WARNING: Smart City Infrastructure with Geoff Snicer
Action4CanadaGeoff Snicer joins Tanya Gaw to expose the incremental and subversive policies that your civic leaders are putting in place to support the Globalist’s fictitious “Climate Action Plan”. Geoff`s PPT https://action4canada.com/wp-content/uploads/2023.05.31-15-minute-city-presentation.pdf Website: https://www.getawake.ca/community/smart-cities/15-minute-city-presentation Video: SmartLinx Micro-Sensors https://vimeo.com/637510804 About Geoff Snicer https://action4canada.com/empower-hour-geoff-snicer-investigating-smart-cities-may-31-2023 Weekly update May 31, 2023 https://rumble.com/v2rhqtk-weekly-update-may-31st-with-tanya-gaw.html SMART City Infrastructure https://action4canada.com/warning-smart-city-infrastructure-is-advancing-rapidly SMART Cities leaflet https://action4canada.com/wp-content/uploads/a4c-smart-city-leaflet.pdf SMART Cities Notice of Liability https://action4canada.com/15-minute-cities Empower Hour Guest's Resources: https://action4canada.com/useful-links Action4Canada is a grassroots movement reaching out to millions of Canadians and UNITING our voices in opposition to the destructive policies tearing at the fabric of this nation. Through Call To ACTION campaigns, we equip citizens to take action. We are committed to protecting…FAITH, FAMILY and FREEDOM. Thank you to our donors, volunteers & supporters https://action4canada.com/message-to-a4c-donors-volunteers-supporters A4C Orientation https://rumble.com/v1z2ie9-a4c-orientation-december-01-2022-website-orientation.html A4C Website Directory https://action4canada.com/website-directory Empower Hour page: https://action4canada.com/wednesday-empower-hour Empower Hour Guest's Resources: https://action4canada.com/useful-links Empower Hour Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1916446148112/WN_rq64R52WQdyAsRbd0CAi0g 🙏 PRAYER: https://action4canada.com/prayer ✊DONATE: https://action4canada.com/donate ✊JOIN: https://action4canada.com/join/ ✊JOIN A CHAPTER: https://action4canada.com/a4c-chapters/ ✊BECOME A VOLUNTEER: https://action4canada.com/volunteer/ ✊FAQs: https://action4canada.com/frequently-asked-questions 📌NOTICES OF LIABILITY: https://action4canada.com/covid-liability-notices/ ✊YOUTH FREEDOM MOVEMENT: https://action4canada.com/youth-freedom-movement ✊RECENT ACTION: https://action4canada.com/call-to-action/ ✊CONTACT US: callto@action4canada.com =========================== You can follow us on our social media. https://action4canada.com/a4c-social-media-platforms/ @Action4Canada99.9K views 10 comments -
Tim Houston response to COVID-19 vaccine question
CitizensAllianceNSA 5 minute clip of Tim Houston awkwardly trying to address a direct challenge to the Covid-19 injections being forced upon people: “If you didn’t take the vaccine, you lost your job.” “The pandemic was unique”263 views 9 comments -
Mel Gibson Just EXPOSED Who’s Behind Reality (NO BS)
bluewaterGood Feelings...GOOD MOODS will bring in GOOD ENERGY NEGATIVE ENERGY will attract NEGATIVE ENERGY1.53K views 10 comments -
Watch March 4th 2025 -This could be the date we go back to a Republic
The TruthIn 1871 United States became a Corporation and all the presidents since then have been operating under a corporation. But President Donald Trump got rid of the corporation and in March 4th 2025 we are going back to a Republic but it is going to be made public. the whole world will know about it. Join our Telegram Group: https://t.me/+P4UdXv6vzFVjZWRh The Biggest secret operation is being executed by President Trump and the Military right now, rescuing children from the underground tunnels taken by the deep state. The deep state, the cabal, the Illuminaties, their organization is so deep and wide and is being dismantled behind the scenes. The stock market is crashing soon, the economy has to fall to the ground in order for the quantum financial system to rise. The deep state wants to implement the cbdc but this will not happen yet, the Quantum Financial system will be implemented once the economy falls and the prophecy written in Proverbs 13:22 becomes a reality, the wealth transfer. The 16-year plan to destroy America was interrupted by President Donald Trump. Notice one of their agenda was to open borders, this is what is happening now. They are also killing the economy, which is one of their plans. You can see the 16-year plan to destroy America here: https://rumble.com/v2st25y-general-flynn-the-16-year-plan-to-destroy-america.html If you have not figured it out by now, most of our government is a huge mafia that launders our taxpayer money right back to itself through foreign aid & endless wars. They hate all of us & could care less if we suffer & die horrible deaths, as long as they get rich. It is not Climate change causing the fires, you can see it here: https://rumble.com/v2ola98-it-is-not-climate-change-causing-the-fires..html The Military took control behind the scenes and they are monitoring everything the deep state is doing. Donald Trump is still the president behind the scenes and they are exposing everything, child trafficking, pedophilia, election fraud. It seems that a lot of people in Congress and Senate and a lot of people from Hollywood are involved with all of the above. When the Space Force caught the enemy, both foreign and domestic interfering in the 2020 US presidential election; then the Space Force became a part of the Intelligence Community. Cancer Cure channel & most of diseases https://rumble.com/c/c-1621705 Jesus is Coming Soon: Do you want to go to heaven? The only way is through Jesus. Pray to God and repeat the following with all your heart: I repent from all my sins and I believe that the Blood of Jesus cleanses me from all my sins I believe that Jesus is the Son of God I believe God raised him from the dead and now I give my heart to Jesus Christ so he can be my Lord and Savior. Romans 10:8-11 If you prayed that prayer you are now a son/daughter of God. Welcome to the Kingdom of God333 views 1 comment -
Truth incDr Martin is done pissing around and has an important message to all earth residents!228 views 3 comments -
EXCLUSIVE MIKI KLANN INTERVIEW- BREAKING!! "Maricopa Board of Supervisors RUN After Being Served!!!"
NinoscornerCourage is contagious folks.. Miki Klann gives Ninoscorner.tv an exclusive interview on what exactly went down with the Maricopa Board of Supervisors.. THEY WERE SERVED AND RAN OUT OF THE BUILDING!! Here is a statement from Miki Klann : "We the People just witnessed as the entire Board of Supervisors in Maricopa county run out of the room and vacated their post! And we served them anyway!! We, the body sovereign presented them each with a notice of liability and opportunity to cure. The fine is $1.75 million per claim and there are 12 signatures which means they are each personally liable for $21 million. If they do not resign in 3 days they will be presented with a Writ of Quo Warranto and a Waiver of Tort. If they do not rebut these truths and they remain in office we will send them a default judgment and a final bill for payment. We will also be notifying the military and their act of treason will be grounds for an immediate military tribunal. -Miki Klann302K views 2.25K comments