Alex Jones Show 8-14-2008
AAlex Jones Archive ProjectAlex talks with Barbara Lowe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, the producer of Loose Change, Korey Rowe, and Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change. With mounting evidence of a link between vaccines and autism, many parents are becoming educated about the dangers, which is why governments and big pharma have resolved to launch PR campaigns in a desperate attempt to offset cynicism.74 views -
Alex Jones Show 5-2-2008 Part 2
AAlex Jones Archive ProjectToday Alex welcomes in-studio guest Texe Marrs, author of over 40 books, including Codex Magica, and a documentary filmmaker. Alex and Texe discuss the agenda to create artificial oil, water and food scarcity as part of the agenda to sink the middle class and the "suicide" of the DC Madam. Alex also welcomes back historian Michael A. Hoffman to discuss the history of the Illuminati and the Zionist influence. Click here for part one - click here to watch part two.84 views -
Alex Jones Show 5-13-2008
AAlex Jones Archive ProjectAlex welcomes Robert Gaylon Ross, author of The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK, in studio to discuss the new world order structure. Alex is also joined by Bilderberg sleuth Tony Gosling to discuss if the Bilderberg Group really did meet this past weekend in Athens and how they managed to completely evade detection.52 views -
Alex Jones Show 5-15-2008
AAlex Jones Archive ProjectIn this video, Alex laments at how American police used to be the most respected in the world yet now they are among the most feared and despised due to an pandemic of police brutality sweeping the country while real victims are insulted when they need help. Officer Jack Boot also makes a brief re-appearance! Alex also provides a simple and effective solution to solve the illegal alien problem in America.34 views -
Alex Jones Show 5-19-2008
AAlex Jones Archive ProjectAlex discusses a New York Times article that celebrates the fact that the number of tips being called into Crime Stoppers is increasing because people are turning in their neighbors and family members for cash. Alex also welcomes We Are Change Ohio members who were assaulted and had their cameras seized and the memory sticks erased by cops for asking Oliver North a question about FEMA concentration camps.26 views -
Alex Jones Show 5-21-2008 Part 1
AAlex Jones Archive ProjectAlex is joined by Jason Bermas to talk about former Governor Jesse Ventura's statements on the Howard Stern Show in which he went further than ever before on 9/11 and discussed the insurance fraud aspect of inside job complicity, in addition to the JFK assassination. In part 2, Alex is joined in studio by Randy Kelton, a longtime Judicial activist instructing and forcing Prosecutors and Judges to follow the law. Part 1/Part2.67 views -
Alex Jones Show 8-18-2008
AAlex Jones Archive ProjectAlex welcomes former NASA analyst and author of Challenger Revealed: An Insider’s Account of How the Reagan Administration Caused the Greatest Tragedy of the Space Age, Richard C. Cook, and retired CIA officer and political activist, Ray McGovern.50 views -
Alex Jones Show 8-21-2008
AAlex Jones Archive ProjectAlex talks with Francis A. Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law and bioweapons advisor for the Bush Senior administration about his belief the anthrax attacks were a false flag operation. Alex also talks with political activist Mark Dice, organizer of Operation Inform the Soldiers, an effort to educate U.S. soldiers in Iraq to the fact 9/11 was an inside job.51 views