I'M IN WONDERLAND! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 13
JordanxPenguinI'M IN WONDERLAND! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 13 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:12 (NLT) Wisdom will save you from evil people, from those whose words are twisted. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.51 views -
HELLO HARLEEN😏 - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 12
JordanxPenguinHELLO HARLEEN😏 - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 12 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:11 (NLT) Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.33 views 1 comment -
EVERYTHING SHALL BURN! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 11
JordanxPenguinEVERYTHING SHALL BURN! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 11 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:10 (NLT) For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.58 views -
JOKER'S ORIGIN - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 10
JordanxPenguinJOKER'S ORIGIN - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 10 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:9 (NLT) Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.53 views -
NAH HE TOO BIG😶- Batman Arkham Origins - Part 9
JordanxPenguinNAH HE TOO BIG😶- Batman Arkham Origins - Part 9 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:8 (NLT) He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.45 views 2 comments -
SHE TRYNA BITE ME! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 6
JordanxPenguinSHE TRYNA BITE ME! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 6 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:4 (NLT) Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.16 views -
SHE DESERVED BETTER😭 - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 5
JordanxPenguinSHE DESERVED BETTER😭 - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 5 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:3 (NLT) Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.12 views -
BATGIRL ORIGINS! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 4
JordanxPenguinBATGIRL ORIGINS! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 4 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:2 (NLT) Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.30 views 1 comment -
DEATHSTROKE IS TUFF! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 3
JordanxPenguinDEATHSTROKE IS TUFF! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 3 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 2:1 (NLT) My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.49 views 1 comment -
HE'S TOO EASY! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 2
JordanxPenguinHE'S TOO EASY! - Batman Arkham Origins - Part 2 Hope Y'all Enjoy! Remember To Like, Share And FOLLOW!😁😁😁 Proverbs 1:33 (NLT) But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm.” Batman: Arkham Origins is an action-adventure video game developed by Warner Bros Game Montreal and It was released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U, and PC (Microsoft Windows). The game is the third entry in the popular Batman Arkham mythos and a will serve as a prequel to the two previous games in the series, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. About five to seven years before the events of Arkham Asylum Batman is on the verge of completing his second year of crime fighting and for the most part is use to fighting those who are weaker and slower then him. That all changes on Christmas eye when Black Mask puts a 50 000 dollar and one night deadline bounty on the Batman's head. The bounty has drawn the attention of eight of the best contract killers in the world whom one by one Batman has to defeat while at the same time dealing with the enigmatic Anarky, the crazed clown like villain The Joker, and earn the trust of Police Captain James Gordon. Batman learns of a breakout at Blackgate Prison being led by Black Mask who has also taken Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb hostage. Arriving at the Prison Batman discovers a ferocious humanoid Crocodile like creature calling himself Killer Croc aiding Black Mask. Tracking Black Mask and Loeb to the execution chamber Black Mask states that he's starting a clean slate, of which Loeb is not a part of. Simultaneously releasing Calendar Man and killing Loeb in his place Black Mask makes his escape while Killer Croc fights Batman. Defeating Croc Batman threatens to throw him off a cliff while Croc mockingly explains that Black Mask has set up a contest of sorts inviting 8 of the world's top assassins to kill Batman in one night for a 50 000 dollar bounty. Escaping the GCPD as they retake the prison Batman goes back to the Batcave to analyze the data from a drone he found in the prison and learns that including Croc there are a total of 8 assassins trying to kill Batman: The veteran mercenary Deathstroke. The unrivaled marksman Deadshot. The Spanish super soldier Bane. The unstable pyromaniac Firefly. The Tazer gauntlet armed Electrocutioner. The unmatched Lady Shiva. And the mysterious Copperhead.18 views