kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER20 views -
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER16 views -
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER JUST ATTACKED BY NAZIS IN PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR UPLOADING. 9 YEARS OF THIS SALI AND HIS GIRLFRIEND NURSES FROM TORONTO WITH TURKISH NURSES TORTURING PEOPLE IN ST MARIEN HOSPITAL. TORTURED DR ATILLA OZBURUN OFFICE DORMAGEN 3.10.2024 STOLE ALL MEDICAL NOTES TORTURE 2018 2021 SAME IN CANADA. SAME IN SCOTLAND SAME ALL OVER GERMANY19 views -
leverkusen emergency threatened to kill me. 9 years prisoner tortured by stasis and nazis. help.
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER tortured dortmund bochum meerbusch dusseldorf essen koln mulheim an der rhur velbert monchgladbach ratingen castrop rexall35 views -
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER23 views -
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER TORTURED DUSSELDORF KOLN RATINGEN WILLICH ANRATH DUISBURG STUTTGART DORTMUND ESSEN CASTROP REXALL ESSEN WERDEN SANKT AUGUSTIN MONCHENGLADBACH DUREN AUGSBURG ULM EVERY INTERNET CABLE IS HACKED IN GERMANY SO YOU ARE STALKED NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. ENTIRE COUNTRY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. WHAT DID GERMANY GET PAID FOR AT LEAST 40 MILLION TO DESTROY ME NO VISA PASSPORT TRAPPED TORTURED 9 YEARS11 views -
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER TORTURED DUSSELDORF KOLN RATINGEN WILLICH ANRATH DUISBURG STUTTGART DORTMUND ESSEN CASTROP REXALL ESSEN WERDEN SANKT AUGUSTIN MONCHENGLADBACH DUREN AUGSBURG ULM THEY ASSAULT ANIMALS AND CHILDREN IN FRONT OF YOU EVERY INTERNET CABLE IS HACKED IN GERMANY SO YOU ARE STALKED NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. ENTIRE COUNTRY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. WHAT DID GERMANY GET PAID FOR AT LEAST 40 MILLION TO DESTROY ME NO VISA PASSPORT TRAPPED TORTURED 9 YEARS13 views -
MULHEIM an der rhur is a killer conducting nazi experiments mostly carried out by muslims
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER18 views -
polizei ring your phone 24 hours a day. GERMANY KILL HUMANS GERMANY FOR MONEY. EVIL
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER40 views 1 comment -
kamillaharris2024AKTENZEICHEN VORGANGSNUMMER 240816 1345 087358 AMPTSGERICT DUSSELDORF 13:8:2024 TORTURED BY MULHEIM AN DER RHUR VSECURITY STAFF. MULHEIM AN DER RHUR POLIZEI. DUSSELDORF POLIZEI. ALMOST DIED RATINGEN PRISON 1. Everything stolen Dusseldorf on Theodre Heiss Bruke which polizei refused to log. 2. Because I have a big legal battle that has gone on a long time with my employer I had all my technology stolen several times. 3. Dominic Pocher wrote email to postelle.duesseldorf@polizei.nrw.de. 15.08.2024. 4. Gefangenenfursorge wrotre email 19.08.2024 5. 8.8.2024 at Mulheim hospital trying to take a few plastic bottles to finance medication after a brutal beating the polizei in Dusseldorf refused to record. 6. 4 polizei turned up to hospital put a black bag over my head. Never spoke one word to me in English. Threw me on the ground. Put me in handcuffs. 7. I don’t know whether the knocked me out by punching me or drugging me but I woke up in Mulheim an der Rhur Polizei station chained to a chair both hands and legs. 8. Polizei laughing station what will we do with him. 9. I was left with no water or food not allowed to talk. 10. Asked to speak to my consulate and polizei punched me in the face told me to shut the fuck up. 11. After 9 hours the polizei still never read me my rights never told me where I was going not a word. 12. Again I asked to speak to my consulate. Punched and told to shut the fuck up. 13. Three polizei grabbed me by the throat and threw me in a sealed box with my arms and legs chained together. 14. Marched out to a building that was Ratingen prison. I asked why am I being arrested why am, I in prison. Polizei proceeded to beat me for 20 minutes. 15. All my clothes were ripped off and I was thrown in a cell with no toilet, no bed no food or water. The room had 4 window where polizei sit and stare at you with no clothes. 16. Then blast music through the intercom so you cant sleep and terrorize you in the room. 17. They then start a campaign of flashing lights. 18. Denied all medication whereby I could have had a heart attack. 19. When I asked for help they said you are in Germany speak German. 20. I have no idea how many days I was in there but they tortured me every day. 21. Taken out the prison placed in chains again. Taken to courthouse on shadowplatz. Again I asked for my consulate. 22. I can hardly see after the brutal beatings from polizei. Presented to lawyer lars horst. Everything was in German. Denied any interpreter. The court was completely in German and lawyer Lars horst said the court states you are a criminal for stealing a plastic bottle value 8 euro if you sign this document to say you are a criminal you can go now otherwise you go back to prison and we torture you. 23. Faked a signature. 24. Lars horst disappeared and I walked out onto Konigsalle Dusseldorf. 25. Given 1 backpack back which polizei destroyed. They took a hammer to my laptop took the hard drive out broke the keyboard cut up my backpack so it doesn’t zip stole all my clothes and almost 20 terra byte of evidence including European Court of Human Rights: 26. Lars horst refuses to speak to me: his secretary threw papers on the floor starting the stolen technology is at PP DUSSELDORF PI SUD PW BILK FAHRSTRASSE 31. 27. Polizei laughing denied having it told me to go back to lawyer. Secretary threw new papers on the ground stating the technology is at the prison.- I went to the prison and Mulheim Polizei all deny having the technology. 28. Then exhausted advised to go to Diakonie Caritas and 50 50 who all became violent calling me an Irish pig and spit in my face. 29. IT HAS NOW BEEN OVER 1 MONTH AND MY HEALTH IS FAILING. 30. CANADIAN CONSULATE SAID THEY WOULD PAY FOR A NEWPASSORT AND FLIGHT BUT I NEED TO BE MEDICALY FIT TO FLY AND I NEED THE TECHNOLOGY BACK. 31. I AM BY MYSELF; NO FAMILY BUT I WILL NEED TO RELY ON FRIENDSWHEN I GET BACK TO CANADA. 32. I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD AND MEDICATION AND A LEGAL LETTER SENT TO POLIZEI BREAKING EVERY HUMAN RIGHT WRITTEN AND MY TECHNOLOGY BACK. REGARDS MR FRASER19 views