Ghostbusters Open for Business BTH Video
GGhostbustersTexasTXRRTBehind the Scenes of "Ghostbusters: Open for Business"139 views -
Ghostbusters: TXRRT episode 3 "break for commercial"
GGhostbustersTexasTXRRTGhostbusters Texas Regional response team is a Fan film series all copyright and trademarks belong to SONY and Ghostcorp at Colombia Studios, made with love and dedication honoring the work done by Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis, Ivan Rietman Jason Rietman and lastly Gil Kenan, and lets not forget all the new Ghostbusters- Mc Kenna Grace, Logan Kim, Paul Rudd and Carrie Coon, also our stranger things alum Fin Wolfhard. thanks for letting us all play in your world keep up the good work!407 views 2 comments -
Ghostbusters: Open for Business
GGhostbustersTexasTXRRTGhostbusters: Open for Business Release13.1K views 9 comments -
Ghostbusters TXRRT Albuquerque Cursed Pickup
GGhostbustersTexasTXRRTGhostbusters Texas Regional Response Team Albuquerque Cursed Pickup Zia Ghostbusters Team Daniel Mullahey Chris A. Arana Stephen "Maxx" Serna Julia Gonzalez Texas Regional Response Team Jenks - Aaron Mutter Spaz - Nolan Luna-Chavez Teddie - Santino Garcia Story by Aaron Mutter, Nolan Luna-Chavez, Santino Garcia, Michael D Head Directed by Michael D Head Cinematography and Editing by Michael D Head Thanks to Twisters, Sony, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ivan and Jason Reitman.303 views -