September 11th 2001 Oral Histories
25 videos
Updated 11 months ago
This playlist will include oral histories from those who personally experienced and those who shared their thoughts about the terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington D.C and Pennsylvania on September 11th 2001.
Abigail Feldman (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Abigail Feldman who lived in Greenpoint, Queens, New York City and was on her way to work in Lower Manhattan when the planes crashed into the WTC towers.6 views -
Abigail McDonald (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Abigail McDonald was in school in Rockville, Maryland when she passed by a break room and saw some teachers crying while watching television. While in class, Abigail heard a broadcast over the loudspeaker and heard there was a bombing in New York City. The teacher put on the television in the classroom which had live news broadcasts of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center.7 views -
AJ Devine (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911AJ Devine was an American Airlines pilot for 3 years who also served in the military and was living with a roommate when he was awakened to the terrorist attacks in New York City.5 views -
Al Crain (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Al Crain was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin working when his wife called and told him that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Crain from there started to closely follow the immediate news, while sharing his innermost thoughts about what took place next.4 views -
Alcira Brun (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Alcira Bron works for the office of the Secretary of Defense and on September 11th 2001 she was inside the Pentagon in her office when American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon. Bron, who was on the other side of the building, hurriedly evacuated the premises.5 views -
Alejandro Mata (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Alejandro Mata was a physical therapist working in the Pentagon on September 11th 2001. As his morning began, the television was playing as staff and clients were watching the horror unfold in New York City, as the Pentagon was being evacuated, Flight 77 impacted Wedge One.3 views -
Alex Zablocki (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Alex Zablocki was attending Baruch college, and after class went to the store when he heard on the radio that a fire had been spotted at the World Trade Center. As he went to attend another class, he then heard about the attacks in Washington DC, when as he was walking down to the ferry, he heard about the collapse of the North Tower.1 view -
Alexa Steinberg (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Alexa Steinberg was in school in Connecticut and found out about the Twin Towers attack when she was alerted to the TV at the campus center. Where over the next couple of days they played continuous coverage of the attacks, here she tells her experience.5 views -
Alexander Passmore (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Alexander Passmore was working inside the Pentagon on September 11th 2001, when he heard co-workers inform him that a plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. He then left his office for a moment when Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon and shook the wing of the building where he was.3 views -
Alexander Shulan (Voices Of 9/11)
AdamFitzgerald911Alexander Shulan was in school and while sitting in English class and witnessed a descending plane while it roared past the building and subsequently crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Soon afterwards,. Shulan and his classmates witnessed adults walking covered in dust.3 views