Supplement PsyOps
6 videos
Updated 9 months ago
Supplement PsyOps... avoid these traps at all costs
Using Nanotech to Solve the Nano Saturation Problem? (colloidal gold +)
Power of the PulseUse nano to cure nano? Use heavy metals to chelate heavy metals? Use lack of science to combat the mainstream misinformation? Uhhhhhh. Yeah, that makes sense Intro to anti-nano and protection: https://rumble.com/v3lmkx7-protect-from-vaccine-shedding-and-nanotechnology-how-we-do-it.html Male Conception Guide if interested: https://powerofthepulse.com/male-conception-guide 4 minute Zeolite rundown: https://rumble.com/v3vrwdj-zeolite-the-miracle-nano-cure-for-detoxing-nanotech.html 2 hour Zeolite investigation: https://rumble.com/v3s0emd-silica-and-zeolite-investigation-toxic-nano.html575 views 13 comments -
2½ Supplements I Would NEVER Use (this is hurting you)
Power of the Pulsehttps://powerofthepulse.com/signup/ ^^ signup to email list, when i complete the free guide I'll send it to you References and more info: https://powerofthepulse.com/sgt-supplements/ Listen to Tony Panta's podcast: https://independz.podbean.com/ If you know an Amanda + think this will genuinely benefit her... send this video to her. And if you're a Zoe: thank you ---- Legal Disclaimer ---- The information given in this video is entirely for educational purposes only. Use(s) of this information is entirely the responsibility of those who choose to apply this information towards their personal health and/or wellbeing. This information is not intended as a prescription, prognosis, or diagnosis of any diseases or illness, and should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment you may currently be undergoing. The information provided is solely the opinion of the individual (s) present in this video and is, again, for educational purposes only. Application of the information provided without the supervision of a licensed medical professional is done so at the individual's own risk.1.04K views 16 comments -
ZEOLITE: the miracle nano cure for detoxing nanotech
Power of the PulseIf you are unfamiliar with what I'm talking about here: a) watch a FULL scientific zeolite & silica investigation: https://rumble.com/v3s0emd-silica-and-zeolite-investigation-toxic-nano.html b) learn about anti-nano protection: https://rumble.com/v3lmkx7-protect-from-vaccine-shedding-and-nanotechnology-how-we-do-it.html If you watched this and didn't get offended, then you're my people. I made a free male hormonal guide for conception, if interested: https://powerofthepulse.com/male-conception-guide If you're already a Tony fan, here are all his links put in one place: https://powerofthepulse.com/tony600 views 4 comments -
Nanosilver brain damage... what a surprise
Power of the PulseNanotech brain damage P1: https://rumble.com/v3z9tc4-how-does-nanotechnology-damage-the-brain.html Blood brain barrier nanotoxicity: How does nanotechnology damage the brain? https://rumble.com/v3z9tc4-how-does-nanotechnology-damage-the-brain.html696 views 6 comments -
Zeolites Do Not Remove Heavy Metals
Power of the PulseTony's Podcast: https://independz.podbean.com/ Original: https://fightautismandwin.wordpress.com/safe-effective-chelation-2/zeolites-do-not-chelate-heavy-metals/ Short Zeolite vid: https://rumble.com/v3vrwdj-zeolite-the-miracle-nano-cure-for-detoxing-nanotech.html Long Zeolite vid: https://rumble.com/v3s0emd-silica-and-zeolite-investigation-toxic-nano.html My free male conception guide: https://powerofthepulse.com/male-conception-guide/776 views 10 comments -
How silica nanoparticles destroy the gut-brain connection (BEWARE)
Power of the PulseFull Silica toxicology paper: https://rumble.com/v3s0emd-silica-and-zeolite-investigation-toxic-nano.html For Tony P fans: https://powerofthepulse.com/tony/ Full paper used today: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352302403_Silicon_dioxide_nanoparticles_induced_neurobehavioral_impairments_by_disrupting_microbiota-gut-brain_axis Full credit for the two videos I showed here: - What is the brain-gut axis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c9sgzCya6E - Morris Water Maze video: https://youtu.be/leHLL4vcbCc Fight back against the fertility crisis (male conception guide): https://powerofthepulse.com/male-conception-guide530 views