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E400 - E500 Mike in the Night!

84 videos
Updated 9 months ago
Buy Mike A Coffee - Link to the Most Powerful Glutathione in the World This Channel is 100% Free and Clear ! We Get Zero 0$ Dollars for doing this show Mike in the Night since 2016 - We Strive for the Truth and only the truth ! Hear it here 1st folks before it becomes Mainstream Via Rumble Hero's , Twitter stars , YT influencers , Join our 100 Man Army by simply viewing and sharing the show . #mikeinthenight #mikemartins With over 5k Videos and 1977 Live streams since 2012 Mike has been searching for the truth, in a bustling digital competitive landscape, one man's voice echoed louder than most. Mike Martins, the host of the popular call-in show "Mike in the Night," had become a beacon of truth in an era of uncertainty. Mikes Series, Mike in the Night started in 2016 , With over 500 live streams under his belt, Mike had earned the title of "The Voice of the Commonwealth," a moniker that he
  1. Mike in the Night! , E500, All Future Elections are Rigged, Call ins from all over the world, Short-term face mask use causes carbon dioxide poisoning, Biden Is Quietly, Deceitfully Advancing WEF Agenda to Ban Cash In America
  2. Mike in The Night! E499 - Only 0.3% of science papers state humans are the cause of climate change Current Events, Call ins , WEF world Communist Takeover, Taiwan Predicts Conflict with China
  3. Mike in the night E498 - Data confirms a devastating 5162% increase in Excess Deaths in 2022, Hillary Tells Foreign Media that she Could do the Job , Ukraine Proxy war is Fizzling Out!
  4. Mike in the Night! E497 - 5G Destruction, food supply bioweapons, CONTROLLED DEMOLITION
  5. Mike in the night! E496, Skyscraper Dark Ages Ahead , Government confirms horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in 482 died within a month, Youth dying in Mass, Wars Ahead
  6. Mike in the Night E495, Tens of thousands of demonstrators protest against Netanyahu's 'judicial reforms' for 14th consecutive week, Global bankruptcy, World Wide Protests, Youth Dying in Mass
  7. Mike in the Night 494, Patriot Act 2.0, s686 Restrict act, Trump Distraction , Seriously damaged Hearts due to covid Vaccines, Hot war Ahead!, Major Cover ups !
  8. Mike in the Night E493, FDA confirms Graphene Oxide, is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines, Headline News, U.S. dollar loses global reserve currency status,
  9. Mike in the Night! 492, UK Oncologist warns Cancers are rapidly developing, post-Covid Vaccination, CITIES IN COLLAPSE, Retailers, businesses are fleeing, rampant violence, theft, World Wide Riots, Exodus of Big Cities!
  10. Mike in the Night E491, Macron losing His grip, Protesters clashed with French security forces Thursday in the most serious violence, World Hunger Soring, Next Pandemic Is Ready