1.Armee Grossdeutschland
13 videos
Updated 1 month ago
video's with infantry and tanks From players from the Sims Grossdeutschland battalion
Axis HQ Tour Grossdeutschland
MadiSmithNewbastoHeadquarters to the deadly panzer crews and shock troops of the 1.Armee grossdeutschland regiment the men and woman of the GD are headed here by a crack team of NCO's and officers each defending Caen and serving the Reich till the last! If interested in recruitment plz contact Walter Kurtz (stefan.kjeller) elu Deluca (elein.snowpaw) or Nadine Adderstein Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg - Multi - Era of War https://www.deezer.com/en/album/106766302 honor and sword (main) by Good_B_Music https://pixabay.com/users/good_b_music-22836301/ 'into the wilds' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/59 views -
New Bastogne Grossdeutschland Award Ceremony 2024
MadiSmithNewbasto1.Armee kommandant Walter Kurtz Awards the members of the new Bastogne GD Garrison those present and not as well as awarding Major Nadine Adderstein with the Knights Cross Music by Sieg Heil, Viktoria! - HimnoSSilenciados Der Königgrätzer59 views -
New Bastogne German Forces Glory Montage
MadiSmithNewbastoJust a Gathering of some of the Sims most Finest Players in all three Glory hope you enjoy! Music By Sieg Heil, Viktoria! - HimnoSSilenciados Der Königgrätzer Kurt Wiehle - Panzerlied101 views 1 comment -
The Axis Top Three Kommandants Survey there Territory!!
MadiSmithNewbastoWith The Allied Raiding party Pushed back the Three Axis Kommandants Survey there Territory Generalleutnant Vickster Von Kühn (Sim Owner) Heer Kommandant Walter Kurtz (Armee Kommandant) Gruppenführer Draco Roux (SS Kommandant) Music By Lübecker Polizeiorchester und Soldatenchor Deutsche Marschlieder - Wir lagen vor Madagaskar Music By - Major Hans Friess Erika44 views -
Kommandant Kurtz Defends Bastogne!!
MadiSmithNewbastowith the Front line Broke Heer Kommandant Kurtz of The Grossdeutschland Arms up and heads out to the Front lines ((Massive thanks to Walter Kurtz for letting me film His small combat session)) Music By Lübecker Polizeiorchester und Soldatenchor Deutsche Marschlieder - Wir lagen vor Madagaskar Music - Der Königgrätzer Music By - Major Hans Friess Erika39 views -
Stolen Joint SS/Armee Grumman TBF Avenger Bombing Run
MadiSmithNewbastoThe Grumman TBF Avenger is an American World War II-era torpedo bomber developed initially for the United States Navy and Marine Corps, and eventually used by several air and naval aviation services around the world. The Avenger entered U.S. service in 1942, and first saw action during the Battle of Midway. Music By - Scott Buckley BreakingCopyright - freedom https://breakingcopyright.com/artist/scott-buckley Music By J.R.S. Schattenberg - Multi - Era of War https://www.deezer.com/en/album/10676630224 views -
Joint SS and Armee Parade practice
MadiSmithNewbastoSS Strumman Blackwood takes command of a Joint SS/Armee parade drill ((Big thanks to all players involved here especially Falco Blackwood for leading the parade Our tow tankers Kelly Macallister and Ashley paw lastly Sofia and Pedro was a good practice)) Music - Der Königgrätzer Music By - Major Hans Friess Erika38 views -
Joint SS and Armee Parade practice (Vintage Footage Filter)
MadiSmithNewbastoSS Strumman Blackwood takes command of a Joint SS/Armee parade drill ((Big thanks to all players involved here especially Falco Blackwood for leading the parade Our tow tankers Kelly Macallister and Ashley paw lastly Sofia and Pedro was a good practice)) Music - Der Königgrätzer Music By - Major Hans Friess Erika64 views 2 comments -
Joint Heer and JG52 Night-time Defence Of the Axis Airstrip
MadiSmithNewbastowith a Single Allied plane Attacking the Axis Jump in to Action ((Massive thanks To the Following players that helped stage This Video Scarlett Fyreheart Alisõη ÏÇØℵÏÇ Sofia Sempronia Hispana Sumaryo Asamoah And lastly Our brave Allied Pilot Maxim)) Music By J.R.S. Schattenberg - Multi - Era of War https://www.deezer.com/en/album/10676630214 views -
OberGrenadier Silke 4 M26 Pershing's One King Tiger!!!
MadiSmithNewbastoOberGrenadier Silke Drives into the fray with her King Tiger with 4 Kills under her belt will she become the next Tank Ace!! ((Massive thank you to Silke Horten - Robbiani For letting me Ride along as she battles!) Music By Daddy_s_Music - Honor and Sword (Main) https://pixabay.com/users/daddy_s_music-22836301/ Music By - wildsound159 - Nuclear Bomb https://pixabay.com/users/wildsound159-22072693/28 views