30 videos
Updated 12 days ago
Psychic investigations of UFO sightings and the revelation of Ancestor ships, Light Ships and Beings of Light!
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachThis message is for those who feel a call from God and sense they came here on purpose to perform a specific mission. It's not going to resonate with everyone. Please check out my 5 Star Rating on Google Reviews! If you like what you see, feel free to click my website button to book your session on my secure site! 🙏💜🔮Psychic Readings by Priestess Reviews! https://g.co/kgs/eLe5K1 🙏💜🔮Book your 1 hour psychic reading and life coaching session, visit: http://priestesssekhmet.com #PSYCHICREADING, #LIFECOACHING, #PRIESTESSSEKHMET #PURGATORY #ASCENSION #CHOSENONES94 views 2 comments -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachDo you ever feel like you are living in the movie They Live? Are you surrounded by the living dead? Are they really your friends and neighbors, or are they aliens? SPACESHIPS EVERYWHERE DREAM: https://rumble.com/vpg415-spaceships-everywhere-dream.html MY UFO PLAYLIST: https://rumble.com/playlists/PWfoWW-d3UM DIGITAL SWITCHOVER CLIP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM1z4QOYqLk THE INVASION MOVIE CLIP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMnU7dbGr-4 All clips belong to the copyright holders and are for informational purposes only. Thank you for watching! Please like and subscribe! Please check out my 5 Star Rating on Google Reviews! If you like what you see, feel free to click my website button to book your session on my secure site! 🙏💜🔮Psychic Readings by Priestess Reviews! https://g.co/kgs/eLe5K1 🙏💜🔮Book your 1 hour psychic reading and life coaching session, visit: http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫Ancestor UFO Playlist: https://rb.gy/677fib 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #THEYLIVE #UFOS #ALIENS #UAP #PSYCHICREADING #PRIESTESSSEKHMET81 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachBY PRIESTESS SEKHMET FOR OUR SOUL GROUP Please check out my 5 Star Rating on Google Reviews! If you like what you see, feel free to click my website button to book your session on my secure site! 🙏💜🔮Psychic Readings by Priestess Reviews! https://g.co/kgs/eLe5K1 🙏💜🔮Book your 1 hour psychic reading and life coaching session, visit: http://priestesssekhmet.com #PSYCHICREADING, #LIFECOACHING, #PRIESTESSSEKHMET #WALK IN, #ASCENSION #CHOSENONES81 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachAre the recent UFO sightings seen in New Jersey, California and other states across America a sign of Ronald Reagans Star Wars and Strategic Defense Initiative setting the stage for global conflict or is it actually the return of our Ancestors, the opening of Earth’s Stargates and the beginning of The New Earth InterGalactic Civilization? In today’s broadcast, I’ll be sharing a WhiteHat Communication from our Ancestors that will put our hearts at ease and show us how we should respond! Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Download on Sacred Bathing: https://shorturl.at/IeZ8e 🔮💫Ancestor UFO Playlist: https://rb.gy/677fib 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #UFO #UAP #WHITEHAT #PSYCHIC182 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachIs the Comet Atlas just another solar event streaking across the sky or is it a prophetic sign of something soon to come? Also, what does this have to do with the constellation Ophiuchus and why is the comet sailing through this secret zodiac sign? In today's broadcast, I’ll be rolling in a clip of a psychic investigation asking these questions that you don’t want to miss! COMET ATLAS CLIP MRMBB333: https://youtu.be/egV6Jp7XsHs?si=P8EvyvjL2kNYFzpd HALO OF THE SUN PT1 (THINNING OF THE VEIL) https://rumble.com/v5259h6-the-suns-halo-and-the-black-madonna-pt1.html CONSCIOUS CASH IS COMING BOOK: https://amzn.to/3XREykP Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free 7-Day Cassiopean Stargate Meditation Ritual: https://rb.gy/3tg51p 🔮💫 Subscribe to my Mailing List: https://rb.gy/2rccxm 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #ringsinthesky #comet #ophiuchus #psychicreading7 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachIs the thinning of the veil an ancient prediction that foretells the barrier between heaven and earth being removed? And if so, does it have anything to do with the magnetosphere between the sun and earth being diminished? In today’s broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip of a psychic investigation on the disappearance of the earth’s magnetosphere that was recently spotted on spaceweather.com CONSCIOUS CASH IS COMING PT1: https://rumble.com/v5fwvyt-conscious-enhanced-cash-system-new-earth-economy.html CONSCIOUS CASH IS COMING PT2: https://rumble.com/v5g2p3p-conscious-cash-and-poverty-consciousness.html GALACTIC SUPERWAVE: https://rumble.com/v519t75-cosmic-convergence-galactic-super-wave-june-21st-2024.html MRMBB333 CLIP: https://youtu.be/u5wyK8alshw?si=zxiDEqBAlZ7TgEH1 THE VAN ALLEN BELT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEwMM0REZJQ Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free 7-Day Cassiopean Stargate Meditation Ritual: https://rb.gy/3tg51p 🔮💫 Subscribe to my Mailing List: https://rb.gy/2rccxm 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course: https://rb.gy/sb5wjh 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg\ VANALLENBELT, MAGNETOSPHERE, PSYCHIC READING260 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachDoes the Human Race descend from an ancient race of star beings located in the Andromedan Star System? And if so, why are we being contacted by them at this time and what is the message they have to share with us? In today’s broadcast, I’ll be rolling in a clip of a psychic investigation into the star of Andromeda that unveils a very intriguing mystery about our Ancestors in the stars! CONSCIOUS CASH IS COMING BOOK: https://amzn.to/3XREykP THE PSYCHIC POWERBOOK: https://amzn.to/3XA749l CONSCIOUS ENHANCED CASH SYSTEM: https://rumble.com/v5fwvyt-conscious-enhanced-cash-system-new-earth-economy.html Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free 7-Day Cassiopean Stargate Meditation Ritual: https://rb.gy/3tg51p 🔮💫 Subscribe to my Mailing List: https://rb.gy/2rccxm 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course: https://rb.gy/sb5wjh 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #ANDROMEDA #STARSEED #LYRA #PSYCHICREADING212 views -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachIn today’s broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip of a live demonstration of The Cassiopeian Stargate Meditation. This meditation demonstrates how to make first contact with our Ancestors off planet in the star system of Cassiopeia. Download the Free PDF 7-Day Cassiopean Stargate Meditation Ritual here: https://rb.gy/3tg51p THE LYRAN FELINE RACE & THE LION KING PT1: https://rumble.com/v5e7bf6-the-lyran-feline-race-are-they-real.html RETURN OF THE ANCESTOR UFOS: https://rumble.com/v4rw2g5-how-psychic-readings-predict-the-return-of-the-ancestors.html Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free 7-Day Cassiopean Stargate Meditation Ritual: https://rb.gy/3tg51p 🔮💫 Subscribe to my Mailing List: https://rb.gy/2rccxm 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course: https://rb.gy/sb5wjh 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #CASSIOPEIA #LYRA #FELINERACE #PSYCHICREADING230 views 4 comments -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachIs the Feline Race from the Lyran Star System a real thing? And if so, who are they and what is the purpose for their existence in our realm? Not only that but is there also an imposter group of cloned feline robotoids seeking to confuse their true purpose. In today’s broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip of a psychic investigation that answers these questions and reveals even more about the true meaning of the Lion King! THE LION KING PT2 - AVALON RETURNS: https://rumble.com/v5ejvhp-return-of-avalon-the-lion-king-pt2.html THE LION KING PT3 - THE FELINE RACE OF CASSIOPEIA: https://rumble.com/v5eq5np-the-feline-race-of-cassopeia-lion-king-pt3.html THE LION KING PT4 - THE CASSIOPEIAN STARGATE MEDITATION AND PDF DOWNLOAD: https://rumble.com/v5evews-the-cassiopeian-stargate-meditation-the-lion-king-pt4.html LION KING PT5: THE EMERALD TABLET EXPOSES FALSE BEINGS OF LIGHT: https://rumble.com/v5fb0nx-the-emerald-tablet-exposes-false-beings-of-light-lion-king-pt5.html THE A.I. TIMELINE OF DOOM (MUDFLOOD OF TARTARIA PT5): https://rumble.com/v2jhus4-mudflood-of-tartaria-pt5-a.i.-timeline-of-doom.html Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Energy Reading by Email: https://rb.gy/3h6rzk 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course: https://rb.gy/sb5wjh 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #LYRA #FELINERACE #PSYCHICREADING201 views 5 comments -
Priestess Sekhmet Psychic Life CoachIs Avalon the codeword for a royal kingdom that once existed and is predicted to return by the opening of Earth’s Stargates? And if so, what does this have to do with the Lion King and what are these CODEWORDS seeking to hide? In today's broadcast, I will be rolling in a clip of a psychic investigation on the mystery of ancient Avalon and The Lion King that will answer these questions and is sure to uplift! THE LYRAN FELINE RACE & THE LION KING PT1: https://rumble.com/v5e7bf6-the-lyran-feline-race-are-they-real.html THE SWORD OF DESTINY: https://rumble.com/v5dwpbx-the-elder-scrolls-sword-of-destiny-reading.html KING ARTHURS CASTLE (MUDFLOOD OF TARTARIA PT8) https://rumble.com/v2k7iy6-what-caused-the-mudflood-of-tartaria-pt8-king-arthurs-castle.html THE A.I. TIMELINE OF DOOM (MUDFLOOD OF TARTARIA PT5): https://rumble.com/v2jhus4-mudflood-of-tartaria-pt5-a.i.-timeline-of-doom.html RETURN OF THE ANCESTOR UFOS: https://rumble.com/v4rw2g5-how-psychic-readings-predict-the-return-of-the-ancestors.html Thank you for watching! Please like and share! 🔮💫For personal readings, please visit me at http://priestesssekhmet.com 🔮💫 Free Energy Reading by Email: https://rb.gy/3h6rzk 🔮💫 7 Day Mini Manifesting Course: https://rb.gy/sb5wjh 🔮💫 The Psychic PowerBook: A Manifesting Workbook https://a.co/d/54dGNPg #AVALON #KINGARTHUR #LIONKING #PSYCHICREADING210 views 4 comments