🇺🇸The New Independance Day🫡
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Updated 4 months ago
Fight! Fight! Fight!
2024 Election Livestream of the Century: The Rumble on Rumble
Steven CrowderElection Day, 2024. Louder with Crowder presents: The Election Livestream of the Century: The Rumble on Rumble! Powered by Polymarket! Thank you for joining us in making history. This livestream is positioned not just as an alternative to mainstream media coverage but as a transformative event in how political news is consumed during elections, emphasizing direct, community-involved reporting and real-time interaction. We are simul-streaming with Dan Bongino, Piers Morgan, Russell Brand, Patrick Bet-David, Tim Pool, and other high-profile guests! We will remain live until the election is called, potentially lasting days or weeks. We unveil our cutting-edge, crowdsourced Election Integrity Map, using real-time qualitative data vetted and verified live by in-house journalist-moderators. The Election Integrity Map will display live video and photographic reports submitted by citizen journalists, highlighting election anomalies coast to coast. LIMITED TIME OFFER! Get 47% off new TRUMP WON shirt! Use PROMO CODE: TRUMPWON www.CrowderShop.com ANNOUNCING: Mug Club is now Rumble Premium! THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET THE "OG" MUG! Get $10 off with Promo Code: TRUMP47 JOIN NOW! Mug Club Army, you are able to upload shenanigans directly to us here: https://electionintegritymap.com/7.66M views 3.39K comments