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Updated 8 months ago
wild creatures
Fan-bellied leatherjacket is a bizarre looking animal
WildCreaturesThere are many species of filefish, with varied appearances. This fan-bellied leatherjacket is member of the filefish family. It was found in the waters of Indonesia, searching the seabed for worms, tunicates, and shrimp. Like other filefishes, it has the capability of changing its colour and texture to match its surroundings. A master of camouflage, it is often found stationary in sea grass or coral, depending on this ability to blend in as a means of escaping predators. The filefish has a spiky fin on the top of its head which it uses to warn other fish when it feels threatened. Often referred to as a "unicorn filefish" it resembles a unicorn when the spine is erect. They can grow up to 40cm (16inches) in length. These fish are beautiful to see and a delight for scuba divers to encounter.4.86K views 1 comment -
Giant manta rays give scuba divers beautiful close up experience
WildCreaturesManta rays are beautiful and graceful creatures that create a sense of awe and wonder among those fortunate enough to get a close look at them!6.49K views 4 comments -
Majestic horses run free in the meadow on a sunny day
WildCreaturesFew things are as breath taking as a herd of horses running free and happy in the sunshine. These are no ordinary horses and it is no ordinary meadow. Many of these beautiful animals have found their way here after a life of hard work, and in a few cases, a life with care that was less than they deserved. But the wait was worth it as their new life is one of freedom and happiness. The Mane Intent is a horse farm that helps the horses by providing them with a carefree life and the best treatment possible. But more importantly, there is also a beautiful purpose for the horses here. This farm provides equine therapy and a chance for people who have suffered trauma, abuse, or challenge to connect with powerful, yet gentle beasts that help with healing and learning. Many also come here to learn about leadership, establishing boundaries, building teams, and many other aspects of life in a complex world. For the horses, their life is built around a natural existence with very little stress and a dramatic change from their earlier life. They graze contentedly, run when they choose, snooze in the sunshine and socialize with others in the herd. The horses develop bonds and friendships that run deep. Life here is all that these kind souls deserve. This farm provides a unique experience for first responders as they navigate a world full of hurt and pain. Horses can provide an outlet ad a means to process the things that humans were not meant to deal with. For those who come here, the experience is very different and very beneficial. We don't fully understand the reasons that equine therapy is so effective, but few people will deny the healing power of horses. Enjoy the happiness that we see in this beautiful herd as they greet the morning sunshine in their little paradise.7.84K views 13 comments -
Breathtaking beauty of British Columbia captured from above
WildCreaturesBritish Columbia is home to one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world!5.97K views 3 comments -
Curious manta rays circle around delighted scuba divers
WildCreaturesManta rays are highly intelligent and curious animals. These mantas are magnificent, stretching more than 6m (18 feet) across. Their wingspan is impressive and awe inspiring, as is their gentle nature. Studies have shown that these animals are self aware, recognizing themselves in a reflection. They will even expose parts of their bodies in order to get a look at areas that they are unable to see. These divers were thrilled to have the mantas circle and investigate them with no fear. To have an interaction with a gigantic wild animal on its own terms is an unforgettable experience. Scuba diving leads people into a world of beauty and mystery that we were never meant to see.8.26K views 9 comments -
Gigantic fishing spider is one of nature's best scuba divers
WildCreaturesDolomedes spiders, also known as fishing spiders, dock spiders, and "cottage monsters" are unique predators with amazing hunting abilities. They wait by the edge of a lake, pond, or river to ambush small fish that come to the surface. The spiders can detect ripples and then quickly run across the surface of the water. They use their forelimbs that are equipped with claws to hook their prey and inject their prey with venom with their hollow jaws. Fishing spiders are also capable of climbing beneath the surface of the water. The hairs on their bodies trap air bubbles that encase the spiders as they hunt underwater. Because they breath through openings in their abdomens, they can use the trapped air to breathe and stay submerged longer. The fishing spider hunts for mayflies and other insects on the surface of the water, using the water as a web. They can detect ripples and vibrations which indicate where their prey are located. The spider can estimate distance and direction, as well as discern the vibrations given off by predators such as trout. Powerful predators, they are capable of eating fish as large as a small goldfish. They will prey on tadpoles as well. These spiders are similar in appearance to wolf spiders and are often confused with them. They differ in their markings, their eyes, and the fact that wolf spiders carry their young on their backs. Although frighteningly large, they rarely bite people and they help keep the insect population in check. Seeing them around the cottage is actually a good thing for people who don't want to be bitten by horseflies or mosquitos.9.63K views 8 comments -
Monstrous whale shark dwarfs scuba divers in the Galapagos Islands
WildCreaturesWhale sharks are massive creatures that can grow to a whopping 18m (57 feet), topping the scales at an estimated 44,000kg (100,000lbs). To see them in real life creates a sense of awe and wonder. They are giants, but they are truly gentle beasts, virtually incapable of harming a human. Scientists believe that the whale sharks come to the waters near Darwin Island in the Galapagos to give birth. Almost all are pregnant females. But exactly where they do this is a mystery. Very few baby whale sharks have ever been seen. Three ocean currents collide in these waters, bringing an upwelling of nutrients from the deep ocean. This brings the larger fish and the apex predators like sharks. Although the water here is full of plankton and krill, the whale sharks are not here to feed. They are rarely seen with their mouths open as they swim around the island. This whale shark casually cruised through this group of awe-stricken scuba divers, making them look small and insignificant. These giant sharks are truly magnificent.14K views 10 comments -
This stunning lighthouse is the easternmost point of North America
WildCreaturesThe easternmost point in North America is a rocky outcropping near St. John's harbour in Newfoundland, Canada. Cape Spear has a history that is as magnificent as the lighthouse that marks it. During the second world war, a gun battery was installed here to guard the significant convoy route and entrance to St. John's harbour. Disappearing gun carriages, barracks, and underground passages were essential for the defence of this harbour. This point was a United States Army General Surveillance Ground Radar Early Warning Station during the second world war. The lighthouse has lit up the entrance to the harbour since 1836. Prior to its completion, a dense fog enveloped the point and the harbour and threatened the safety of an approaching warship with an important passenger. The Governor sent out several pilot boats, one containing a young harbour pilot named James Cantwell. When he successfully guided the warship into the harbour, he was asked to name his reward. He requested the position of lighthouse keeper at the Cape. A keeper had already been hired, but he passed away after ten years of service. Cantwell was given the position at that time and he served proudly for 35 years. Cantwell's son took over next and the tradition of the Cantwell family being the keepers continued for over 50 years. This is now the oldest surviving lighthouse in Newfoundland.9.06K views 18 comments -
Ostrich gives epic performance but fails to get the girl
WildCreaturesOstriches are the tallest birds and heaviest of all living birds. They lay the largest eggs of any land animal. They can reach 2.8m in height (9 feet) and weigh up to 150kg (330lbs). They are formidable animals, capable of delivering a kick that will deter even the hungriest of predators. They can run at speeds of 70km/h (43mph), giving them the ability to avoid capture by almost any land animal. The mating ritual of the ostrich is a complex and fascinating sight. They flap their wings rapidly, vibrating their outstretched feathers while swaying rhythmically and vocalizing for the attention of the female. This male ostrich tries as hard as possible to get the attention of his love interest nearby. He wiggles and calls and hopes she will swoon and crouch down on the sand to receive his amorous advances, but she simply ignores him and walks away. Undeterred, he continues his impressive display for more than a minute before walking away defeated. The other females in the areas will surely see that he is rejected and he is best to walk away and try to work on his routine.10.9K views 9 comments -
Daisy the bunny munches noisily on a treat and it's too cute!
WildCreaturesDaisy is happy bunny who has just arrived at her new home after being rescued. She had been dumped in an industrial area near a business. There are no homes in this area and it seems impossible that she had simply escaped or wandered off. She seemed to be in need of help and she was wandering around the business and looking for discarded food. One of the workers there, a young man with a soft heart decided to feed her. She eagerly ate the vegetables that he left out for her and she came back daily looking for more. Although she was a little wary, she seemed comfortable enough with humans that it was obvious she had been a pet. With a little food and some time, the young man gained Daisy's trust and he was able to catch her. He took her home and she quickly adapted to her new family. Daisy can be seen here enjoying a carrot treat as she gets settled in. It looks like she is more than happy with the new arrangement. The close up footage of her eating is possibly one of the cutest things you will see today. There are a lot of carrots in Daisy's future!8.23K views 11 comments