————————————— ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ———————————————— 🔥 MISSION STATEMENT: EVEN ATTACKS BY MEANS OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS CANNOT STOP THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED - To bring the secrets from the UNDERGROUND into the light to INCREASE AWARENESS and SaveOurChildren is OUR MAIN MISSION ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER ©️ COPYRIGHT / LICENSING ———————————————— we invite every content owner and video producer to contact us by email (DUMBSandUNDERGROUND@proton.me) #StongerTogether - WWG1WGA ———————————————— Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. IF YOU HAVE ANY LICENSE ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT US BY EMAIL(DUMBSandUNDERGROUND@proton.me) to RESOLVE THE PROBLEM and discuss a COOPERATION ———————————————— JOIN US and our Partners ON TELEGRAM and RUMBLE --->>>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND https://t.me/DUMBSandCLONING topic connected with CLONING https://rumble.com/c/CLONING ReptoTV https://rumble.com/c/ReptoTV PEDO CABAL https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL https://rumble.com/c/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCabal ———————————————— ☕️🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support by buying us a coffee ☕️ Big Thank you for your support - WWG1WGA --->>> ☕️🔥 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FCKtheNWO ———————————————— > SECURE SURFING in the INTERNET > YOU CANT ACCESS RUMBLE? e.g in FRANCE or somewhere else? - >>>> WE RECOMMEND OUR 🔥 VPN PARTNER >>> http://tiny.cc/VPN 🔥 PRIVATE INTERNET ACCESS >>> http://tiny.cc/privateinternetaccess ———————————————— 🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support in from of a donation - this helps us as a NON-PROFIT to CONTINUING OUR WORK to bring LIGHT INTO THE DARK 🔥 >>> http://tiny.cc/YourDonationIsSupport4Us ————————————————7.94K views 11 comments -
EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES in 5D(3) - ALPHA DRACONIANS (Pleiadian Message - Taygeta)
SpaceForceGalacticFederation#CosmicAgency - This episode is the third part of EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES, a series of videos where we talk about different races in 5D. In this episode we talk about Alpha Draconians. - Various races will be presented one by one in each video: Part 1- Introduction Part 2- Arcturians Part 3- Alpha Draconians Part 4 - Urmahs Part 5 - Sirians Part 6 - Centauris (Alfratans) Part 7 - Agarthians Part 8 - Andromedans The topic of ET races is huge as there are literally thousands of them, but we chose these for now. Translation from Spanish: Bent K. Michaelsen Source http://tiny.cc/CosmicAgency - REPTOS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRIL, GRAYS - ALIEN DOMINION - Secret Space Program SSP --->>> https://rumble.com/c/ReptoTV - - GALACTIC HISTORIES | REPTILIANS & EARTH ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1lehvb--galactic-histories-reptilians-and-earth.html - THE GREYS ORDER: AGENDA EXPOSED ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v26q3ee-the-greys-order-agenda-exposed.html - TRANSHUMANISM - AGENDA FOR ETERNAL LIFE - CLONE YOUR BODY, UPLOAD YOUR MEMORY --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1mf55y-transhumanism-agenda-for-eternal-life-clone-your-body-upload-your-memory.html - THE AI, THE HIVE MIND, DARPA and MIND CONTROL for the NWO https://rumble.com/v21tjto-the-ai-the-hive-mind-darpa-and-mind-control-for-the-nwo.html4.39K views 2 comments -
Lizard People - The Truth About Reptilians (2022) [Documentary] 🦎 Shape-Shifting Beings Unveiled
REPTOS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRIL, GRAYS - ALIEN DOMINION - Secret Space Program SSP16.12.24 Video Credit #cinenet | Are reptilian beings secretly controlling humanity? This documentary dives deep into the myths and legends surrounding these alleged shape-shifting creatures. Follow researchers as they explore ancient stories, conspiracy theories, and modern accounts to uncover the truth behind the mystery. - Could there be more to these legends than meets the eye? Discover the startling connections between history, mythology, and the possible existence of reptilian beings. Director: Michael Kallio © RBC Media / UCM.ONE ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER ©️ COPYRIGHT / LICENSING ———————————————— we invite every content owner and video producer to contact us by email (DUMBSandUNDERGROUND@proton.me) #StongerTogether - WWG1WGA Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. IF YOU HAVE ANY LICENSE ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT US BY EMAIL(DUMBSandUNDERGROUND@proton.me) to RESOLVE THE PROBLEM and discuss a COOPERATION ———————————————— THEY ARE NOT HUMAN THE ROYALS and THE ELITES : SATANIC REPTOS ACROSS THE POND ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v2560ln--the-royals-satanic-reptos-across-the-pond-.html - FOLLOW the WHITE RABBIT - THE SECRETS PRINCESS DI KNEW - THE REPTO QUEEN EXPOSED --->>>> https://rumble.com/v223wcy--the-secrets-prinses-di-knew-the-repto-queen-exposed.html - What You Need To Know About The REPTILIAN ALIEN RACE -->> https://rumble.com/v2294os-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-reptilian-alien-race.html - DRACONIANS/ REPTOS/ LIZARDS 🦎 - SHAPESHIFTER -->> https://rumble.com/v1k69j7-draconians-reptos-lizards-shapeshifter.html - REPTOS - DRACOS - SHAPESHIFTER ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1ijiat-september-3-2022.html - REPTOS - DRACOS - SHAPESHIFTER -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijiat-september-3-2022.html - THE HIDDEN HISTORY and THE SNAKE / REPTO WORLD ORDER = THE NAZI WORLD ORDER -> NWO --->>> https://rumble.com/v273cgo-the-snake-repto-world-order-the-nazi-world-order-nwo.html - NAZCA LINES 💀 THE ORION LINES --->>>> https://rumble.com/v29vtas-nazca-lines-the-orion-lines.html - 🔥 GALACTIC HISTORIES | REPTILIANS & EARTH -->> https://rumble.com/v1lehvb--galactic-histories-reptilians-and-earth.html - UKRAINE NOW RUSSIAN SECRETS REVEALED !!! - PYRAMIDS under Crimea --->>> https://rumble.com/v2n9mfu-ukraine-now-russian-secrets-revealed-pyramids-under-crimea.html - 🔥 RUSSIA vs UKRAINE/ NATO DUMBS, AI, THE BATTLE FOR EARTH & HUMANITY - REPTOS, GREYS, DRACOS and the AI, PORTALS, ADRENOCHROME and the BATTLE GOOD vs EVIL ----->>> https://rumble.com/v26nbn0-nuclear-war-games-under-cover-of-an-alien-agenda-by-kerry-cassidy.html - HOW THEY VRIL, THE REPTO IN YOUR EYES / DRONES / VRIL - WAKE UP GUYS. ITS SERIOUS DONT STAY SHEEPS - Your idols are all clones, sold their souls! -->> https://rumble.com/v1ixt2t-the-repto-in-your-eyes-drones-vril.html - DONALD MARSHALL - VRIL & TYPES, DRONES, REPTOS, LIZZARDS, BLACK EYE CLUB - THE VRIL OVERTAKES THE HUMAN BODY AND THE HUMAN BEING IS DEAD, THE SOUL and SPIRIT GONE and the BODY IS JUST THE HOST TILL THE VRIL ENTERS THE NEXT BODY.. - Their main aim is SEX, TORTURE and ADRENOCHROME - So when those creatures overtaking the body, its not the original perdon who is torturing and killing e.g children FOR ADRENOCHROME - THEY ARE NOT HUMAN --->>> https://rumble.com/v1yiwl4-vril-vril-types-drones-reptos-lizzards-black-eye-club.html - 🔥 DRACONIANS/ REPTOS/ LIZARDS 🦎 - SHAPESHIFTER Lizard People From the Tribe of Dan - LIZARDS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRILers and REPTOS --->>> https://rumble.com/v1qinql-lizard-people-from-the-tribe-of-dan-lizards-shapeshifters-vrilers-and-repto.html ———————————————— JOIN US ON TELEGRAM --->>>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND topic connected with https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL https://rumble.com/c/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCabal ———————————————— > SECURE SURFING in the INTERNET > YOU CANT ACCESS RUMBLE? e.g in FRANCE or somewhere else? - >>>> WE RECOMMEND OUR VPN PARTNER >>> http://tiny.cc/VPN PRIVATE INTERNET ACCESS >>> http://tiny.cc/privateinternetaccess8.33K views 29 comments