True Story Behind The U.S. Marines Ambush In Afghanistan
The Amber May ShowMajor Fred Galvin shares with us the truth about the ambush he found himself and his men apart of in Afghanistan. After fighting for their lives they return to base and find out the media lied about the ambush. How far does the Military Industrial Complex go? Are endless wars really the goal with officials high up in government? Join Me On Telegram https://t.me/theambermayshow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get all your My Pillow Products at a DISCOUNT www.mypillow.com/amber Use Promo Code AMBER and save up to 66% off Promo code-AMBER 800-957-2123 Get Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and SAVE Dr Stella Immanuel www.drstellamd.com Use Promo Code AmberMay and save Docuseries Restore Your Brain Health, Reverse the Effects of Alzheimer's https://wr374.isrefer.com/go/bhbt/amberhiliker/ Save Money When Using A Patient Advocate In The Medical System https://www.graithcare.com/?ref=Amber Take Control of Your Health & Healing! Get the full celebration of solutions that happened at Healing For The A.G.E.S. Over 20 hours of ground-breaking, life-changing, information you’ve never heard before, and can’t get anywhere else! https://healingfortheages.com/ use promocode Amber Get Spike Support from The Wellness Company. Spike Support and give your body the natural immune support it needs to protect yourself and your family. https://www.twc.health/discount/AMBERMAY?ref=AMBERMAY Use PromoCode AmberMay Patriot Mobile- Free Activation https://www.patriotmobile.com/amber/ Use Promocode AMBER The Flynn Movie https://www.flynnmovie.com/ref/azladyz/ War On Truth Movie https://hisglory.tv/?ref=448 Promocode MAY Is it possible with Turbo Cancers on the rise and Big Pharma's reputation at zero, that Americans are finally ready to hear the truth about Cancer? Are you ready? In the 70’s a Doctor working for a National Cancer Institute discovered that Apricot seeds, which contain B-17, actually slowed the growth of tumors. https://rncstore.com/ambermay Freedom First Coffee www.FreedomFirstCoffee.com Use Promocode AMBER Freedom First Beef www.FreedomFirstBeef.com Use Promocode AMBER 15% for our Natural & Organic Skincare and natural hand-poured 100% soy wax candles http://www.PureBeautybyLorina.com Use Promo code AmberMay Delicious Cheesecakes https://belovedcheesecakes.com/ PromoCode AMBER The Commander’s Artist Save 10% Promo Code Amber https://thecommandersartist.com/shop/ Lose Weight Attain Your Health Goals https://ambermay.kannaway.com/ Reverse aging with Timeless Pack www.TimelessPack.com Promocode AmberMay https://ambermay.kannaway.com/ambermay/product/MY003E?categoryid=460 Lose Weight While Drinking Java www.CupAHealth.com PromoCode Amber ___________________________________________________________________ Hero’s Soap Save 10% with Promo Code AmberMay We strive to create a brand that pays homage to the values that our country was founded on by our forefathers. With a Veteran of the United States Air Force as one of the owners, we understand the dedication & sacrifice that each family makes to serve their country. https://herosoapcompany.com/ambermay My Patriot Supply https://mypatriotsupply.com/Amber?rfsn=6442302.fa4e33 Survival Supplies & Emergency Preparedness Gear Trusted Self-Reliance & Food Independence The original Patriot survival company. My Patriot Supply was founded by people with a passion for self-sufficiency and food independence. We not only understand the drive to practice emergency preparedness, we are active participants in the survivalist lifestyle. We believe that true freedom comes from attaining a certain level of self-reliance. Get ALL Your Marketing Logos and Websites and More Here! www.jawdd.com Business Owners, GET Your Employee Tax Credit with the Cares ACT https://ercfilenow.com/vid/azladyz Get a Rebate On All Your Purchases of Gas https://upside.app.link/CDZ8N Use promocode CDZ8n Checkout all the facts about the Great Reset https://timetofreeamerica.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Are on These Platforms Frankspeech.com https://home.frankspeech.com/shows/amber-may-tv-show Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-811265 Odysee https://odysee.com/@azladyz:c Locals https://theambermayshow.locals.com Brighteon https://www.brighteon.com/channels/azladyz Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=azladyz&kind=video CloutHub: https://clouthub.com/c/4EWXEKT9 Podbean: http://theambermayshow.podbean.com Catch Amber May Paisley Radio Wednesday 9pm (uk time) repeated Fridays at 1am (uk time) 2PM MST https://paisleyradio.com/ Catch Amber May On UG Media Fridays 10PM (UK Time) 3pm MST/5pm EST https://theug.media/wp-content/ugplayer/xlplayer.html Catch Amber May on Express Radio Station Thursday at 6pm MST/8pm EST https://live365.com/station/Express-Radio-a64355 Catch Amber On The Military Broadcast Radio Wednesday at 2pm MST/ 4pm EST https://www.facebook.com/MBRTalk100K views 21 comments -
Why they had to get Biden out ASAP | Emergency Sitdown
Michael FranzeseThe left finally did what we all saw coming, but the real reasoning behind their decision might surprise you. Today we'll be breaking down the reason Biden was forced out of the 2024 presidential race. Welcome to the RUMBLE EXCLUSIVE LIVESTREAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Today's sponsors: ⛽️ Download the FREE Upside App at https://upside.app.link/innercircle to get an extra 25 cents back for every gallon on your first tank of gas. 🍷🍷 Cheers! Visit https://franzesewine.com to grab a bottle of high-quality wine 👉🏻👉🏻 Check out the store: https://store.michaelfranzese.com/ "Mafia Democracy" NOW in AUDIOBOOK: https://geni.us/MafiaDemocracy Mafia Democracy on "AUDIBLE" https://www.audible.com/pd/B0BHF6BJXX... 🎙 Want to book Michael for an event, go here: https://michaelfranzese.com/speaking Backbone Media Group Why they had to get Biden out ASAP | Emergency Sitdown148K views 217 comments -
The Alex Jones Show (07/22/24) FULL SHOW
The Alex Jones ShowSecret Service Director Grilled In Congress As Top Sniper In The World Says Trump Attack Was An Inside Job -––––-–-–—–Very Important! Please Hit the thumbs up button 👍 and Follow, So this show can get as much traction as possible.---------------------------------- Learn how to register to vote and get a voter registration card. Find your state's registration deadline and how to confirm or change your registration. https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration http://www.WINRED.com22.8K views 19 comments -
vivafreiViva & Barnes LIVE from the Rumble Studio in Milwaukee!155K views 213 comments -
Bongino x Tucker x Don Jr. - LIVE at the RNC
VINCECheck out our Clips channel for video highlights https://rumble.com/BonginoClips This RNC special is sponsored by MyPillow. Go to MyPillow.com and use promo code DAN or call 800-637-4982 for a special offer.1.93M views 2.74K comments -
Mel K & Shaun Attwood | Unholy Alliance: Military, Pharma, & Prison Industrial Complex Exposed
The Mel K ShowContagion Kit: Order today at http://twc.health/MELK – code MELK saves you 10% at checkout with The Wellness Company Shaun Attwood on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@shaunattwoodOFFICIAL Shaun Attwood’s LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/shaunattwood Pre-order Mel’s New Book: Americans Anonymous: Restoring Power to the People One Citizen at a Time https://a.co/d/0iHFeQNb Beverly Hills Precious Metals Exchange - Buy Gold & Silver https://themelkshow.com/gold/ Speak with Gold Expert Andrew Sorchini…Tell Him Mel K Sent You! We The People must stand strong, stay united, resolute, calm, and focus on the mission. We at www.themelkshow.com want to thank all our amazing patriot pals for joining us on this journey, for your support of our work, and for your faith in this biblical transition to greatness. We love what we do and are working hard to keep on top of everything to help this transition along peacefully and with love. Please help us amplify our message: Like, Comment & Share! The Show’s Partners Page: https://themelkshow.com/partners/ Consider Making A Donation: https://themelkshow.com/donate/ Support Patriots With MyPillow Go to https://www.mypillow.com/melk Use offer code “MelK” to support both MyPillow and The Mel K Show Mel K Superfoods Supercharge your wellness with Mel K Superfoods Use Code: MELKWELLNESS and Save Over $100 off retail today! https://themelkshow.com/superfood/ Healthy Hydration: https://healthyhydration.com/products/mel-k-special-deluxe Patriot Mobile Support your values, your freedom and the Mel K Show. Switch to Patriot Mobile for Free. Use free activation code MELK https://www.patriotmobile.com/melk/ HempWorx The #1 selling CBD brand. Offering cutting edge products that run the gamut from CBD oils and other hemp products to essential oils in our Mantra Brand, MDC Daily Sprays which are Vitamin and Herb combination sprays/ https://themelkshow.com/my-daily-choice/ Dr. Zelenko Immunity Protocols https://zstacklife.com/MelK The Wellness Company - Emergency Medical Kits: www.twc.health/pages/melk-prepkit Dr. Jason Dean and BraveTV bring you the most innovative and cutting edge science in Nutrition with Nano-Particle Detoxification, The Full Moon Parasite Protocol and Clot Shot Defense. https://bravetv.store/?sca_ref=3278505.GWvLbyryzv Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD. Consult with a renowned healthcare provider! Offering Telehealth Services & Supplements. Use offer code ‘MelK’ for 5% Off https://bit.ly/MelKDrStellaMD Another way to get involved and find ways to become active in the community is to come meet Mel and many amazing truth warriors at our upcoming live in-person speaking events. Together we are unstoppable. We look forward to seeing you. God Wins! https://themelkshow.com/events/ Remember to mention Mel K for great discounts on all these fun and informative events. See you there! Our Website www.TheMelKShow.com Rumble (Video) - The Mel K Show: https://rumble.com/c/TheMelKShow Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelKShow Twitter (Original): https://twitter.com/originalmelk TRUTH Social: https://truthsocial.com/@themelkshow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themelkshow/ CloutHub: https://app.clouthub.com/#/users/u/TheMelKShow Mel K Show Video Platform (Subscription): https://www.themelkshow.tv Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Iw2kiviwZpwx/ Podbean: https://themelkshow.podbean.com/ Gab: https://gab.com/MelKShow GETTR: https://www.gettr.com/user/themelkshow Locals.com: https://melk.locals.com/ Banned Video: https://banned.video/channel/the-mel-k-show Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themelkshow31.9K views 28 comments -
The Alex Jones Show (07/16/24) FULL SHOW
The Alex Jones ShowFormer US Army Special Operations Officer & Psychological Warfare Analyst Scott Bennett Joins Alex Jones To Raise Alarm Of Globalist Coup Against Americans -––––-–-–—–Very Important! Please Hit the thumbs up button 👍 and Follow, So this show can get as much traction as possible.---------------------------------- Learn how to register to vote and get a voter registration card. Find your state's registration deadline and how to confirm or change your registration. https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration http://www.WINRED.com31.2K views 43 comments -
Mother of slain Army veteran: We back the blue | RNC 2024
NEWSMAXMother of slain U.S. Army veteran Madeline Brame rails against the soft-on-crime policies at the RNC in Milwaukee.20.7K views 12 comments -
Hamas/Hezbollah Attorney Stanley Cohen Says The West Are The REAL Terrorists
Kim IversenThe Kim Iversen Show LIVE | July 12, 2024 Stanley Cohen is a high profile criminal defense and human rights attorneys who has represented some very controversial individuals and movements in state, federal and international court's. Among his clients have been Hamas leadership for more than 20 years, alleged members of Hezbollah, the IRA, the hacker group Anonymous, Chechen nationals wanted by Russia for terrorism andUsama bin Laden's son-in-law. Come hear Kim speak at the Join To Save America Event at the Palm Beach Hilton Airport Sunday July 14th from 10am-2pm. The event is FREE but you must register to attend here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/060924-update-join-to-save-america-moral-support-for-president-trump-tickets-913278278917 Become a member of my LOCALS community where you will gain access to exclusive content, behind-the-scenes videos, valuable information, and even connect with me personally and others as well. It's a great way to support my independent media channel while receiving more content. You can become a FREE member or a paid subscriber. Visit https://kimiversen.locals.com/support Sign up for my FREE email newsletter here to get notifications of livestreams and segments: www.KimIversenemailsignup.com (I will never spam you or sell your info)123K views 260 comments -
Marine Le Pen EXPOSED | Verdant Servant
Just a DudeUnraveling the tangled web of Marine Le Pen: In 'Marine Le Pen EXPOSED', author Verdant Servant peels back the layers of deception surrounding the French presidential candidate and her party, the National Front. Delving into lesser-known connections, Servant reveals the truth behind Le Pen's alleged anti-establishment stance, her ties to pro-Israel and Freemason groups, and her real position on the EU. This exposé challenges the widely-held narrative of Le Pen as an anti-Jewish, anti-EU firebrand, and instead, exposes the true nature of her party as controlled opposition, serving the pro-Israel, anti-Muslim agenda of the clash of civilizations. Release Date: 2017 ............... 🔗 All Credit To Verdant Servant: https://odysee.com/@verdantservant:5/presidential-election-marine-le-pen:7 ............... 🔗 The FN does not really propose to take France out of the European Union, or even the euro!: https://archive.is/59r40 ............... ► If you're reading this, please throw a 😎 in the comments section! Thank you! ............... PLATFORMS WHERE YOU CAN FIND ME: • X: https://x.com/JustDudeChannel • Telegram: https://t.me/JustDudeChannel • Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/JustDudeChannel • Gab: https://gab.com/JustDudeChannel • Minds: https://www.minds.com/justdudechannel/?referrer=justdudechannel ............... SUPPORT JUST A DUDE: • PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/4a95f9t411.4K views 15 comments