Evidence for Christianity
12 videos
Updated 1 year ago
The Christian faith is based on a historical person and historical events. It is reasonable, logical, historical, and defendable. These videos present some of that evidence for consideration.
The Case for Christianity - 1 Does God Exist
The Christian CaseThis lesson presents several lines of evidence for the existence of God145 views -
The Case for Christianity - 2 Can We Trust THE BIBLE?
The Christian CaseTHE BIBLE is the most unique book ever written! THE BIBLE is the "word of God"? These are bold claims, but what's most important is whether they are true statements! This video seeks to explore the evidence and whether it supports these claims.195 views 1 comment -
The Bible - Bible Translations Explained
The Christian CaseWhy do we have so many different translations of THE BIBLE? What are the differences? Which one should I read? This video seeks to answer those questions.47 views 3 comments -
The Case for Christianity - 3 Is the Old Testament Reliable?
The Christian CaseHas the Old Testament been reliably transmitted from the original authors to our current day BIBLE? Is there archeological or documentary evidence to support the validity of the accounts described in the Old Testament?13 views -
The Case for Christianity - 4 Is the New Testament Reliable?
The Christian CaseIs the New Testament we have in our current BIBLE an accurate transmission of what the original authors wrote? What is the manuscript evidence? Are there sources outside the New Testament which provide evidence of the reliability? How about non-Christian sources, do any confirm what THE BIBLE claims?11 views -
The Case for Christianity - 5 Messianic Prophesies
The Christian CaseThe Old Testament contains hundreds of passages which indicate who the Messiah, Anointed One, Christ, would be. When He would come, what He would do, what would come of Him. They were all written many centuries before Jesus of Nazareth was born, but they point distinctly to Him. This video explores some of these important prophecies.12 views -
The Case for Christianity - 6 The Jesus of History
The Christian CaseAn exploration of the evidence we have outside the New Testament for Jesus of Nazareth. What do these sources tell us about Him?19 views -
The Case for Christianity - 7 The Resurrection
The Christian CaseAn examination of the evidence regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Is it reasonable to believe it as a historical fact? What are the arguments attempting to dispute it?23 views -
The Case for Christianity - 8 How Can Jesus be the Only Way?
The Christian CaseA discussion about the issue of Christian claims to exclusivity. Where does the belief that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven come from? Are all religions essentially the same?31 views -
The Case for Christianity - 9 Are Christians Hypocrites?
The Christian CaseChristians are sometimes accused of being "holier than thou"; or the failings of Christians in very public ways is pointed to as discrediting the faith. How are such charges best approached?18 views