Jonah Bible Study by David E. Pratte
5 videos
Updated 1 year ago
A verse-by-verse study of the Old Testament prophecy of Jonah. Presented from the viewpoint of Scripture as the inspired, infallible word of God.
Lessons presented by David E. Pratte; Read Bible articles at https://gospelway.com
#Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture
Video Bible Study: Book of Jonah - 1
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteGo Cry Against that Great City ==================== God commanded Jonah to #rebuke the people of Nineveh for their #sins. #Scripture confirms that the story of Jonah is a true event of #history. God sees people's sins and wants them to #repent, so faithful teachers must speak out against error. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture556 views -
Video Bible Study: Book of Jonah - 2
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteFleeing from the Presence of the Lord: Jonah tried to escape from #obeying the command of #God. God send a great storm that endangered the ship. When the sailors learned the problem, he said to throw him overboard. Then the tempest ceased. #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #Christianity #faith #truth #Scripture260 views -
Video Bible Study: Book of Jonah - 3
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteSalvation Is from the Lord - In the fish Jonah faced the danger of death and #repented of his refusal to #obey #God. He realized the only solution was in the #power of God. So he #prayed and the fish spit him out on dry ground. The story of Jonah is quite believable when we see the eyewitness testimony in #Scripture of #miracles. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture310 views -
Video Bible Study: Book of Jonah - 4
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteLet Everyone Turn from His Evil Way - When Jonah preached to Nineveh, the king and all the people grieved, #repented, and #prayed to #God. So God spared the city. #Repentance requires #faith in God, acknowledging error, deciding to change, and then correcting our conduct. What a blessing if the rulers and people of America would do this today. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture245 views -
Video Bible Study: Book of Jonah - 5
Video Bible Study by David E. PratteYou Are a Gracious and Merciful God ======================= Jonah was upset when #God spared Nineveh. God taught Jonah that He #loved all men and worked for their #forgiveness and #salvation. We should want all to have opportunity to receive God's #grace and #forgiveness. Lesson presented by David E. Pratte; www.gospelway.com #Bible #BibleStudy #religion #Jesus #Christ #God #Christianity #truth #gospel #Scripture238 views