SMALL GROUP (CWC) | Series 3: Assumptions
Cultivate Relationships
6 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Hello! We're Nathan & Lacey Steel, your small group relational discipleship coaches. Whether your small group consists of couples, individuals, or just you, we want to help you develop healthy communication and build meaningful connection with the people in your life.
Each Coaching with Cultivate (CWC) video comes with discussion questions that will take you deeper into the concepts presented — giving you clear, practical steps to implement into your relationships or circumstances. We highly recommend going through these series in a small group setting (with 6-8 other people). However, individuals have also seen the benefit of simply sitting down and going through these videos and discussion questions themselves. So whether your small group is located in Homer, Alaska; Westport, Ireland; or somewhere in between, this curriculum can benefit you.
In this playlist series, you will learn what mindsets may be ruining your relationships and how you can change them along with how you can respond to the failures and mistakes of others.
CWC | The Assumptions That Are Ruining Your Relationships | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we reveal two facts about assumptions that may be destroying your relationships. We describe two easy ways you can go from hurting your relationships to helping your relationships through your assumptions. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-the%20assumptions%20that%20are%20ruining%20your%20relationships-discussion%20guide.pdf54 views -
CWC | How To Apologize (Say, “I’m Sorry”) | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we discuss the 5 characteristics of a thoughtful apology. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-how%20to%20apologize-discussion%20guide.pdf41 views -
CWC | What To Do When Your Negative Assumptions Aren’t Wrong | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we discuss the 3 ways you can believe the best about someone even when your negative assumptions about them aren’t wrong. We also reveal a perspective change that will help you appreciate them more even if they still fail to meet your expectations. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-what%20to%20do%20when%20negative%20assumptions%20arent%20wrong-discussion%20guide.pdf36 views -
CWC | Resolving Disappointment | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we discuss disappointment. Unless resolved in a healthy way, our unmet or unfulfilled expectations can result in frustration and depression. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-resolving%20disappointment-discussion%20questions.pdf48 views -
CWC | Focus On Strengths | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we share 3 ways for you to focus on, enhance, and thrive in your strengths AND someone else’s. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-focus%20on%20strengths-discussion%20guide.pdf35 views -
CWC | 4 Steps For Building Healthy Expectations | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsIn this video, we discuss 4 steps for building healthy expectations for the people in our life. We also reveal the leading cause of being frustrated or disappointed in those relationships. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS https://cultivaterelationships.com/cwc-series/discussion-questions/cwc-4%20steps%20for%20building%20healthy%20expectations-discussion%20guide.pdf EXPECTATIONS WORKBOOK https://cultivaterelationships.com/core-resources/The%20Expectations%20Workbook-20250310-1625.pdf58 views