23 videos
Updated 11 months ago
Faun is a German band that was formed in 1998 and plays pagan folk, darkwave, and medieval music. The originality of their music style is that it falls back to "old" instruments, and the singing is always the center of attention. The vocals are performed in a variety of languages, including German, English, Latin, Greek, and Scandinavian languages. Their instruments include Celtic harp, Swedish nyckelharpa, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes, cittern, flutes, and many others.
FAUN - Ylfa Spere - Old English - 2023
DesireDeVereThe Elf Spear......... They were loud, yes, loud, when they rode over the (burial) mound; they were fierce when they rode across the land. When they rode across the land When they rode over the mound Rode over the land Over... Out, little spear, if there is one here within Hlūde wǣran hȳ lā hlūde ðā hȳ ofer þone hlǣw ridan: The lyrics of the song are based on an Old English medical text from the 10th century, „Wið færstice”, surviving in the collection known now as Lacnunga in the British Library. According to Felix Grendon, whose collection of Anglo-Saxon charms appeared in the Journal of American Folklore in 1908, “the charm is intended to cure a sudden twinge or stitch, possibly rheumatism that can be due to being shot by witches, elves, and other spirits that fly through the air.”26 views -
FAUN - November (Live) - Acoustic - German - 2020
DesireDeVereNovember......... Here we are now, Where none of us has been We were restless, The years are still hanging after us for a long time Everything that we have, that is what we are What we're waiting on, that is here Do you see the signs, Love and wrath Everything that remains Is an escape up ahead We set out too far off, Your heart breaks down every barrier What guides us now Is the abyss we found Here we are now, Where none of us has been We were restless, The years are still hanging after us for a long time The paths are getting steep, But even so, we still see Shadows are growing, The light shines (down) on us15 views -
FAUN - Ne Aludj El (Live) - Acoustic - Hungarian - 2022
DesireDeVereDon't fall asleep......... Don't fall asleep world of my two eyes, Because the star of Anni Potus will be coming up! One of the stars is János Kostyál's star, One another star is Anni Pótus's star.15 views -
FAUN featuring Lindy-Fay Hella - Galdra - German - 2022
DesireDeVereGaldra....... I saw you in a fever, and met you in a dream, on the highest mountain under the sky. Your eyelids made of reindeer skin are like ghosts, but strangely familiar Wizard, When your singing turns gray1 Wizard, We will ride the wind With herb and fire, with feather and stone, shall forest and meadows be your temple Wizard, When your singing turns gray Wizard, We will ride the wind34 views -
FAUN & Fatma Turgut - Umay - Turkish - 2023
DesireDeVereUMAY......... Basil in the gardens Basil in the gardens Who's that pretty girl? Who's that pretty girl? Oh, my beauty come to my side Let me wind round your neck silk kufiya Oh, my beauty come to my side Let me wind round your neck silk kufiya Orchard in the gardens Orchard in the gardens How much love is it worth How much love is it worth Oh, my beauty come to my side Let me wind round your neck scarlet roses Oh, my beauty come to my side Let me wind round your neck scarlet roses Umay* get ready! Umay Umay get ready! Umay Umay Umay Umay get ready! Chestnut in the gardens Chestnut in the gardens Falls off one by one Falls off one by one27 views -
Faun with Eluveitie - Gwydion - German - 2022
DesireDeVereGwydion......... The cold winter hindered us But now the wheel is turning I saw you in old dreams When I lay beneath the moon So from the deepest dream I woke up by your word Along with you are woods and trees proceeding to the final fight In the tight ban of the cold Your singing breezes from afar Gwydion1 Gwydion Son of the goddess, clairvoyant In the alder grove your light Unlock the winter´s catch from me Push away the night In the tight ban of the cold Your singing breezes from afar Gwydion Gwydion I have been in a multitude of shapes, Before I was unfettered. I have been a string in a harp, Disguised for nine years. I have been a tear in the air, I have been the dullest of stars. I have been a word among letters, I have been a book in my best age. I have been the light of lanterns, A year and a half. I have been a way, I have been an eagle. I have been a coracle in the seas: I have been a sword in the grasp of the hand I have been a shield in battle. Gwydion Gwydion Gwydion Gwydion33 views -
FAUN - Walpurgisnacht - German - 2017
DesireDeVereSaint Walpurga (born c. 710, probably in the kingdom of Wessex, England—died February 25, 779, Heidenheim, Alemannia [now in Germany]; feast day February 25) abbess and missionary who, with her brothers Willibald of Eichstätt and Winebald of Heidenheim, was important in St. Boniface’s organization of the Frankish church. Walpurga was a Benedictine at the monastery of Wimborne, Dorsetshire, when Winebald summoned her to rule the nuns at his double monastery of monks and nuns at Heidenheim, the only one of this type in 8th-century Germany. On his death in 761 she ruled the whole monastery. Buried at Heidenheim, her body was later moved and interred in the Church of the Holy Cross at Eichstätt. Soon after her death, memory of her seems to have become confused with that of Waldborg, a pre-Christian fertility goddess. On Walpurgis Night—the eve of May 1, the day on which her relics were taken to Eichstätt—witches are believed to rendezvous in the Harz mountains.23 views -
Faun - Aschenbrödel (Cinderella) - German - 2019
DesireDeVereCinderella......... Of noble figure and with eyes so delicate You must wear apron and rags With soot on the skin and with ashes in the hair You patiently endure the plagues So wash the soot off the skin Because miracles happen when you believe in them Do you know the time when your parents were still alive And you knew carefree dreams? Do you know the time when with flowing hair You found that magic hazel? So wash the soot off the skin Because miracles happen when you believe in them And in the dark a light shines A prince has redeemed you And with him you don't know about the shadows Do you know the time when in hunter's clothes You conquered the prince? Do you know the night, when in silk and velvet You swayed with him in the dance? So go with your head raised Because miracles happen when you believe in them And in the dark a light shines A prince has redeemed you And with him you don't know about the shadows And in the dark a light shines A prince has redeemed you And with him you don't know about the shadows And in the dark a light shines A prince has redeemed you And with him you don't know about the shadows31 views -
FAUN - Tanz mit mir - (Duet with Santiano) - German - 2013
DesireDeVereDance with me............. O come here, lovely, bring me the wine Bring me the wine, I'm thirsty here O come here, lovely, bring me the wine I'm all for wine, women and song1 I'll pour you one if you dance with me If you dance with me, then I'll go to you I'll pour you one if you dance with me Then you'll have wine, women and song. Oh come here, lovely, up on the table Up on the table, we'll dance up here Oh come here, lovely, up on the table So that everyone can watch us I'll get up there for a kiss from you A kiss from you, that's what I'm hoping for I'll get up there for a kiss from you Then I'll stand up there with you Sin is alluring And the flesh is weak Thus it shall always be The night is young And the Devil laughs Let's pour one for us now And later, lovely, share my bed with me Share my bed with me, so I'm not so cold And later, lovely, share my bed with me There's no shame in that Only if you've kissed no other today Kissed no other, if you're faithful to me Only if you've kissed no other today Otherwise you'll sleep alone Sin is alluring And the flesh is weak Thus it shall always be The night is young And the Devil laughs Let's pour one for us now I'll pour you one if you dance with me If you dance with me, right here and now I'll pour you one if you dance with me Then we'll dance, our bodies pressed together I'll pour you one if you dance with me If you dance with me, then I'll go to you I'll pour you one if you dance with me Then you'll have wine, women and song.28 views -
FAUN - Diese kalte Nacht - German - 2013
DesireDeVereTHIS COLD NIGHT....... This night is cold And the wind is blowing Through our country and who stilll goes now is a poor fool or on the way to your love Each trip is worth Ohhh Open up, let me inside Your lover stand in the moonlight This night is so cold So open up Then tomorrow will be so late My father watches over house and courtyard My door locks with an iron lock And i don't have any key for this There is no way to me tonight Ohhh, open up,let me inside Your lover stand in the moonlight This night is so cold So open up Then tomorrow will be so late Yes, the night is so cold Finally she opens him And she kisses her best cold forehead This night is so cold Yes she opens the door and he kisses her For seven times Ohhh, Open up, let me inside Your lover stand in the moonlight This night is so cold So open up Then tomorrow will be so late The morning is gray And the wind goes through our country Yes this girl lies in her best arm and thanks so much to this cold night and also to wind13 views