Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
9 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Two Mikes: Dani Katz Explains how Language Holds the Key to America's Future | LIVE @ 7pm ET
Freedom First NetworkToday, The Two Mikes spoke with Dani Katz who has written a frank and vitally important book called The Language of Tetrarchy: A Blueprint for Uniting against Tyranny. The word “bettearchy”, Ms. Katz says, is the word which should be used to remove the term patriarchy from the nation’s conversation. Today’s patriarchy and its political and media acolytes are in place to do only one thing; namely, to put minorities – talented or not -- at the top of American society and thereby reduce the remainder of the population to slaves and servants. In short, the patriarchy’s goal is to divide, enslave, and then murder the rest of us. The use of alternative words – hierarchy not patriarchy, unity not division, commonsense education not common-core programs, and traditional non-violent politics, not inherently violent identity politics – are keys to rebuilding a hierarchy that is fueled by a sustained flow of proven talent and not by ignorant often murderous prejudice. It also is necessary to learn, listen for, and combat the terms that the patriarchy has assigned to be used as tools against those who oppose their tyrannical intentions and woke programs. Terms such as shaming conservatives, blaming whites and others of all races who reject the idiocy of wokeness, and using a tone of fear that borders on terrorizing to try and put people at each others throats, as has been done with vaccinated-vs.--non-vaccinated, and by identifying Christians or all colors and sects as the greatest threat to peace in the United States. Time is of the essence on the issue of language because the installation of tyranny already is underway. It only can be stopped by Americans who listen for and loudly reject what the enemy’s is saying publicly and through its indoctrinating of students at all levels of education with such violence-causing and anti-American ideas of CRT and DEI. Comment: In addition to Ms. Katz’s book, we must add that she is an excellent, to-the-point, hard-headed, and amusing speaker. She defines the problem and applies a keen mind and commonsense to confront and defeat it. We think she would be welcome speaker by those groups around the country who are concerned about the tyrannical direction in which America is heading. Ms. Katz’s website is: https://www.danikatz.com. Her email is danikatz@pm.me Both of Dani Katz’s books are available at Amazon: The Language of Betterarchy: A Blueprint for Uniting against Tyranny is at https://www.amazon.com/Language-Betterarchy-Blueprint-Uniting-against/dp/B0CH23Z4P2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=O9PYZ9K1RFPH&keywords=Betterarchy&qid=1704918953&s=books&sprefix=betterarchy%2Cstripbooks%2C85&sr=1-1.Her earlier critically acclaimed book is called Word Up: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change and is at https://www.amazon.com/New-P-Handbook-Vol-Languaging/dp/1979154198/ref=pd_bxgy_img_d_sccl_1/137-7067780-4977135?pd_rd_w=6XrKc&content-id=amzn1.sym.101c7dca-f8ef-4330-838b-ed6e9ebb9e52&pf_rd_p=101c7dca-f8ef-4330-838b-ed6e9ebb9e52&pf_rd_r=EE5VSA9Q70B68EZESJZV&pd_rd_wg=ZhtEq&pd_rd_r=2785cbd7-a6ed-4e19-bb76-bd9ee2e12611&pd_rd_i=1979154198&psc=1 Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us451 views -
Two Mikes: Watergate Expert Geoff Shepard Drops Bombshell on Biden's Special Prosecutor | LIVE @ 7pm ET
Freedom First NetworkToday,The Two MikeswelcomedGeoff Shepard, America’s foremost authority on Watergate, back to the program to discuss document authored for the Supreme Court’s consideration by President Reagan’s Attorney General, Edward Meese and his associates Steven Calibrese and Gray Lawson. The document – called an amicus brief – argues that the Biden Administration’s chief Special Prosecutor in the multi-prong effort to find some way to jail Donald Trump is not qualified to hold that position. Why? Well, the why has nothing to do with his university credentials or his admission to the bar. Rather, Meese’s argument pivots off several points. The first is that although Mr. Smith was an employee of the Department of Justice at the time of his appointment, he was not serving there as an attorney. Because of this fact, Meese argues, that Smith was required to have the Senate’s approval by vote before he can serve to as special prosecutor, and that without it he is disqualified to serve as such (NB:Mr. Shepard points out that the Biden Administration also failed to request the Senate’s sanction for Robert Mueller to serve as the special prosecutor for the case against Trump on the Russia issue.) Mr. Shepard noted that the appointments clause of Article III of the U.S. Constitution is a bit vague, but it seems to suggest that Meese’s document may be on point, on the basis of both the Article III clause and other federal law. In any event, Mr. Shepard concluded, Meese’s document has some merit and appears to present a serious requirement for a hearing before the Supreme Court. ---Mr. Shepard's website is at:https://www.shepardonwatergate.com --Mr. Shepard’s authoritative three-volume dissection of the Watergate Affair is available at Amazon and many other booksellers. Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us506 views -
7pm ET - Todd Callender Marches Towards Victory | Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
Freedom First NetworkToday,The Two Mikesspoke again with U.S. military veteran and lawyerToddCallender, who brought us the good news that his case in defense of U.S. military personnel who were forced to take the lethal Covid vaccinations has been docketed by the Supreme Court and will be considered. Mr. Callender's case uses a legal precedent that found that the use of MRNA changed that person's DNA thus making him or her new person. In essence, when the trial is heard, the Court will have to decide if the maker/owner of the MRNA now owns the new person created via its use. At long last, the federal government's murderous decision that all military personnel must be inoculated is under direct review, and it may well emerge that the senior members of the government's health bureaucracy and the military's medical establishment knowingly injected the poison into millions of Americans. On a worrying note, Mr. Callender reported that if a new pandemic and shutdown is declared the U.S. military's medical arm will exercise the U.S. government's enforcement powers, suggesting that all Americans will be treated as much or more cruelty as the military used to treat its own. Mr. Callender also is continuing his organization's investigation into the nearly complete lack of any hard evidence that Biden, his vice-president and cabinet members, or the senior bureaucrats and diplomats Biden appointed, have actually signed an oath-of-office form which acts as tangible reinforcement of the oath of office that is orally sworn to before a judge or another senior U.S. officials. Without that signed proclamation of loyalty to the United States and its Constitution, Biden, the vice president, and most senior U.S. officials across the government are defrauding the U.S. and its people, perhaps hoping that by not signing the required form, they can steer clear of treason charges for the great crimes in which they have been sponsored and/or are participated in. Opening music credit: Noah Kahan, Hozier - Northern Attitude Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us581 views -
Good Morning Vietnam with Col. Lee Ellis | Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
Freedom First NetworkToday, the Two Mikes spoke with Colonel Lee Ellis(ret'd), who was a combat pilot in Vietnam, was shot down, and spent 5.5 years in captivity in North Vietnam, several of them in the Hanoi Hilton. Col Ellis has written a book called"Captured by Love"which is a compilation of memoir-likes essays -- including his own - about the experiences of himself and his fellow prisoners and how their lives turned out after they returned to the United States. The men and situations focus on the return of the last group of POWs to be returned from Vietnam over the course of several months in the spring of 1973, a group that numbered about 400 men -- almost entirely pilots and air-crew -- who had been prisoners from 5 to 8 years, with an average of 5.5 years. Colonel Ellis presents the personal stories of 20 of those men and their families drawn from their own words and recollections. Some of the POWs got home and were divorced by their wives. Most of these men remarried and the others remained married. The average age of the men and their families whose stories are told is now 85 years, and so reflect family-life experiences of c. 60 years. The stories show how successful these 20 men and their wives and families have been during those years, and that the returning men have largely subdued their residual bitterness’s from prolonged captivity and torture and that they and their families have shown extraordinary resilience, an exemplary capacity for love, companionship, and an acknowledgement of the interdependence of families. Colonel Ellis has written a really extraordinary book about genuinely extraordinary men, women, and children. He also was an unusual vehicle for driving home the human power for survival and revival found in these stories by including concise "lessons learned" sections at the conclusion of each story. Colonel Ellis's book is both a terrific, heartwarming read, an education into the positive possibilities of human nature, and a treasure to own for both re-reading and for future generations. Colonel Ellis's book is available at Amazon at:https://www.amazon.com/Captured-Love-Inspiring-Romance-Stories/dp/1733632239/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1LB0CHWYF6NGA&keywords=colonel+lee+ellis&qid=1704385738&s=books&sprefix=colonel+lee+ellis%2Cstripbooks%2C92&sr=1-1 Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us299 views -
New Year Special: Thank You Note From the Two Mikes | Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
Freedom First NetworkOn Today's show, The Two Mikes took the opportunity to thank our listeners in America and around the world. The two of us have been broadcasting on the radio or by podcast for more than a decade and have tried to blend politics and world affairs with episodes about books, heath and the enemies thereof, fake climate science, urban issues, and, frankly, we have tried to mix in a bit of fun with things like the calls that come in from Moscow from someone close to Putin's government. Most of all we have tried to be honest and responsive to those who send comments.. We're now approaching a total of 450 shows -- thanks to your support -- and we wanted to wish all of listeners around the world, whether you agree with us, a happy and prosperous New Year and send our prayer that the Lord gives all of us protection and guidance for what looks to be a tough year ahead. Opening music credit: Noah Kahan, Hozier - Northern Attitude Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us265 views -
2023 Year End Analysis with Joel Skousen | Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col MikeToday onThe Two Mikesthe famed analyst of international affairsJoel M. Skousen(https://www.worldafairsbrief.com)presented a year’s end review of the currently sad shape in which the United States, and its genuine national interests, have been put by the Biden Administration and the uniparty. --The Biden Administration’s facilitation of the entry of a worthless flood of 3rdWorld illegal aliens -- the UN's so-called replacements for Americans -- has compromised the domestic security of the republic in a way that has not been seen in U.S. history. Biden, the Democrats, many Republicans, the UN, and the Globalists are clearly and deliberately killing American society, their longtime goal. --This Globalist cabal also is continuing building towards its long-term goal of causing a war between Russia and the United States. Since Lenin won power in 1917, the Globalists have funded the Bolsheviks and sought to build alienation between Russia and the U.S. Through a long and difficult up-and-down process, they are on the verge of success. Such a war would cause international economic destruction and perhaps a catastrophic nuclear war. There could be no better outcome for Biden, the Democrats, and their Globalist overseers. --The Israel-Gaza war appears to have been facilitated by Israeli leaders suppressing intelligence showing the intentions of HAMAS, which came to fruition on 7 October 2023. After collecting that intelligence, they spent months weakening their border forces and ordering its military to stand down and allow the HAMAS attack to achieve initial success. Thus, Netanyahu’s government made sure the HAMAS attack into Israel would largely succeed and yield unprecedented Israeli blood and casualties. The current war is a self-made disaster for Israel, one in which the United States is now mired -- seemingly inextricably -- and which HAMAS and its growing number of international allies are winning hands down. Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us931 views 2 comments -
Full-Scale Marxist US Revolution with Xi Van Fleet | Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col MikeToday,The Two Mikesspoke withXi Van Fleet(@xivanfleet) who has written a book that should be read by every American who is interested in preserving the republic. Mrs. Van Fleet immigrated to the United States after the death of Chairman Mao, but in the years she lived in China she lived through Mao's murderous cultural revolution. Mrs. Van Fleet is now a staunch U.S. citizen and her book is calledChairman Mao's America: A Survivor's Warning. Having lived through China's cultural revolution, Mrs. Van Fleet explains in her book that Americans must wake up to the fact that their society is now undergoing "a full-scale Marxist revolution" that is being claimed by the Democrats and the Woke to be a simple attempt to promote diversity, equity, and inclusiveness -- the slavery and death machine known as DEI. Mrs. Van Fleet argues that the educational and political systems of the United States has been growing steadily more Marxist since Lenin began funding the Communist Party of the United States in 1919. Interestingly, Moscow did not start funding the CCP until 2021. Just as in Mao's cultural revolution, today's U.S. cultural revolution the educational system -- especially through the bastardization of history -- has replaced republicanism with communism, and this is shown graphically by the preference of the Democrats and their domestic and foreign allies for tyrannical governance over democracy; the encouragement and celebration of widespread and pointless violence; the definition of all Americans as either the oppressors or the oppressed, and identifying -- in the American case -- minority groups of all sorts as the heroic oppressed and all whites as the oppressors who must be wiped out -- the so called victimized of yesterday are duty bound to become the victimizers of today. Mrs. Van Fleet says there are many steps needed to counteract and eventually destroy this American cultural evolution, but none is more important than ending taxpayer funding for universities -- especially those that are ranked as the most prestigious. Mrs. Van Fleet's excellent book can be purchased from Amazon at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=xi+vanfleet&i=stripbooks&crid=2CA1HIGZ4RLBZ&sprefix=xi+vanfleet%2Cstripbooks%2C87&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us1.18K views -
Restoring Sound Medicine and Privacy with Twila Brase | Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
Freedom First NetworkToday,The Two Mikesspoke withRegistered and Public Health Nurse Twila Brase, who is director of theCitizens’ Council for Health Freedom(CCHF;CCHFreedom.org)) which is based in Minnesota. The CCHF is currently marking its 25thanniversary. Ms. Brase is a registered nurse as well as a public-health nurse. Ms. Brase noted that one of the major goals of the CCHF is to ensure that patients know which choices in choosing health care offer the greatest protection to both their health and from government interference and tracking. She noted, for example when the choice between Medicare and Medicare-Advantage is opened again in January 2024, it is important for customers remember that although Medicare Advantage is a bit less expensive, it is run entirely by the health industry and so can be more arbitrary in denying or delaying a treatment recommended by a patient’s physician. Ms. Brase also urged Americans not to apply for a Real ID Card because it is designed for the purpose of proving your identity for any entity that requires it across the country. The card is made to order to allow the federal government to track and database every aspect of a person’s life not just medical related data. To avoid this danger, citizens in the 46 states that have refused to use the Real ID, can get their state’s driver license embossed with a gold star in the top right corner and use it for identifying themselves. Using the starred driver’s license also prevents the federal government from using the all-disclosing Real ID card to cancel your license if it gets perturbed with you. Ms. Brase also said that the CCHF is in favor off and working to reestablish America’s traditional “cash-based health system”, one in which insurance companies paid the patient for a doctor’s services and, in turn, the patient pays the doctor. Such an arrangement allows greater freedom of choice for patients choosing a doctor and allows the doctor to get out from under the controlling thumbs of big hospitals and big pharma and treat their patients using the entire range of possible treatments and not the more limited “protocol” provided by the health-care industries. More information about this CCHF effort and its progress can be had atjointhewedge.com Twila Brase also has written the following excellent book:Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth about Electronic Health Records.It is available at Amazon at:https://www.amazon.com/Big-Brother-Exam-Room-Electronic/dp/1592987060/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1SL4ZX68SU7I8&keywords=twila+brase&qid=1702563283&s=books&sprefix=twila+brase%2Cstripbooks%2C100&sr=1-1 Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us344 views -
The United States of Israel with Khanverse | Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col Mike
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer & Col MikeToday,The Two Mikesspoke again withKhanverse, this time about the current Israel-Palestine war. Khanversesaid that it seems increasingly likely that there are only two possible explanations for the success of the 7 October 2023 Hamas attack on Israel; (1) A complete intelligence failure by the Israel's vaunted intelligence apparatus or (2) Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders let the Hamas attack succeed, confident that they would be able to mount an invasion of Gaza that would destroy Hamas utterly and allow Israel to annex the land that is now called Palestine, a tract holding very large deposits of natural gas. The fact is that it doesn't much matter which option is correct. Either would give the Israelis the chance they wanted to evict the Palestinians and seize their land. To date, the Israelis have paid the price of a worldview based on arrogance, as well as a deep ignorance of how much the Muslim world has changed in the past 30 years in such areas as the use of high-tech military weapons, an increased ability to hammer out united multinational positions, and, perhaps especially, the weariness of so many of the world's countries -- Muslim or not -- to bowing to Israel's demands, and never daring to criticize anything regarding Israel. The United States government, needless to say, continues to thrive on Israeli abuse, its ever-larger begging-bowl, and its war-making, and so it is alienating itself from much of the rest of the world, which is now waking up to Israel's game and refusing to play. Have the Israelis overplayed their hand? It is too soon to tell, but if it has, the Muslim block that it faces is more united and militarily capable than any it has faced in its history, and never has its automaton U.S. Daddy Warbucks been weaker. Sponsors Triangle Fragrance: https://trianglefragrance.com/?sca_ref=4171318.dUndUHDKz3 Cambridge Credit: https://www.cambridge-credit.org/twomikes/ EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com/?coupon=twomikes Our Gold Guy: https://www.ourgoldguy.com www.TwoMikes.us610 views