Roads To 9/11 Series With Adam Fitzgerald
17 videos
Updated 11 months ago
An 17 part series that will center on a timeline that covers many areas regarding the geopolitical history of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. Richard Cox (Deep Space Consciousness) and Adam Fitzgerald speak at length which varies from the 1993 WTC Bombing, Bojinka Plot, The Algerian Civil War to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. This series was also the precursor to The Darkened Hour podcast.
The Rise Of Radical Islam
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on November 8.2018. This is the first episode in the first segment of an interview series with Adam Fitzgerald, looking at the deep history that led to the events of September 11th. In this segment we will be looking at the rise of radical Islam and how it was fueled by collusion with Western governments, seeking to suppress Nationalist movements in the Arab world.19 views -
The Afghanistan Soviet War
AdamFitzgerald911In this second episode Adam explains how the collusion between This video was recorded on November 24,2018. Western governments and radical Islam was ratcheted up during the Afghan Soviet War, and the disastrous consequences of this policy for the long suffering people of Afghanistan.18 views -
The Algerian Civil War
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on November 29,2018. In this episode we look at some of the fall out of the Afghan Soviet war, when radicalized Muslims return to their home countries and are met by popular Islamic political movements. We focus on Algeria, where the country descended into civil war and look at claims of collusion between the Algerian state and the Islamists.8 views -
The Origins Of Al Qaeda
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on December 10,2018. In this episode of the Roads to 9/11 series, Adam Fitzgerald explains how the organization we know as Al Qaeda arose out of the Afghan-Soviet war. He describes the size and scope of the organization against claims of it being everything from all consuming to non-existent.19 views -
Central Asia & Azerbaijan
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on January 9,2019. In this latest episode Adam explains how the Pakistani ISI, CIA and MI6 continued to support Islamic extremists after the Soviet-Afghan, in an attempt to control the direction of former Soviet republics. We look particularly at Azerbaijan, where the prize of control over gas fields was up for grabs.10 views -
The Breakup Of Yugoslavia
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on January 24,2018. In the latest episode in the series Adam Fitzgerald explains Western governments continued use of Islamist forces, this time to facilitate the breakup of Yugoslavia.21 views -
The First Gulf War
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on February 7,2019. In this episode of our continuing series, Adam Fitzgerald explains the history of Iraq and role of the Gulf War on the rise of Islamist terrorism.13 views -
Islamist Terror Comes To The United States
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on February 13,2019. In this episode Adam explains the origins of Islamist terrorism inside the United States, with the CIA facilitating the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman coming to New York and the ensuing assassinations of Jewish extremist Meir Kahane and Islamist Mustafa Shalabi. Note: The audio comes in and out a bit.16 views -
The World Trade Centre 1993 Bombing
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on February 27,2019. In this episode Adam explains how the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Centre happened. We talk about how the FBI successfully infiltrated the terrorist cell, positioning itself to stop the plot, only to pull out their mole allowing the bombing to proceed. We are left to speculate as to the motives for this.23 views -
The New York Landmarks Plot
AdamFitzgerald911This video was recorded on March 18,2019. In this episode of our series Adam explains the post WTC 93 bombing plot to blow up famous New York landmarks, Emad Salem's infiltration of the terrorist cell and the eventual arrest of the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and his co-conspirators.12 views