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11 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Life Is Strange: True Colors is a graphic adventure video game developed by Deck Nine and published by Square Enix's European subsidiary. It was released in its entirety on 10 September 2021 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia, and will be released at a later date for Nintendo Switch. It is the fifth installment in the Life Is Strange series, and the third mainline game, succeeding Life Is Strange 2. The plot focuses on Alex Chen, a young woman who can experience the emotions of others, as she tries to solve the mystery behind her brother's death. Life Is Strange: True Colors is a graphic adventure played from a third-person view. The player controls the protagonist, Alex Chen, to explore various locations in the fictional setting of Haven Springs and communicate with non-playable characters through the conversation system based on dialogue trees.
  1. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.1- Alex Chen FULL GAME
  2. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.2- Gabe Chen FULL GAME
  3. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.3 - Steph FULL GAME
  4. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.4 - Typhon FULL GAME
  5. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.5 - Larp FULL GAME
  6. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.6 - Love Is In The Air FULL GAME
  7. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.7 - Arrest FULL GAME
  8. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough Finale & Ending FULL GAME
  9. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.1 - Wavelength DLC FULL GAME
  10. LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Gameplay Walkthrough EP.2 - Wavelength DLC FULL GAME