Ashayana Deane—Ascension Mechanics (Keylontic Science) • PARTS 1-3 ꧁2010 Interview w/ Kerry Cassidy꧂ 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
WEin5DTarot🔴 Kerry Cassidy’s Project Camelot Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/projectcamelot 🔴 Is the 5D 🌎 Timeline in Delay?: https://youtu.be/3SYzP1PYong 🔴 A 6000+ Year History of the N̰̜͉͔ͬ̽͢W̸͈ͯ̾̒̿O̵̷̪̰ͩ͆ͅ, it’s Annunaki Roots, the Current Great Awakening, and the Future 5D New Earth! (1h 42m): https://youtu.be/ykStcE5oYPE 🔴 Will 7rump Win the 2O2O EL3C710N?: https://youtu.be/Mh4EXgm4E6Y 🔴 What Happens Next?—EL3CT10N 2O2O—The Optical Illusion of Nov 2020: https://youtu.be/Q-UUmwv4VgE ⬇️ MORE VIDEOS DOWN BELOW ⬇️ ⚖️ If you would like to donate in support of the channel it is deeply appreciated, and you can do so through Venmo @WEin5DTarot (look for the same logo from this YouTube channel), or through PayPal at: https://www.paypal.me/beauti7ulscars Energetic generosity does not go unnoticed! 🔮 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆/𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑰𝑵𝑮 🔮 Live Face-to-Face via FaceTime or Skype: 30 min/$75, 60 min/$130, 90 min/$170, or 120 min/$200. Video Recording with 1 main question and 1 sub-question: $95 (time will vary, but questions will be answered in a MINIMUM of 30 min, and the video is yours). To book a reading Email me at StarseedConnectionTarot@Gmail.com, my reply will contain a form, fill out the form to complete booking. Remember that YOU are the creator of your own reality.. every time, no exception! And no reading trumps this factor. If you don’t like where you’re vibration is at you can change it TODAY and the reading can guide you in how to do that. 📺 OTHER HELPFUL VIDEOS— 🔴 🙏🏽 FREE 🙏🏽 Yoga Nidra by Tyler: https://youtu.be/_HpXIrVrS64 🔴 Will Trump Win 🇺🇸 The 2020 Election?: https://youtu.be/Mh4EXgm4E6Y 🔴 Open Level Yoga 🧘♂️ with WE in 5D Tarot: https://youtu.be/Eys0vucvqEo 🔴 Abraham Hicks 💑 Manifesting Your Soulmate: https://youtu.be/6-foQ1E48Ys 🔴 Dolores Cannon 🌠 Are You a Starseed/One of the 3 Waves of Volunteers?: https://youtu.be/9D5wHQyW1Ws 🔴 Dolores Cannon 👥 Who Are the Backfill People?: https://youtu.be/0Blu9yQr83I 🔴 Dolores Cannon 🌎 Transitioning Into New Earth: https://youtu.be/ZZC01yvQYYs 🔴 Does Dolores Cannon Believe in Malevolent 👽 ET’s?: https://youtu.be/aiigrkBZ4o0 🔴 Abraham Hicks ✨ You’re The Creator of Your Reality.. Every Time, No Exception‼️: https://youtu.be/oZPtZtA1kdo 🔴 What is Coronavirus? 🦠 (Collective Reading): https://youtu.be/YPAZFDVfURI 🔴 Sandra Rolus' Ho'oponopono 🌈 Forgiveness/Healing/Self-Love Meditation/Prayer: https://youtu.be/QQTtoOBaypw 🃏🎴🀄️ Tarot Decks used in my readings— Dreams of Gaia Tarot: https://amzn.to/2JY5EQM Golden Universal Tarot: https://amzn.to/2R8cHu7 Tarot De La Nuit: https://amzn.to/3dYZtJJ Classic Rider Waite Deck: https://amzn.to/39E25tm Messages From Your Angels by Doreen Virtue (Extremely Rare Deck): https://amzn.to/2Rewjwv Whispers of Love Oracle Deck: https://amzn.to/3dVxD1d Romance Angels by Doreen Virtue: https://amzn.to/3htGoBr Transparent Tarot: https://amzn.to/2Yc5qNX Magikal Spellcards: https://amzn.to/3hwP35X Zodiac Oracle: https://amzn.to/2UPTpLT Lover's Path Tarot: https://amzn.to/3fqG8RC Golden Art Nouveau Tarot: https://amzn.to/3hz4kTM #AshayanaDeane #AscensionMechanics #KelonticScience #WEin5DTarot #LawOfAttraction #MASTERofLawOfAttraction #AbrahamHicks #Karma #KarmicContract #LOA #AscensionSymptoms #DNAupgrade #Tarot #TwinFlameReading #RoseanneBarr #TwinFlameUpdate #TwinFlames #SoulmateReading #DivineMasculineReading #DivineFeminineReading #DivineMasculine #DivineFeminine #MagentaPixie #LawOfKarma #KarmicContracts #TarotReading #Tarotscope #DoloresCannon #KerryCassidy #ProjectCamelot #NewEarth #5DEarth #Extraterrestrials #WEin5D #TheGreatAwakening #AaronDoughty #GreatAwakening7.17K views 9 comments -
Ashayana Deane—HISTORY: “Jesus Christ” or Accurately Described [The Kryst (Yeshua-12 Melkizadek)], The False Cruci-FICTION, The 3 “Christs”, and the Creation of The Bible! ✷ Arguably the Most Sophisticated Esoteric Knowledge to Date
WEin5DTarot🌐 Ashayana Deane’s Website: https://www.arhayas.com/ 6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ Mechanics of The Beast: https://rumble.com/vvsqe7-ashayana-deane.html?mref=5l24d&mc=84lng 🔺 Ashayana Deane—Illuminati Origins (2011): https://rumble.com/vwsod9-ashayana-deaneilluminati-race-origins.html 🌌 Ashayana Deane—Histories of The Universe (2002): https://rumble.com/vut3ze-earths-histories-human-races-and-esoteric-and-annunaki-mystery-school-teach.html ⬇️ Other Helpful Videos ⬇️ 📜 A 6000+ Year History of the New World Order, it’s Annunaki Roots, the Current Great Awakening, and the Future 5D New Earth! (1h 40m): https://rumble.com/vca5vh-new-world-ordera-6000-year-history-annunaki-roots-the-current-great-awakeni.html?mref=5l24d&mc=84lng 👽 “Alien Beings and UFOs” Marathon Special: https://rumble.com/vs1wq9-unsolved-mysteriesufo-special-.html 🌎 Robert Morning Sky 🌌 History of Earth, and the FULL DETAILED ACCOUNTS of The Annunaki (or the “Dak”): https://rumble.com/vbf3c9--terra-papers-robert-morning-sky-the-dakdoggod-anubisannunaki-the-global-el.html?mref=5l24d&mc=84lng 🌈 Dolores Cannon—Transitioning Into 5D/New Earth: https://rumble.com/vbqq39-dolores-cannontransitioning-into-the-new-earth-5d-earth.html?mref=5l24d&mc=84lng 🍄 Shrooms–The Interview: https://rumble.com/vkhitb-shrooms-the-interview-my-experience-of-oneness.html 🧘♂️ Open Level Yoga with WEin5DTarot: https://rumble.com/vbn30n-open-level-yoga-with-we-in-5d-tarot.html?mref=5l24d&mc=84lng 🎵 The WEin5DTarot Theme Song (Official Music Video): https://rumble.com/vie6zh-the-we-in-5d-tarot-theme-song-forbidden-the-undecided-remix.html 📲 Download the Full WEin5DTarot Theme Song— 🍎pple iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/forbidden-remix/385888563?i=385888581 🅰️mazon: https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Undecided-Remix-Michael/dp/B002OQK0FS 🪑 Me, WE in 5D Tarot, in the “Hot Seat” with Abraham Hicks: https://rumble.com/vc3iqd-abraham-hicksthe-path-of-least-resistance.html —Social Media— 🌎 UNIFYD Social— 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚: https://unifyd.com/groups/we-in-5d-tarot/ 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍: https://unifyd.com/profile/areuready2jump/ 📷 Instagram: @WEin5DTarot (this is a private account—you must DM me identifying yourself as a WEin5DTarot Rumble viewer to have your requested follow accepted). For desktop: https://www.instagram.com/wein5dtarot/ L🔴CALS: https://wein5dtarot.locals.com ⚖️ If you would like to donate in support of the WEin5DTarot channel it is deeply appreciated, and you can do so 1 of 3 different ways— 𝑷𝒂𝒚𝑷𝒂𝒍: https://www.paypal.me/beauti7ulscars —Or— 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒐 using the Email: 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁@𝗴𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺 —Or— 𝒁𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 using the Email: 𝗔𝗿𝗲𝗨𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆𝟮𝗝𝘂𝗺𝗽@𝗚𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺 🔮 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆/𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑰𝑵𝑮 🔮 Live & Face to Face: 30 min/$75, 60 min/$130, 90 min/$170, or 120 min/$200. To book with me Email me at StarseedConnectionTarot@Gmail.com. You will receive a form to fill out to complete the booking of your reading. Remember that YOU are the creator of your own reality.. every time, no exception! And no reading trumps this factor. If you don’t like where your vibration is at you can change it TODAY and the reading can guide you in how to do that. #AshayanaDeane #Camelot #ProjectCamelot #KerryCassidy #AbrahamHicks #LOA #Ascension #AscensionMechanics #KelonticScience #LawOfAttraction #Metatron #Elohim #Anu #Annunaki #Anunnaki #Annu #Illuminati #Cabal #NWO #NewWorldOrder #Elite #Rome #Leviathan #DNA #LeviathanRaces #Jesus #Yeshua #JesusChrist #Kryst #Krystic7.54K views 7 comments