Invasion of the U.S.A
5 videos
Updated 10 months ago
A collection of videos showing illegal people coming over our borders, invading our shores
UN Weaponized Illegal Invasion of USA on an Industrial Scale. US Invasion Route Exposed. Documentary
Videos that MatterChinese are invading.. Big time. The United States of China & Isreal is what we are now. UN Weaponized Illegal Invasion of USA on an Industrial Scale. United States Invasion Route Exposed. Documentary - United States Invasion Route Exposed - FIRST EVER DOCUMENTARY REVEALING THE ENTIRE ILLEGAL ALIEN ROUTE FROM QUITO, ECUADOR TO THE UNITED STATES United States Invasion Route Exposed bills itself as the “First-ever documentary revealing the entire illegal alien route from Quito, Ecuador to the United States.” - Muckraker followed the entire mass migration trail from Quito, Ecuador to the United States border, a journey which included: - • Crossing the Darién Gap. • Discovering secret Chinese hotels. • Getting smuggled into Mexico by the Sinaloa Cartel. • Embedding with a massive caravan. • Riding the Mexican Train of Death. • And finally, getting kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel. - By Thomas Hicks: - In this documentary, you will learn how the United Nations is executing an industrial scale weaponized migration program and you will see the entire route that millions of illegal aliens are following to the United States every year! - In 2023, nearly a quarter million illegal aliens entered the United States every month. Nearly all of these illegals followed the same mass migration trail that starts in Quito, Ecuador, and ends at the US Southern Border….So we decided to follow the trail ourselves. - Along the way, we discovered secret Chinese staging hotels, crossed through the world’s deadliest jungle, embedded with an illegal alien caravan, rode the Mexican Train of Death, and finally, were kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel just hundreds of feet from the United States border. - This exposes the entire illegal alien pipeline for what it is: a United Nations-weaponized migration agenda masquerading as an organic humanitarian crisis. This agenda directly benefits cartels and human smugglers, exposes the United States to incredible geo-political threats and may potentially usher in permanent one-party rule. - (See Full Article For More) - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://rumble.com/user/AlexandraBruce - https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/united-states-invasion-route-exposed/263 views -
W.H.O. Treaty Will Remove All Rights to Americans FAST. Dr. David Martin
Videos that MatterIf the W.H.O Treaty is signed we are screwed. It will remove ALL human rights from us and give control over our lives to strangers, to unelected foreign criminals. Call your reps NOW and DEMAND the U.S. Exit the W.H.O and stop all funding. Please make the calls. Please. THE 2024 AMENDMENTS On September 30, 2022, a total of 94 nations submitted 197 pages that included over 300 amendments to the International Health Regulations. They were kept secret until mid-December 2022. On February 6, 2023, the International Health Regulations Review Committee released their report, which was critical of many of the amendments that had been proposed by the nations. The negotiations have been held SECRET since then. Recently, the February 9, 2024 version of the secret “negotiating text” was leaked, so now we have a better idea of what is actually being considered. The Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) was legally obligated to provide a final “package of targeted amendments in alignment with Article 55 by January 27, 2024. They have FAILED to meet their deadline and they are openly conspiring to violate Article 55. https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fdeea6fb5-1726-4308-b58e-e5b6cf4236cd_969x1254.jpeg EXIT the WHO and information of what you CAN Do about it in just a few minutes: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exitthewhoorg349 views -
CARE & THINK Americans!!! No Denial Allowed ! Our Bridge WAS Attacked! An INSIDE JOB like 911
Videos that MatterCome on fellow Americans, use common sense and critical thinking skills! A major infrastructure bridge was just attacked. An inside job very possibly using Chinese hackers . Remember there is a Global Cabal that has control over most World Governments now, planned for 30 years or more. The sooner Americans realize this fact the sooner we can expose and stop them. There are more of us good-guys than the evil psychopathic mad-men global criminals, but they got us almost whipped from within.... * Covid 19 Bioweapons have murdered more people than died in Viet Nam War & counting.. soon to be billions dying.. Think about that and what the massive deaths ARE doing to the world * DEW attacks ARE occurring because Americans are not admitting these attacks and are letting them get away with it;- Every politician- Every candidate. Why? DEWs are common now, mounted on Pick up trucks! * Weather warfare is every day ongoing across the skies of the world. Deady toxic metals and now a patent for Graphene Oxide was taken out a few years ago to ' seed the clouds' I can give you the Patent number, just ask. -- storms are created - such as the geoengineered winds that fueld the radation fires on Maui. And blew down Acaplulco . Called hurricanes, no rain tho so its not a hurricane. Duh. * Food destroyed-- hundreds of processing plants arsoned burnt to the ground. Now chickens blamed to be sick , lies to kill them all. Farmers on attack across the globe , here too, some are not allowed to consume their own produce! What? Yes !!! Pure Nazi.. *** Why are Americans allowing DEATH_SHOT sites where we live? All pharmacies are. **** Fighting age criminals who are not mandated the Covid Bioweapon are being welcomed over our borders, land, air and Sea.. To invade us from within, to replace American men now murdered or disabled from the Covid 19 Bioweapon injections. Our military depleted and no one is signing up to be jabbed and murdered. So those men will be enlisted , criminals, non-American citizens , with no loyalty or History of America. To be used against us when marital law is declared. Time for some courage Americans. There are no allies coming to rescue us. We are it. United We Stand has Never Meant So Much.314 views 1 comment -
Invasion of Carlsbad North San Diego California
Videos that MatterABC 10 San Diego reporting invasion of illegal criminals coming ashore in North San Diego - Carlsbad. April 5 2024. I live near there. It is outrageous. Who is guarding our shores? Where is the Coastguard? We are being invaded!!!]] 7.2 million people have come here to our country illegally. That is an army. We are being invaded without a bomb being dropped.276 views